Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Week 21: Another Spanish Holiday!

Hey howdy hey :)

Another week in the books here and obviously wherever you are in the world. Also another week with a holiday here in Spain. This makes the 3rd week in a row with a holiday sometime during the week.

SO let's see... Tuesday (meeting day) we were supposed to have district meeting, but since it was the first full week of the month, we didn't have it because of zone conference. We had a cita planned with some of our investigators named Nancy and Cesar, but right before we were about the leave they called us and said they had too much stuff to do to get ready for the holiday. The festivos here are literally a 3 day event. You have the day before where everyone sets up and gets ready, the day of where everyone drinks and parties forever, and then the day after where everyone is hung over. It’s really quite sad actually, but maybe by the time I get home I'll be understand it. So they bailed on us. That night we had our weekly correlation with our ward mission leader. He told us he wants us to work a ton this week with less active members, so we can do that. After that we had our ward counsel meeting with all the leaders of our ward. As a missionary there’s not a lot for us to do in that meeting.

Wednesday was the holiday so it was mostly filled with contacting In the street and getting shut down by people asking us why we weren't in our piso for the holiday. When there's a holiday here, the streets are literally empty. We probably saw 10 people outside that morning. Elder Layton had to go to Màlaga to get his residency card that night and his bus left around 5:30. His comp Elder Harvey was with us while he was gone so that was fun to be in a trio. We have a member who owns a pizzeria in a city just out of Almería in our area that said we could come by sometime and he'd give us free pizza, and since it was a holiday and nobody would answer their phones, we figured going to his place was the only thing we could do. BUT, of course since it was a holiday, the buses weren't coming back and forth from the pueblo. So, once again, we were contacting the few people we saw in the streets. We met this guy named Daniel, he's a nice guy and he is like a Kung Foo master. He's freakin' ripped and he owns this tea store and he gave us his number and told us to come by his tea store sometime soon. So we will see where that goes!

Thursday we had a cita planned with a recent convert named Nadie, who is the family that Sam Curtis is staying here with while he's here. That's the guy who I found out is my 3rd cousin that I took a picture with a couple weeks ago. Since Sam wasn't in the house, we couldn't go in, so yet another cita fell through. :/ We tried calling all of our investigators but like I said, the day after the holidays, not very many people answer their phones. Around 4, we made our way down the the bus stop and waited for Elder Layton. He got in at about 4:30 then they went to their piso and we came to ours and it was a wreck so we cleaned it. It looks brand new. Again, we'll see how long that lasts. Hahaha. Then after that, we went down to see if Daniel was at 'Tea Time' (the name of his tea place) but the lady who was working there (his girlfriend) said he was at a friend’s house. Since Wednesday was a holiday, we figured none of the guys would come to English class, so we moved it to Thursday. Aaaannndd still nobody came haha.

Friday was a productive day finally! We had to sleepover at the other Elder’s piso cuz we had to catch a bus to Granada at 9:30 in the morning for zone meeting! The bus ride was 2 hours, so we got there around 11:30 and walked another 15 minutes to the church. I got to see Elder Baumgart who is a good friend from the MTC so that was fun.

Saturday we had soccer scheduled with investigators and some members, but Elder Harvey called us and said he wasn't feeling good so he canceled it. So we just went to Hermana Silvia's house for our weekly eating cita we have with her! She has 2 sons one of them is 18 and he wants to be a rapper. Every other weekend he travels to Madrid to do rap-offs. He showed me one of his videos and it's to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air words in Spanish but to like his own beat that he made. Let me tell you that stuff was straight fuego! Apparently he won some money because of that song, I'm not really sure how it all works though. Anyway the other son is 15 or 16 and he plays baseball so we always talk about baseball whenever I go over. :)

Sunday was a good Sunday. In our Sunday school class we talked about La Santa Cena y que significa para nosotros. And then in priesthood we talked a little bit about Howard W Hunter. He was pretty interesting and only served as a prophet for a year. We tried to set up some citas for this week but nobody likes us and is too busy.. Elder Rex and I are considering moving to the other Elder’s area cuz all the members in our area never have time for us two cuties. ;)

Well folks, there ya have it. My week. Some ups and downs. Seriously times going by so fast and I'm still trying to comprehend how. Enjoy your lives while you can and don't let a single moment slip away from you. Trust me, I would know. I'm almost 19!  I LOVE YOU ALL SO FREAKING MUCH AND I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GREAT SEMANA!!!! Feel free to let me know if I can do anything for any of you. You have my email if you need me :)

Elder Hammond

My new Spanish suit.

This was a beautiful cathedral we went to for PDay this week.

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