Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 8: A Better Week in Cordoba!

This week was a little bit better than last week! We didn't get bailed on as much as we did last week but obviously there were still some flakes. 

Highlight of the Week:
On Tuesday, we had our first meeting with our branch mission leader. It was hard to focus because we had the meeting in his house and there's this old guy who's crazy that they take care of. He reminds me of the old grandpa in the show Drake and Josh that still thinks he's in the war and uses his slipper as a Walky-Talky and just yells USA hahahahaha only few people will understand how truly crazy he is! Anyways, he kept just staring at me and about 20 minutes Into our meeting, he was sick of sitting there and waiting so he started to get up and leave. He put his coat on and his hat (took him a solid 5 minutes to get up off the couch and put everything on) and tried saying bye to us. Heberson (Mission leader) told him to sit back down and wait and that we would be done soon. After saying a few words that I understood that I probably shouldn't have, he took off his coat and his hat and sat back down. During the meeting, he told us about a few more people that we hadn't met yet that we should set up meetings with. About 10 minutes later, the old guy was done waiting again. So, he got up off the couch, eventually, and put on his coat and hat and said bye to us. He said thanks for being more handsome than the last elders that he met haha. In the house we were in, it's got about 4 rooms, a kitchen and the door to leave the house. The door to leave the house is in absolute plain sight. I'm laughing so hard right now just thinking about it again. He checked the 3 bedroom doors and the bathroom door, 7 times. He started getting so fed up with looking in the same doors so after he would look in them, he would close them. So I'm sitting there thinking all right, he's got this figured out now. He checked, and closed all the doors and then went back to the first door that he checked and closed and checked it again hahahahah. I was doing everything in my power to not laugh out loud. The meeting was over by this point and we were praying and he comes in the room and screams "DONDE ESTA LA SALIDA"! Hahahaha! Oh my gosh I just about died. It was the funniest thing ever. He's such a funny guy and he says he wants to take lessons from us so we will probably go talk to him this week. I'll send you guys a picture with him :)! That was the highlight of my week for sure.

On Thursday we had a lesson with a member named Maria Carmen and she fed us sardines and this chicken stuff! You know me, I do not like fish but obviously I couldn't say no to free food haha so I had a couple...  They weren't my favorite haha but the chicken was good. 

We had to go to Sevilla on Friday for a zone meeting. We didn't have any time to like go hang out or see anything but from what I saw it looked really pretty! That night we had 2 lessons. One was with a recent convert named Michelle. Towards the end of the lesson the Spirit was so strong and it was seriously one of the coolest feelings ever. She was in tears and she was telling us how she wanted to get her older brother and her dad baptized or at least come to church. Hopefully next time we go over there they will be there so we can teach them too! After that, we went to this part-member families house. The dad isn't a member but he knows all about the church and the mom and her 2 kids are members. The mom reminds me of Mom and Bay haha.. Always looking out for others and putting others before themselves :) and she's a pretty good cook.

On Saturday, we had 4 lessons! We were stoked about it cuz we had about that many last week! I'm definitely becoming a pro at teaching the first lesson haha.. We usually teach the members that so that I can practice and everyone needs a reminder of the basics :) 

Sunday was our first day going to church! We met all the members and we got a better map of where more investigators are so I'm assuming this week will be pretty busy! We had to introduce ourselves in front of everyone haha. It was Fast Sunday here and now I'm really regretting not taking all the chances I had to share my testimony in English! 

Today for P-Day the weather sucked again but we went to the mall and went and looked at some cool Roman bridges. We got a basketball at the mall and played basketball :) it was fun!

After conference last week, Bailee suggested that we should do what Elder Durant said and pick a scripture at the beginning of each week and ponderize it. So we started doing that last Monday! We are just going to pick a scripture each week and read it and try and memorize it! She picked last weeks so I'm gonna pick this weeks! I think is such a good idea and it's a good way to get more familiar with the scriptures!! I picked John 8:12:  Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. I suggest everyone reading this tries it :)

Shoutout to the Utes for pulling off another win this week and staying strong in the Top 5!!! 

I love you all :) Have a terrific week!! Thank you for all your love and support!

Elder Hammond
Cordoba Espana

P-Day today

Rainy weather but still a beautiful and historic City.

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