Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 9: A Week of Food and Laughs!

Hello friends, family and everyone reading this email!

Feels like 20 minutes ago I was typing my last letter to send home! Hopefully at home time is cruisin' on by as well :) I hope everyone had a fan-freakin-tastic week in the 801 or whatever area code you are in :)

My week was very food felt.. We have been teaching this Romanian family for the last couple weeks and this week they fed us on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday! They just keep telling us to come by for our lessons and then right as we are about to leave they tell us to come eat! Haha it's great! On Thursday the Mom called us and told us to stop by her house for a quick minute to help her with something. So we did, and she literally just gave us a sack full of food hahaha. There were ribs, mashed potatoes and some really good chicken and gravy stuff!! We didn't even help her with anything she just said that so we would come faster hahaha. So Thursday we ate quite a bit of food.

On Tuesdays, we have to go to Sevilla for district meetings. We also did intercombios! I was with Elder Van Luuewen. He's been out for a year longer than me. He played wide receiver at Timpview, so we obviously had something to talk about. Also before our missions we followed each other on Twitter and Instagram so we knew of each other! He scored a touchdown against us my Junior year(he made sure to remind me of that).  He's cool and a really good missionary! He LOVES to talk  and he won't let people talk crap on our church. This lady was saying how she knows all about us and that our church basically is the worst so Elder Van Luuewen let her know how he felt. We gave a blessing to an older lady who wasn't feeling very good so I anointed the oil for the first time in Spanish!  In every lesson we taught, (members and non members) people didn't believe me when I told them I had only been out for 2 months because my Spanish was so good! It was a good confidence booster for me :)

Wednesday I had to travel back to Córdoba alone! I listened to an older guy from Barcelona tell me his entire life story. I sat and listened cuz he didn't give me an opportunity to talk. The only words I said were Yes and 18. Then when I got here, I found out the Elder who was with my comp missed his train so we had to sit and wait for the next one for like 3 hours! Then he left and we went to a cita we had scheduled with the only investigator who has a baptism date and he wasn't there. Again. We've taught one lesson with him and it was the first week. His date is the last week of October so hopefully he's prepared and will meet with us more. 

On Thursday, we came home for medio dia to eat and stuff, and there was this fly that was being so annoying and would like fly into the room and then back out. I swear it knew how to make us get mad so finally we waited for it to come into the room and we closed the doors to trap it. We both got our weapons (he had a pillow and I had a giant cushion) and we started trying to kill it. It legit took us about 15 minutes just to kill it. Then we went back to eating our food. THEN THE FLY COMES BACK ALIVE SOMEHOW. Oh man! Let’s just say things started getting pretty heated at this point hahaha. So we got our weapons again and we trapped it between our door and the curtain. I was getting ready to take a blind swing when Elder Shields just jabs at it with his hand.  He was sitting on the recliner chair and he put too much weight on the back of it and while he was falling he tried to catch himself, but totally wiffed trying to grab the window and his face smashed into the door  hahahaha! It was one of the funniest things ever. We killed the fly though, so that's all that matters. We only wasted 45 minutes (attached pictures of him after falling on the chair).

On Friday we had 2 lessons in the morning and then during medio dia we baked a cake for the Romanian family since they had fed us so much haha :) and then when we went to give them the cake we made, they fed us again! Saturday was a rainy day.. We were on our way home from a cita in the afternoon and here in Spain there's not like actual sidewalks.. There's a bike path and then really slick concrete.. I don't know how to explain it other than when it’s raining, it's super wet.. By now you can probably guess what's going to happen next haha. I was sick of getting everything wet.. So I book it across the street over to the other side so obviously Elder Shields has to follow, right? Well he does but when I go to stop after taking shelter under a balcony, he tries to stop and COMPLETELY slips on his back and I promise he wasn't down for more than 2 seconds.  He eats it, I start laughing so hard and next thing I know he's up and running ahead of me!! It was like on the Ridiculousness where the people run off the pain hahaha! Oh man! I was laughing that whole day just thinking about the noise he made when he realized "Oh crap I'm going down..” And then the noise he made when he hit the ground and slid for another 3 feet. I was laughing so freaking hard. I'm so glad he's my companion haha! I love him.

Sorry for my extremely long email.. But it was an eventful, quick week! I'm so grateful I'm here in Spain and I'm so grateful for all of you at home! I love you all and hope you have a great week!!


Elder Hammond

This is Elder Shields after attempting to kill the fly and smashing his face on the window. ;)

This is me and the guy who had no idea where the door was.  The one that reminds me of Drake and Josh.
USA!! USA!!! (See last week's email for more details!)

And this is me with my package I received in the mail today.
Thank you Mom and all those who helped with my awesome Super Hero package!


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