Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week 12: Your Episode of Dude Perfect!

Hello all!
This week was eventful and busy!! We are progressing more and more with Jorge. He's growing spiritually more and more every day!

Tuesday, was a very humbling experience for me. We taught a lesson with a lady named Soli. She has 6 kids, one on the way, husband is in jail, and doesn't have a job. She told us that she has to steal almost everything for her 5 year old son. Clothes mostly, but sometimes other things. Three of her kids live with her. A 23 year old, 18, and the 5 year old. We showed up to her house and there was no light in the room. She invited us in and she grabbed a flashlight and put the light up and let it be. She told us they only had one lightbulb and her son was using it in the shower at that time. When he got out, he brought it out and when he twisted it in, about 500 bugs started crawling out and into the hole where the light comes from the ceiling.  We started teaching her the Plan of Salvation and obedience and how she shouldn't steal. She seemed interested, so we set up another cita with her this week!

Wednesday was a pretty eventful day. We went back to "Sketchville”, which is what we call the place where we were talking to those kids and then the guy tried to steal my iPad. We went there in the day time this time so it wasn't so creepy. We started talking to the kids that we met that night. There's a kid who's name is Coli. He's 17 and he reminds me exactly of my cousin Gavin, except brown. His hair is so long and he grows like the same facial hair and he talks the same way. He's super funny and never serious haha. I think that's what reminds me of Gav.
Anyways, we met a bunch of their other friends and we taught all of them the first lesson in the middle of their apartment complex. 

There's a kid that started talking to me when we got there and his name is Bautista. He's such a homie. He's 17 years old and he was super interested in my life and wanted to learn more about the Gospel. He told me that once I go back home that I better invite him to come to America for a week so he can hang out with me. About 15 people listened while we taught the lesson. The range of age was from 6 to 30. The 6 year old’s name is Diego and he came up to me after and asked if I wanted to see something cool and I said “yes”! He lifted up his shirt. He had 2 tattoos!!! My mind was so far blown it wasn’t even funny. At the end, they told us to come back and play soccer with them on Saturday morning. Needless to say we're basically their best friends now and they won't rob us anymore. :) Well, hopefully.

Later that night, we had a lesson with a guy named Lucky. He's from Nigeria. His wife's name is Joy. He has two kids. One is 5ish named Gift and the other one is like 2 and named Esse. When I heard the first 3 names of the their family I was willing the put $20 on the line that the other kid’s name was Happy or Smiley. Maybe in Nigeria Esse means something like that!  It was kinda late so the kids were going to bed so we only got to talk to Lucky. He spoke English so I FINALLY got to teach a lesson in English!!! It was weird, but much needed. He really likes the Bible, but I showed him this video of a Jamaican who lives in London that is a convert and now is a Bishop of a ward there. The video is called, "A Book of Mormon Story”. He tells about his love for the Book and how it can change lives and helps you gain a testimony of it through prayer and reading it. Lucky LOVED the video!! It was so awesome. It was nice to finally be able to express myself fully and bare testimony about how the Book of Mormon has changed my life and how it makes my day so much better when I read it. The Spirit was so strong. I was crying and he started to get choked up a little bit too. It was seriously such a cool experience. He told us that he wanted us to confuse him so that he would stay interested and want to know more about our church. So we told him that in our next lesson we would make him super confused hahaha :)!

Saturday morning, we went back and played soccer with our homies in Sketchville. It was way fun. I'm one of those soccer players that needs time to get started before I heat up. I start cold, but when I heat up, there's no stopping me ;)!  I had a goal towards the end, it was dope. During the game, there were a couple people who didn't play so they sat and watched... and rolled up some doobies. We brought 10 more Books of Mormon and told them to read the introduction before we come back. 

Saturday night, we had a lesson with Jorge! We taught him a little bit of English before we started our lesson. Now he knows how I feel. We taught him lesson 1. It went well!! He had so many questions about everything. He's so prepared to get baptized. Every time he bares testimony when we are there, the Spirit is so strong. He told us that he loves coming to church! On Sunday, he brought his whole family! (His wife and daughter are members. They have a 5 year old son as well). 

I'm so grateful for everything that has happened while I've been here in Córdoba. I know that Heavenly Father puts people who need this Gospel in our path so that we can help them. The way He works is incredible to me and He never ceases to amaze me. I love you guys so much and I'm grateful for the sacrifices you have made for me. Thank you for everything you've done. I'll be praying for you all this week. I hope you all have a great week!! Love you guys :)Love,Elder Hammond :)

You asked for a picture of Almarío.  I tried to get one for you, but this was the only time I’ve seen him this week. So, this is me and my boy Almarío (Drake and Josh grandpa) postin' up at church! He was out cold all 3 hours. He's not a member but the people who take care of him are members. I’m not sure he’s getting the full message of the Gospel, but at least he’s coming.

This is, as you can see, me being me :). I've been trying to do this since October 10th and I finally got it on Friday!! That's why my subject is what it is!   Dude Perfect! 

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