Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 13: Don't Forget To Pray

Hello all!

Well, this week was definitely on the top of my "Toughest Weeks of My Life" list... It's been so hard. I shed more tears and said more prayers than I ever have in my entire life.

As you can probably guess, Tuesday we took our weekly trip to Sevilla for district meeting. It was our last one with the district we had! This week we get a couple new people.. not sure who, but I think they're two different hermanas. Tuesday was the day that this week started going down hill for me. It was nice knowing that I have a Savior that knows exactly what I'm going through because he's going through it with me, and feels the exact same pains that I feel. He works in mysterious ways, but he works. I don't know why we have trials in our lives, but I do know that he will never give us something that we can't make it through.

On Wednesday, we found out that our Romanian family is going back to Romania!! It's good for them because they've been wanting to go back for a while now, but it's sad because we have gotten so close with them. They're leaving on Wednesday, I think Juan is leaving on Tuesday. We have been hanging out with the two boys a lot and they’ve actually been wanting to learn more. We are hoping that that can continue even after they leave and that they can find missionaries over there! We went and played basketball with them for the last time. :)

Friday, we went to Sketchville, and we were  talking to a lady that we had talked to last week. Her name is Pilar and she has like 10 kids and a lot of grandkids. They all live in the same apartment complex. We were looking for her door, and there were 3 kids that asked us who we were looking for. We told them Pilar and they all said that she was their grandma. So after they ran inside, she invited us in. We were in there for maybe 30 seconds, and in that time, 4 more kids appeared from the upstairs. Her husband’s name is Angel and he was upstairs just screaming SO loud telling the kids to chill and get out. We were trying to talk to her but it was so chaotic she couldn't hear us and we couldn't hear her haha. After Angel stopped yelling, we started asking her if she had read the pamphlet that we gave her, when out of NOWHERE, I get pelted by a 90 mile an hour chocolate Spanish pastry with a bite taken out of it! It hit me right in my left collarbone and exploded all over the house! Luckily my bag strap was there so only a little bit of chocolate got on my shirt haha. Pilar couldn't stop laughing.. I was still trying to figure out what the heck just happened haha. Probably not even 10 seconds after I got hit, the same little girl hucked another one and it hit my companion right in the face ;)! I was laughing so hard! Oh my gosh it was absolutely insane! Pilar told them to stop, but as you can probably guess, they didn't. We tried to keep talking to her and get her answer while the kids went and got more ammunition. I bet you'll never guess what they threw next. First, was an onion, thankfully they missed. At this point Pilar was getting a little mad and started yelling at them to stop, while I hid behind my bag, curled up on the chair! After the onion missed, her brother threw a pan and it hit the wall and totally destroyed the wall and the pan! While Pilar was chasing them around trying to hit them, the girl who hit us with the muffins somehow found a way to throw a giant bolt/screw at us!! She missed luckily. Pilar told us that today wasn't a good day and to come back some other time. It was seriously the most chaotic, mad house I've ever seen. I'm glad we made it out alive!

Later that night I received some news from Dad that killed me. Simon is reunited with Foo man, and he's not longer in any pain. When I look at it that way, it doesn't hurt as much. 11 years of hide and seek and of holes in the bottom of our pajamas. I didn't realize how much I would miss yelling "READY!!!" from the front to the back yard :) I’m sure gonna miss our Snow Dog, but I know he's happy again.

We are still trying to get the date for the baptism.  We are hoping it’s this week on Wednesday or on Saturday.  I will let you know.

The love I've felt from everyone this week has helped so much. It’s been hard, but I know there are people with worse circumstances than me. Prayer is one of the greatest gifts, and I'm so grateful for it. Before my mission, I wasn't the best at praying. I've learned to love it these past 3 months and I wish I could have started earlier. Heavenly Father will always answer your prayers. It might take time, but you'll get an answer. He has a plan for each and every one of us, he knows us personally and loves us all so much. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to serve as a representative of Jesus Christ and give up 2 years of my life, so that I can spend eternity with my family :) I love you all so much and am so thankful for all of you and the support you've shown me :) hope you all have an incredible week.
Don't forget to be happy :)

Elder Hammond

Gracias a todos who helped put this care package together! It helped me more than you know!! ;)

2 Pac still lives here in España tambien!

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