Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 32: Conference!

Dear peeps,

Before I starts things off I have 3 quick shout outs: quick shoutout to my aunt and uncle Beedub and Lisa for having their 3rd kid and first baby girl this past week!! Welcome to the fam Kinzlee :) another one to our new PUPPY STORMIE!!! 😍 frickin adorable and I can't wait to meet her thru skype next month!! Also, last one to my BEST FRIEND BEAU KING FOR GETTING HIS CALL YESTERDAY TO THE NEW YORK SOUTH MISSION SPEAKIN HAITIAN CREOLE.

Wow, talk about a TRUNKY conference huh?? It was almost as trunk as last conference when Elder Holland talked about moms and how the love they have for their kids is the closest thing to the love the Lord has for us!! Talking about marriage, and fathers, and loving your spouses, making sure they're the right one for you. It was actually a really good conference, but then again what isn't? My week was pretty normal other than this weekend... Here it is :)

Tuesday: I can't even remember the last time we had a regular Tuesday hahaha. During the morning we had our district meeting, I gave a workshop on former investigators and how it is always helpful to look through our area book and find people who were taught a while back and just lost contact with the missionaries or something else happened. Most of the investigators we have we found while looking through our area book and finding their names, passing by and now we are teaching them again! All night on Tuesday was spent helping Pablo and his family move again.

Wednesday: FREAKIN HECK MY COMPANION!!! Okay so during media dia I had a giant headache so I asked him for some ibuprofen so he gave me some. But it wasn't ibuprofen. It was some sort of sleeping pill!!! He didn't know it either until Thursday morning he was like oh yeah by the way, I accidentally gave you a sleeping pill instead of ibuprofen yesterday. that's when it all made all made sense. We had a lesson with Juan and literally the entire time I was doing ALL I COULD to stay awake!!!!!  I was sooo tired! I literally just hit a wall. It was funny when he was like sooo I found out why you were so tired yesterday. And that's when he told me that he gave me a sleeping pill.
Thursday: We had an attempt of another noche de hogar at the church, but this time it was a complete fail. Not a complete fail, but pretty dang close haha. If you remember, last week we had about 40+ people show up to it. This past week we had 13 people show up, 6 of them being us missionaries. That's 7 people, people. 7. In our defense, the week before was Semana Santa and nobody had work, while this week, everyone had work again. We decided to talk a little bit about prophets due to conference this week. We played a game with all 13 of us and it's that telephone game. The one where one person starts and says something and everyone passes it along to their neighbor and the last person says whatever is said to him or her. It was pretty funny, but I mean with only 13 of us it's hard to mess up hahaha. But we related it to how God relays things through the prophet and how he guides us along with his 12 apostles and that's how we can know and keep the commandments! We also decided to move the noche de hogar to Friday nights at 8:30 so people can actually come.

Friday: Pretty successful day! We had 2 lessons in the morning, one with Ramon and one with Luis. Ramon is a 45 ish year old guy who was a former investigator and now is taking the lessons with us again! His wife was a member, but she passed away and also his daughter who is like 20 is a member but a less active. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and reassured him that he will be able to see his wife again after this life. I love the Plan of Salvation because when we tell people the things that we tell them, their eyes light up and you can just see the hope that they have :) we also had a lesson with Luis. Luis is a 70-75 year old geezer who we found in the streets. He's got the craziest right eye I've ever seen. It pops out about 2 inches more than it should hahaha and I'm pretty sure he can't see out of it all. He's a good guy.  But we had a good lesson with our boy Luis outside in the sun and we taught him about the Book of Mormon. Gosh, I love that book. It's so cool. Has the power to change lives. We told Luis to read it, but we forgot he can't see, so we told him we could come over and read it with him every once in a while. Good guy. That night we met with a less active who we have wanted to meet with since I got here! His name is Felix and he's 24 from Argentina. He's a convert to the church as of about 4 years I think. Way cool guy. We are hoping to meet with him more and hopefully get him to church soon :) Later we played basketball with Enofre and Rafa. They're still horrible.

Saturday: Wow. What a day. It went from being a really weird and bad day (personally) to a pretty freakin good day (personally) The morning was the same, we got to the church and met our home boys there to play soccer. I wasn't feelin it on Saturday so I decided to play goalie the whole time. I took a couple shots for the team. "I took a punch from Hall of Famer Mike Ditka and I did not go down... Sure I wobbled a bit, but I did not go down" that was kinda my motto for the day. it worked out pretty good as my team was only off the court for like 20 mins total! That night, we watched the Saturday morning conference session at the church! I really liked Elder Stevenson’s talk about how he got locked out of his car, and how he related it to without this restoration, we would be locked out of the vehicle to our journey back to our heavenly parents!

Sunday: I love conference. If you asked me if I loved conference 8 months ago I probably would have said yes, but I woulda been lying to you haha. I don't know why but there's just something about seeing people up at that pulpit and knowing that they're called of God to be there, ya feel? Tommy Monson came through with 2 solid short talks that could possibly be in my top 5 talks of his. I'm pretty sure it was Sunday morning when he said this, but he said something to the fact of how there is two paths, one correct and one wrong. The correct one is the harder one and the easier one is the wrong one. In the world today, it's so much easier to do wrong and to take the road into darkness rather than light. If we take the harder road, the correct road, Heavenly Father will see that we are trying to do what is right, and he's going to help us get through our tough times and he's going to bless us with things that he wouldn't have if we took the wrong road or the easier path.

This gospel is the only way to true and everlasting happiness. I’m 100% sure of it. I'm serving a mission because I want other people the feel the same peace and joy that comes with the gospel of Jesus Christ, that I do every day. I want to help people put the Atonement into play in their lives daily, so that they can know and feel of the mercy, and forgiveness that comes with it. I know I may not know a whole lot of things about a lot of things, but I know for a fact that this church is true and that if we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, everything will work out how it is supposed to be :)

I love you all, and thank you so much for all the prayers and everything else you guys do for me. I hope you feel mine daily!! Have a great week and you'll be hearing from me next Monday!

Eagle and jibberish 

Flyin this plane wayyyyy up I feel blessed. 

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