Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 31: Service = BLE(ating citas)SSINGS

Dear Fams,

Another week down... Good heck I'm starting to run out of things to say to start my weekly letters!! This week was another good one. Not a whole lot to write about, due to most of the weekend helping a ward member move. But I'm sure I'll find a way to write a long email haha! 😁

Tuesday: Meeting day, with a twist. Instead of doing district meeting in the morning, we worked the morning, and then had district meeting, correlation and ward council all from 5-9. Long, but good. We had an eating cita during medio dia, but I legit cannot remember who it was with. I'm sure the food was good, but I have no idea who we ate with. Oops.

Wednesday: Sooooo much food! 😫 I learned how to make tortilla de patata!!!! We ate with a member, and she taught me how to make it. It's so good. For those of you that want, I'll make it for you when I get home.  😏 After eating with them, we went and tried to pass by a couple people and then that night we had another cita with the Peñas. I love them so much. The mom is sooo funny and she loves me because she thinks I'm so good at volleyball 😎. All I'm saying is I might take up volleyball when I get home.They fed us again and Elder Berry and I were about to explode. We felt like horrible because of all the food we ate! It was healthy food too, so we didn't know why we felt like we did!

Thursday: That morning, like I said earlier, we helped a member move to a new piso. We got there around 10:30 and helped til about 2:30. After, we went and had a meeting with a member named Ana with the other elders. She's from Ecuador, so claro she fed us rice and chicken. It was way good tho, so no complaints from me. That night, we had a noche de hogar with our whole ward. It was awesome!! We were in charge of it, and it turned out so good! Even though none of our investigators came, it was still so fun. We played this game where we had everyone write something that they wanted someone else to do in front of everyone, but then we read the scripture “Do unto your neighbor as you would do”… so whatever they wrote, they had to do themselves. It was funny, but definitely could have been funnier. Most of them were like "share a scripture" or “jump”. After we got done, they suggested that they all choose something for the four elders to do, so they made us rap hahaha. I dropped it like it was hot yo...The CHEESE RAP that me and my boy Cole Capp made up when we were about 8 years old never came in so clutch hahahahaha! They didn't even understand it and they loved it! It was good fun.  :) Then they made me do 25 clap push-ups. That was hard. My comp tried to do one and the first one he tried to do, he totally smacked his face on the ground! Wow! All 40 people were laughing so hard!! (See video below).

Friday: Another day of helping Pablo move. We had a cita with the Alvarez family.  After that, we went back to Pablo's and helped him move from 4-9:30.

Saturday: Soccer. Not a ton of people came, so I was on the court the whole day.We played until about 1:30 then we were planning on going to Silvia's, but she called and told us to come over later that night. So instead, we just went to our piso and ate there. At like 4 we went to Enofre's house to invite him to play volleyball with the ward again like we did last week. We had a lesson with him and Rafa and then we went out and played. It was another really fun time with the ward here. They're all so fun and enthusiastic about everything. I sure as heck am going to miss them when (or if) I ever leave Almería haha. We’re approaching 4 months here. That's so weird. Anyway, that night we went Silvia's and ate with her and her son Edison. Her other son, Byron (the rapper) saw the video of me spitting my cheese rap and asked if he could feature me for his newest song, I told him for sure. We should be recording sometime next month. 😏

Sunday: Easter!!! It was such a good sabbath day. After church, we had interviews with President. They went well. He told me to tell everyone hello, so hello from President Anderson. I like interviews with him, because we just talk. He's a really nice guy and he knows a lot. He loves the fact that Pops and I served in the same mission and same area here in Almería. He says he hopes I serve somewhere else that he served. I'm hoping Málaga. That night we had a lesson with Emme! I love them so much. I've come to know her, Lina and Joseba so well and have gotten so close with them. She is the one who let us wear those shirts that one night when it was raining.

As for today... Well this morning my comp locked himself in his bathroom! So while I was eating breakfast, I heard an "Elder…. Can you come help me....?" So I went and handed him a knife under the door and he spent the next hour trying to fidget with the lock and it was making the most annoying sounds ever so I told him to watch out and I laid on my back In front of the door and kicked it in and the lock thing like shot off. Oops! This was the second time I've had to get someone out of that bathroom because Elder Rex locked himself in like my second week here.

There was Semana Santa this past week, but unfortunately we didn't get there or I would have taken pictures for you guys if it makes you feel any better. On a more spiritual note - with Easter being yesterday, and the first one while on the mish, it made me really be able to focus on why we celebrate it. Even though it's the Resurrection of Christ, it made me really appreciate the Atonement even more than I did before. Knowing that Jesus suffered for every single one of our sins, sicknesses, and pains, makes me so grateful that whatever happens, He's right there along side me every step of the way. He knows what I'm feeling, because He already suffered through it. He died for all of us, and in my opinion, me giving back these two years to be a representative of Him and for Him doesn't even come close to what He did for me personally. All in all, Jesus was and still is a pretty good dude and I love putting His name on my chest every day. :)

I love you all, I hope you enjoyed your Easter yesterday, and I hope that you enjoy your Conference Sunday this Sunday! Have a great week and you'll be in my prayers! :)

Elder Hammond

Never stop being a missionary... I met this dude named David from London in the bus station bathroom. He went by himself into the desert for 10 days to "find his inner self". He said he didn't find it, but he found something!

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