Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 30: Happy Easter ;)

Sup fam :)

What a week it's been... Once again it went by so freaking fast. I can't believe how fast time is going!! March is already almost over and I have no idea how. Almería is treating us well and giving us a run for our money like always. We don't have very many people to teach, and every time we try and talk to people in the streets, they want nothing to do with anything. But anyways, here's the week of T Ham. :)

Tuesday: We didn't have district meeting due to our district leader STILL being sick. He'd been sick since Wednesday but finally he’s doing better. His companions first week consisted of literally just sitting in their piso and finding how to entertain himself.  😂 We had ward council and correlation that night.

Wednesday: For medio dia, we had an eating cita with some members named Jose Miguel and his wife Janeth at their house. They made like this chicken noodle soup and told us they only make this on cold days. I have no idea why they made it that day, cuz literally that whole morning while working I was sweating cuz of how hot it was here.  😂That night Elder Hamblin had to go to Málaga for a meeting with all the district leaders, so Elder Ohlund was the 3rd to our
companionship. He went to American Fork High School and is a transfer (6 weeks) behind me in the mission. We went to English classes that night and talked to them a little bit about why Easter is so special and why we celebrate it. Sofia came again which made us really happy. She told us that she loves coming to the English classes cuz she always just feels better. She said "I always leave here feeling so much better than I did before I came and I think it's because you guys are just so nice and good people, plus I get to improve my English skills and learn more about Jesus Christ!" She's golden! But the only problem is that she lives forever away from us. We are trying to meet with her more than just Wednesday nights, but haven't had any luck yet.

Thursday: We had a very successful day on Thursday. We started off by trying to pass by an old investigator’s house. His name is Ramon and he took the lessons about 4 years ago. We had a lesson with him and we talked about why we are here, what we want him go get out of it and more about the Book of Mormon. After that, we went and had a lesson with Juan! His wife was watching tv and he didn't want her to have to turn it off, so we had our lesson outside on a bench. We talked about the Atonement, and we once again tried to invite him to be baptized. Every time we do this, he says “Hombre, I am baptized” and then we say yes, but not with the authority and the power to act in God’s name. And then he replies with a "why doesn't my church have the authority?" So we tell him how the gospel was restored by the prophet Joseph Smith and God restored the priesthood through him so that this church could be restored again as well. I kid you not, we have gone in this circle with him 5 different times before this one, and he never understood it. He never understood why his church doesn’t have the authority and why he needs to be baptized in this church, but FINALLY this time he understood that his pastor of his church doesn’t have the priesthood!!!! We invited him to be baptized and he accepted the invitation for the 16th of April!!! This man’s goal is to be saved and to live in the Celestial Kingdom. All he wasn't to do is be a good man and live with Heavenly Father again. We promised him that if he gets baptized with this authority that we have, and receives the Holy Ghost, he will be able to do that. :) It was a long lesson but in the end, it payed off. 

Friday: I don't remember much about Friday, except for we were walking that night to a lesson, and some guy stopped us and asked if we were American and we said yes and he said but do you speak Spanish and we said yes and he said good, then let's sit and talk! Haha so we sat down on a bench and he said "tell me what you want me to hear" so we told him who we are, why we are here and about the happiness our message can bring him. At first, he thought we were Amish, so we couldn't drive cars hahaha then when we told him we were Mormons, he said “Ahhhh... so how many mothers do you have?" I always laugh when I hear this question, without fail, every time. Then I explained that I only have 1 mom and will only have 1 wife. He kinda reminded me of Robin Williams, the way he would kinda just blurt out his words. His name was Julio, and we told him that we wanted to pass by his house and talk more about it a different day, but he said that we will see him in the streets again and then we will talk.... Hopefully we do. That night, we played basketball with Enofre and Rafa. They're still so bad at basketball.

Saturday: This was one of the funnest days here in Almería! We played soccer in the morning and it was good cuz we didn't have a ton of people but we had like the perfect amount of people to play for most of the time. When there is 4 Americans on the same team… I'm pretty sure you can imagine how the game turns out. It's so bad. Our first game it was us 4 elders, and the only member that plays with us named Charly. Elder Hamblin, Charly, and I are decent, Charly more than us. But it's always a good time. After getting demolished in the first game, I got recruited to a different team to one where no other Americans were and they stayed together. I felt bad, but we all know I don't like to lose no matter what I'm playing.  :) After that, we went to Silvia's to eat, and then we came back to the church and there was a BBQ with the ward that night!! We played basketball, soccer, and volleyball. There was a ton of people and when we played volleyball it was fun!! It was the first time playing volleyball since the MTC. It was so much fun. Our ward is so nice and they are starting to work with us more and more every week!!

Yesterday we went to church and that night we had a lesson with Enofre about keeping the commandments. We'll have to reexplain them, like we do everything else because he doesn't understand what "keeping the commandments" means haha. He thinks it's like a checklist of things he's done, I don't even know. Have I mentioned he told us he wants to eat the Book of Mormon?

As for today, it was raining, so we went and hung out at the church. We went shopping and then we went and got our hair cut and tonight we have an eating cita with Emme!

Well ladies and gents, another week has come and gone here in Almería and on the mish. Sorry this letter doesn't consist of very much spiritual stuff, but sometimes you just have weeks like that. But I want you all to know how much I love this gospel and how I know for a fact it is the only way to true happiness and the only way back to our father in heaven, :) HAVE A GREAT WEEK I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!

Elder T Ham

Throwback photo that I didn't send last week.  Last day with Elder Layton.  He went out in style. :) 

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