Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 28: Awkward Misunderstandings

Dear Dearests,

HELLO! Again! How's it goin? Sure hope it's goin good! :) Well, transfers are this Wednesday, which means we got calls on Saturday… Some changes are being made here in Almería. 😶 Here's my week though. :)

Tuesday - Not a meeting day! Well, sort of a meeting day but not really a meeting day. Honestly there is nothing to report about for Tuesday. We had a lesson with a less active member named Andy, he's a stud. He is from the Dominican Republic and plays basketball every once in a while with us. We didn't know him until like a week ago but he's a stud. We haven’t gotten him to church quite yet, hopefully soon. I told him if he comes we will play hang man together. 😂 Then we had ward council.

Wednesday - We were in a trio on Wednesday afternoon. Elder Hamblin left to Màlaga that day so Elder Layton was with us! We had correlation that night, it was a pretty good one. Nothing new, but we found out some more less active members that we haven't passed by yet, so we will be doing that soon. That night we had English class. It was probably the coolest English class ever. We had 3 basically - fluent people that came, 2 regulars and one of them brought a friend named Sofia. He's so funny. But yeah so we were teaching them English, then somehow, we got on the topic of if we believe in ghosts and spirits and what not, then that led to basically us teaching them the Plan of Salvation. (Which by the way, huge shout out to my boy Beau for sending me a picture of how to teach it in English 2 days before this. It was extremely helpful)! We taught them the entire lesson and Sofia was SO INTERESTED about everything!! She had so many questions and wanted to know everything. So we gave her a Book of Mormon and told her to read a little bit in it. She said she would and that she would be back next Wednesday for English class. Hopefully we can have another good lesson with her!

Thursday - On Thursday, we had a lesson with Enofre, that was very… interesting. It started off bad, but then he asked us a question about where we came from and where we go after this. So obviously we taught him the Plan of Salvation as well. (Once again, shout out to my boy Beau for the paper). We started talking about everything, and then we got talking about how we can live with our Father in Heaven again and we told him the 5 things we need to do in order to do that. 1. Faith in Jesus Christ. 2. Repentance. 3. Baptism. 4. Gift of the Holy Ghost. 5. Endure to the end. We explained how we have to do steps 1-4 in order to be able to endure to the end. He kept saying "well I have faith, or else I wouldn't be here right now… I've repented, because I've sinned a lot... I'm not baptized, and I don't have the Holy Ghost, but I will endure to the end!" We again explained without doing the first 4 things, the 5th is impossible and without doing all 5, we can't live with God again. He finally started to understand how important it really is to be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. We also clarified that after we are baptized, we stay on this planet. He thought we go somewhere else… Hahahahaha like I've said before, he's a strange kid. But all in all, solid lesson. :)

Friday - Zone meeting in Granada. Caught a 7:30 bus for a 2 hour ride there. The bus rides here suck way bad cuz usually the bus drivers are the worst drivers ever. But this guy was the greatest! I slept pretty much the whole time. It was awesome. It was a really long meeting. But there were a lot of useful things I took from it. I gave a short 5 minute workshop on la obedencia for my zone. As missionaries, obedience is the most important part to this work. If we aren't obedient, we aren't going to have the success we could have if we were being obedient. Something I found while preparing for this, is that obedience is an act of faith. When we are obedient to the commandments, the Lord sees this and will bless us for it. Elder Berry and I have been being so obedient, but haven't been seeing the success we would like. It's been hard on us, and we keep trying to figure out what more we need to do to see why, but I think that if we keep doing what we are doing, it will pay off eventually. That night, the other Elders and the Hermanas both did intercombios, so my comp and I rode the bus home alone and played basketball with Enofre and Rafa.

Saturday - While playing soccer, the ZL's called for TRANSFER CALLS!!! Drum roll please............ Nothing changes here with me and my comp. Boring, I know. But we are getting a new Hermana who's replacing Hermana Smith, named Hermana Portas. Also, Elder Layton is leaving… :( I was pretty sad about that not gonna lie. I’ve only known him for about 3 months and I can honestly say he'll be a lifelong friend. He’s going to a town outside of Sevilla, kinda like Córdoba! His replacement’s name is Elder Ohlund.  I've never even heard of him, all I know is that he's got about 4 or 5 months in the mission. This next transfer is 7 weeks long, so my guess is that I will be here until April 27th. If I stay longer, voy a morir. That means I'm gonna die... Hahaha. That night was nothing special. Nobody wanted to be home or have time to listen to us so we walked, as usual. Pretty fun :):):)

Sunday - your normal Sunday. Most of it was walking, then later we went with the other Elders to a couple of members' houses so that Layton could say bye... :/ 

And today.... We played basketball and went to the tapas bar (which is a restaurant, not just a bar) called Tio Toms again... Hahahaha we had talked about the tapas bar before, like the first week my comp got here, and ever since then he thought we were saying topless bar and kinda awkwardly laughed and went along like we were actually going to a topless bar 😂 So yesterday when we told him we were going to the tapas bar, Tio Toms, awkwardly, (very....VERY awkwardly) he replies... "Guys, I really don't think it's a good idea to go to there" so I'm like "Elder, it's the best place in town, I promise you'll like it. Plus, it'll be fun cuz some members are coming with us." So he says "If you guys go I'm calling President!" All 3 of us Elders were so confused at this point, cuz we didn't know he thought we were saying topless. "Why would you call President?" "Because we are missionaries and that's not appropriate for anyone to see!!!" Finally, I say "Elder Berry, please explain to me what is wrong with a group of people going with each other to eat food at a tapas bar." And he says "Wait, a tapas bar..? I thought you guys had been saying topless bar the whole transfer!" Hahahahah it was funny.

Well folks, that's all she wrote for this week... Thanks for all you guys do for me. I sure do love you all and I promise when I'm home after my mission I will somehow express my gratitude to you for the support you have all given and shown me if I haven't already :)

Elder Hammond

The Soccer Crew:  Members and Non-Members

The view from Southern Spain

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