Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 29: #Pray4Enofre

Hey loved ones :)

Another week gone, how? Idk. Of all the weeks on my mission so far, this one was easily the one that went by the fastest... I wonder why..? 😏 jk I know. Anyways, here's my week! :)

Tuesday - Sad day. We had district meeting that morning, and later that day we went and helped Danny pack up a few more things in his tea shop. While we were there, we learned a new method of contacting people in the streets! We pulled out 3 masks that he has and we stood by the window and just tried to scare people. It was a really good time! 😂 We scared the crap out of this like 24 year old girl and her boyfriend. Then when we took the masks off, we told her we were missionaries and got her number so we are going to try and see if anything comes out of that! That night we had correlation and ward council and then after those we had a family home evening at Silvia's house! That night I stayed up late and helped Elder Layton pack cuz he left the next day.

Wednesday - Like I said, Layton left for his new area. He's driving, which I'm jealous of but at the same time, I would hate to be him. We dropped him off at the train station in the morning and then later that day we went back and picked up Elder Hamblin’s new comp, Elder Ohlund. He's from American Fork, I don't really know him very well yet, but he seems like a nice kid. That night, we had English class. I'm pretty sure last week I told you guys about the girl named Sofia that came? We had a solid lesson with them/her about hope and showed them the video called "The Hope of Gods Light” which is the video I talked about in my farewell talk about the guy that my parents went to high school with. Seriously, that video can change lives. I've gained such a testimony on the word and meaning of hope on my mission, it's incredible. I love hope so much. We were talking a little bit about the video and one of the guys was like "I'm atheist, but ever since I started hearing about what you guys as Mormons believe and now seeing this video, I'm starting to think differently.” He was talking and he said he was atheist cuz he hears all these people from different religions that say "our way is the correct way” and that it's the only way. He said "but who knows the truth? No one” and I told him that God knows the truth, and in order for him to find out, all he had to do was ask. He told me he was going to do it this week and report back to me if he got an answer. It was a really cool experience!

Thursday - Pretty funny experience happened hahaha! So both of the other Elders got way sick this past week, and have been sick since Thursday, so they needed us to cover for them at a lesson they had. It was with a lady, who is literally the only non-member in her family. She's Catholic, her daughter served a mission, her sister is a member, her mom, dad, brothers, all members. She is really open though which is helpful for us and good. Her mom has Alzheimer's, so when we were trying to talk to her, she was saying the most bizarre things ever. We were in this small room with her, her mom and her daughter. Her mom wouldn't stop talking to I gave her a picture to look at and told her to look, after about 3 seconds of silence, while we were talking to Isabel (the investigator) her mom starts wacking my companion and screaming "SEÑORA YO QUIERO COMPRAR ESO" or "MAAM I WANT TO BUY THIS" hahaha I lost it!! It was so funny! Oh my heck. It got to the point where my laughter spread to everyone else in the room except the grandma, so the daughter had to take her out of the room. We taught her about the Plan of Salvation and she had a ton of questions about the Spirit World and what happens after this life which was good. :)

Friday - Good day. We had a good lesson with Enofre about the 5 things we need to do in order to live with God again. (Faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, and endure to the end) and it went decently well! Of course a couple questions popped up that we were just like bro, think about it. This time it was "why can't dogs and other animals be baptized" hahaha ahh man. But on the bright side, we did set another date with him to be baptized for the 2nd of April. Hoping this one goes through! #Pray4Enofre lol :) That night we played basketball with him, his brother Francisco, and his friend Rafa. (the kid who ran away that one time).

Saturday - Played soccer, and then we went to Silvia's again and she fed us. We met a family who are less actives that we have been trying to meet with for the past 7 weeks. So that was good!! They came to church for the first time since I've been here, so that's cool . We stopped by the other Elder's piso that night to see if they were still alive. Elder Hamblin was doing pretty bad, so I gave him a blessing. Elder Ohlund is better, but not by much. They asked us if we could get them butter so that they could make us something so we went and bought them butter and Ohlund made us No Bake cookies. They were honestly way good! That day we also met with a new investigator named Luis. He's from Ecuador, and he reminds me a lot of my old investigator from Córdoba, Jorge! All people from Ecuador are seriously so nice it's unreal. I wish Spaniards were as nice :( but we taught him a little bit about just why we are here and what we want to share with him and he told us he's interested so we could come back a different day! Good guy :)

Sunday - We had a lesson with Enofre and his family in their house.  Wow. Literally IMPOSSIBLE TO GET ANYTHING DONE IN THERE!!!!! They say the weirdest stuff, and their freakin' Scooby Doo dog just licks my companion the whole time and it's just all around not a good idea to go inside. We are always like “Hey Enofre, wanna come to the church and talk for a little bit?" Some days he's like yeah but others, like yesterday, he was like oh well just come in. So we go In hahaha. We also met with Jesus Del Pino and his family. They're good people. We had a lesson with Antonio and his wife about temples and how they need to go to be sealed with their family. He's a ward missionary, but a less active as well. So our ward mission leader, Franci told us to get in his grill and get him to come to church haha. But the lesson was a good one and they really do want to go to the temple so hopefully they can soon. :)

Monday - As for today... Well, there really isn't much to do here in Almería, so we went to the mall, did some shopping and then came back to the church to play basketball.

Well peoples, thanks for what you guys all do. I'm so grateful for you all and I want you all to know I'm doing so good and I'm very happy right now. Things are going very similar to how I would like them to be and that's always a good thing! :) I love you all and I hope you all have a great week!!

T Ham

The masks at Danny's Tea Shop

Almeria view of the coast and the city

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