Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 28: Weird + Walking + Rain = Spain

Good Day Loved Ones,
Hello, and happy last day of February! Such a weird day that should never have been invented or made! Who thought it would be a good idea to just throw in an extra day every 4 years? I'll never understand honestly. Anyways, if you want to hear my week, continue reading because it's below. :)

Tuesday - Well, we slept over in Málaga on Monday night with the zone leaders there, Elder Varela and Elder Black. I've met Elder Varela once on my first day in the field, but haven't seen him since then. Let's just say after one night together, we are best friends now. He's a homie and such a good missionary and example! We’re planning on hanging out together when I come home. The sad thing is, is he goes home this June. I gotta wait till next year. 😉 He's a good guy. Then that day we had our Tr-izone conference! I learned a ton and got some quality stuff that I can use in my talks. ;) We left that night and came back to Almería. :)

Wednesday - we had District meeting since we couldn't on Tuesday. After that, we went to the Peña’s house for some CHILI! Way good, as usual. I got kinda sick though, haha. After that, we went to Daniel’s shop and talked to him for a while. His girlfriend is still the problem. He said she doesn't like the change we have made in him. Are ya kiddin me? WE ARE HELPING HIM BECOME A BETTER MAN! She doesn't like us at all, IDK why? Thank goodness Danny does. We went to the other Elders' piso after that during media dia and made a pretty sweet tower made out of Books of Mormon. (The correct term for this is "copies of The Book of Mormon" just so everyone knows). That night we had very little success. Actually, none, at all, haha. We just walked around trying to pass by people. THE FUNNIEST THING HAPPENED WHEN WE GOT HOME THOugh! 😂 So, it was right before bed which is 11. I was working out, but to work out, we only have a pull up bar, and 2 8 liter water jugs. My companion wasn't feeling so good, so he went to bed early and was out cold by 10:45. While I was doing strict presses, (pushing the bar straight over my head while standing), one of the jugs slid off and COMPLETELY EXPLODED!!!!! Hahahaha! We don't have any sort of clamp to prevent them from falling off and I guess I went up with one side faster than the other! The water jug burst in half and water was literally an inch high all over the floor. So, I spent the next 30 minutes cleaning up water!!

Thursday - During medio dia, we had an eating cita with the Kamús. They're the family who remembers dad’s face, but not 100% remember dad. How could anyone forget a face like that though,  I mean c'mon? So we ate with them and then after, we were walking and we passed this lady and said Hi and she was just sitting there and she said Hi and was really friendly but we just kept walking and then after like 10 more steps, my comp and I looked a each other, stopped, and went back and started taking to her. She was so nice. Her name was Maria. (cuz what lady here in Spain isn't named Maria?) She was interested, but she had some doubts about some things so we told her we could come to her house this week and teach her more. :) Then after, we had a lesson with our investigator Juan. He's going through a pretty rough time right now, so we gave him some comforting scriptures to help cheer him and and it worked. That night we had another cita with Jesus of the Pine (Jesus Del Pino). We read Alma 32 talking about a seed and faith and how we need to nourish it in order for it to grow and we related it to the Gospel and our testimonies. If we don't come to church, read the scriptures and pray, our knowledge of the truth will never come or grow. But if we do those things and obey the commandments, we will be blessed in our efforts and see progress, just like when we water a seed and give it sunlight. :)

Friday - Pretty crappy day. During the morning, we did our weekly planning session. I'll be honest - I don’t love planning sessions. They're the worst ever. But they're necessary in order to have the success we have weekly. That day was so bad, haha. We
literally walked.... and walked.... and walked... and walked… and then it started raining. But we walked… and walked… and it rained... and rained… and we walked. I'm convinced we walked more than the freaking pioneer children as they sang. I wanted to sing, but my comp didn’t wanna sing with me :/,  but hey, we walked. Then that night we had a cita with Emme! We showed up and were completely drenched from the rain. So Emme, being the Good Samaritan she is, let us 19 year olds wear her 12 year old son’s golf polos!!! Elder Berry and Elder Hamblin didn't take the offer, but Elder Layton and I didn't want to hurt Emme's feelings, so obviously we changed into them! They were a little snug, but we pulled em off. Pictures below :)

Saturday - Guess what we did more of on Saturday??????? Walking. We played soccer in the morning, but after that our day just went straight down the toilet. We walked to an area that's close to the coast and tried finding some people there, no luck. Then we walked back up to a different area and still had no luck. Then we walked back towards where we live and couldn't find anyone so we walked back down to another area and still had zero luck. All I'm saying is that if I get home and my booty doesn't look good after all this walking… I'll be so mad. Extremely weird experience that night... We knocked on a dude’s door named Antonio Cortez. We found him in our area book that some previous missionaries entered. So we knock and we noticed all these kids were on the stairs just watching us. Finally after our third knock, this guy answered the door. HE WASNT WEARING PANTS. He had long straggly hair, a gnarly uni-brow, his house smelled so bad, he looked so high and everything was just weird. He says “Elders! Pasa, pasa!" Or "Elders, come in!” And literally the second he said that my comp just blurts out “NO" then he explained why we couldn't. He lied cuz he didn't wanna go in the house. I was kinda bummed. It would have made for a good story!  So yeah, we talked to this dude in his door, with no pants on, for a couple of minutes and then I asked if he could come to church with us the next day and he went on and on about how he was in a lot of pain and he lifted up his shirt, and he was wearing this diaper thing!!! Like I was so confused! I didn't know what to do! He's like a 26 year old man in a diaper?! Oh my heck! it was so weird! The worst part is, is he didn't come to church. :(

Sunday - Easily the most spiritual day on my mission so far. Such a good Sabbath! :) We went to church, and Enofre was there. When we walked in he was like Hey Elders!  We were like Hey Dude, you ready? And he's said no, there's too many people here. And then he left. I wish you could all know Enofre. Man that kid is a character. That night, we had a lesson with some members named Elio and Reign. Good heck the Spirit in that house is incredible. They're incredible! We talked a lot about our families and everything and then towards the end, Elio started telling us about how awesome of a service we are doing. Leaving behind our lives for 2 years, coming to a place where we don't know the language, without our families, school, sports, the things we love in life the most, all to help other people find the happiness we have in our lives. We talked about how we might not see our success now, but we are planting seeds and someday, it's going to sprout and we will see the fruits of our seed. He starting talking about how Pops serving here 25 years ago, still hasn't seen some of his fruits, but how I might be able to. He said that he (my dad) has helped this ward out tremendously. It used to be so small, but now it's one of the strongest wards in Spain. While talking about my dad, I lost it completely, haha. It was so helpful and reassuring knowing that people here know this isn't easy. Elio told us we have a light about us. He started crying when he said how strong the Spirit was the second we walked into their house. The Spirit during our "lesson” was so strong and I know for a fact I will never forget that.

Monday - Today is a holiday, so the ward had a little get together at the church today and we played games, soccer, basketball and had a BBQ :). It was fun to hang out with all the members again!

My Sunday night experience helped me so much. I know for a fact that I am where I'm supposed to be. I know I wouldn't be who I am without the people that I have in my life, without the Atonement, and without this Gospel in general. Being a missionary is a blessing I get to have in my life, but only for 2 years. It seems like a long time, but when you think about it, it's so short. God has given us talents and resources for the things that we need to do on this earth. He has a plan for every single person. Use your resources you have so that you can do whatever it is you can do, to the best ability you can do it. Sometimes we might not understand why things happen the way they do, or why they happened to us. But if we have trust in the Lord, everything is going to fall into place.

That's all I got this week guys.. Thanks for all you do and know I
love you all!

Elder Hammond

If the shirt is tight, you have to flex!

I found a baseball diamond here in Spain!  It made me so happy! #trunky

Poor kid has to let us borrow his shirts!

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