Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Week 27: Rock Concert or Church?

Helllooooo Modesto!!
(Movie quote... Willing to give the people who know it major props)

Good afternoon/morning (depending on where you are in the world while reading this letter from T Ham)! Our week was a very fun, weird, loud, eventful, busy, and spiritual all around.

Tuesday: Meeting day, as usual. District meeting in the morning, correlation and ward counsel. We dropped Elder Layton off at the bus station that day because he had to go to Màlaga again for his residency, so Elder Hamblin came with us and stayed with us that night and the next morning. After our meetings, we had a lesson with our investigators Angel and Myra, the Ecuadorian family. :) Angel said he’s going to be way upset if I don't visit him after my mission. He always says the motto in Ecuador is "sin camisa, sin zapatos, y un grande sombrero!" Which means no shirt, no shoes, and a big sombrero! He gets so turnt when we talk about me coming to visit after the mission. I absolutely love it. We read 2 Ne 4 with him and I told him how much I love verse 20 because my Dad showed it to me and it just is such a helpful scripture. :)

Wednesday morning we met with Enofre and his house. It's really not easy to feel the spirit there. It's a mad house every time we go. They have a dog that's like Scooby Doo but black and it's not a healthy dog haha. We watched the Restoration movie with him and it was cool because any time we talk about something new, he has a ton of questions. For medio dia, we were invited to go meet some members at a Chinese restaurant and eat with them! It was the first time I've had decent Chinese food in the past 6 months.  Oh my heck I miss Panda, PF Changs and Wok Lin! You guys have no idea. Then that night we met with Danny and just answered a bunch of questions he had about certain scriptures we gave him to read last time. He's such a stud, but I think we are going to have to push his baptism date back a week or two just so we can get all the lessons with him. We will probably have to do the same with Enofre's, but I have faith that both of them can be baptized!!

Thursday - we did our weekly planning session, and then for medio dia we went to the Nuñez families house to eat. She made us some spaghetti and we talked to them about the temple and how much of a blessing it is in our lives. They were way jealous when all of us told them that we have a temple that's literally like a 5 minute drive from our houses. Then that night we had English class but none of the people came except Francisco who is Enofre's little brother that is a member but less active. He came to our English class and we played charades with the cards mom sent me. Oh my heck! It was so funny to see this kid act out some of the cards. They were in English, so he would pick them up, and some of them he could understand but he doesn't know any English at all other than hello and my name is... (chicka chicka slim shady). It was a good time.

Friday - we had another lesson with Enofre at his house. When we got there, they were playing a game my Dad and I used to play and it was our FAVORITE GAME IN THE WORLD!!! Metal Gear Solid on the original PlayStation! "Huh? What was the noise?” It was in English and everything. Oh man! Seeing it brought back so many memories and made me so happy. We had a lesson with him and his friend that ditched us after we played basketball with them last week. After that, we were on our way up to Antonio and Rozio’s house. To get there, you have to walk up a huge steep hill, and there was a lady carrying groceries up the hill and we stopped to ask her if she needed help and she said yes so we carried her bags all the way up the hill for her and told her about who we were and everything and she told us she believed in God. We tried to get a return cita with her, but she was really weird and wouldn't tell us which house was hers, so we kinda got the vibe she didn't want it. But we told her if she ever needs her bags carried again she can call us. After, we wet to Antonio and Rozio’s house and had a lesson with them. This is where the first part of the loud comes in. The people next door were like redoing the tile in the house, so the entire time we were trying to talk to them, there was THE LOUDEST DRILLING NOISE going on!!! It was so loud! We were trying to read the scriptures with them and we were literally screaming while reading the scriptures. Then the second I get done saying/yelling the prayer, the drilling stops. Satan was determined to ruin this lesson.

Saturday - Soccer day with members and investigators! We had to play on the big court cuz something was going on at the church. When we got there, there were already some kids playing on the court but they were younger so the older guys that we play with went and said if we beat you guys, we get the court, if not, we'll share it with you hahaha. So we played them and we beat them, so we got the court :).  That night, we were supposed to meet one of our investigators (Juan) at his church which is called the church of Philadelphia. Weirdest and loudest thing of my life. I legit didn't even know if we were in the right church or if we were at a freaking rock concert. IT WAS SO WEIRD. The other elders came with us to so they got to witness it with us. We had a blast and some of the things their pastor said were pretty good haha. OH - did I mention Juan didn't even show up? So yeah, we went to his church. Without him. We didn't know what was going on. Very cool experience though that's for sure. :)

Sunday - Normal Sunday. Antonio and his kids came for the first time since I've been here which was really cool. He blessed the sacrament and everything it was awesome. Antonio is the dude who we had the lesson with on Friday when we were literally screaming. He hasn’t been able to come due to his new baby boy. He's been way sick and I think just kinda lazy and what not, but it was just really good to have him there. :)

Today - we played basketball at the church and tonight we have to catch a bus to Màlaga because we have trizone meeting tomorrow. :) So I'm on a 5 hour bus ride tonight and tomorrow too! YIPEE!!!!

Well homies... thanks for all you do. Thanks for being my friends and wanting to keep up to date on my weeks here in good old Spain. We currently have about 2 more weeks of this transfer and then there will probably be some changes here in Almería, so I'll keep you up to date on that. HAVE A GREAT WEEK AND I’LL TALK TO YOU ALL LATER!!

Elder Ham

Elder Layton and I in a cita with Danny while he helps some customers ;)
Elder Varela from Maple Mountain.  He’s “borderline grotesque” as Dad would say.  (Translation: that’s a good thing) We are at our zone conference in Malaga.  Another place where my Dad served his mission.

On an adventure with Adventure Time!

Ballin' with Enofre (left) and Rafa (right)

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