Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Week 26: Cave Climbin'

Dearest beloveds,

Howdy all! I hope everyone had a fantastic day of love yesterday. Also, I hope you know how much I love all of you guys! My week was pretty good if I remember correctly. :)

Let's see, on Tuesday, we didn't have district meeting due to Zone meeting on Friday. Nothing worth reporting happened that night. We made a list of a ton of old investigators that we wanted to pass by, and we stopped by 15 different houses and got return citas with about 4. That night consisted of correlation and ward counsel meetings at the church.

Wednesday was a pretty busy day. That morning we went to Huercal which is the pueblo that it is in our area and looked for more investigators. We contacted literally 47 people and were successful with 9. Successful meaning they gave us their address and phone number, so hopefully something good comes of that! We had an eating cita with the Soleres family and they fed us some really good chili. Not as good as that one ladies, but almost. ;) Then that night, we had a noche de hogar at our ward mission leaders house and gave a lesson about the Word of Wisdom. Daniel was there, and it was really good for him to see all the love and support he has from the ward members here. It was a really helpful lesson for him to listen to, and for all the members that were there to help. :) My comp and I left there and walked about 30 minutes up to the church and had a solid English lesson with Urban Cowboy. (The older one with whiter hair) When we got done with it, he gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek and told me he loved me like a son. It was great. I was so confused.

Thursday was mom and dad’s anniversary, so shout out to them for starting a pretty cool family.  Also, that night we were going to see if Enofre was home, and when we did we saw him playing basketball with of his friends, so we went over and made them a deal that if we beat them in a game of 2v2, they had to come with us to the church and have a lesson. So we played them and won and right when we won, his friend booked it home! Ii couldn't help but laugh cuz it was literally no hesitation right when I made the last shot he just took off running. So Enofre came to the church with us and he said that either way he was gonna come with us. He loves learning about the church and seriously has so many questions and it's awesome. We read 2 Nephi 31 with him talking about baptism and at the end of it we committed him to be baptized on the 5th of March!! It was sick! He kept telling me that he doesn't think he will be ready, but he said he trusted me to help him be ready. :) It takes him a while to warm up to new missionaries, so my comp is still trying to get him to like him. That night, we slept over at the other elder’s piso because we had to catch a bus to Granada the next morning and our piso is wayyyy too far from the bus station.

We caught our bus at 7:30 in the morning and made our trip to Granada. I SAW ELDER SHIELDS FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE DECEMBER!!! It was so awesome! He walked in to the church and we saw each other and ran and hugged. It was hilarious! Not as powerful as when Elder Beckstrom and I saw each other, but pretty close. During zone meeting, a couple of elders gave a workshop on how we can plan better for nightly planning, and it was really helpful and it's been cool to see the difference a couple of tweaks can make in such small things. While waiting for our bus back home, these two American looking dudes walked past us so Elder Layton and I asked if they were from the states and they say they were so we talked to them for a while. They were coming from Granada to Almería so we talked the whole way home. One of the dudes and I started talking about how much we love Drake and how he's literally the greatest ever. He kept asking me if I had heard the new stuff that he has come out with and he wasn't understanding I couldn't listen to it. But they both had so many questions and they kept saying how nice all of us were and thanking us for the help. We gave them our number so that if they ever wanted to talk more they could call us. :) Later that night we met up with some investigators named Emilio, Sergio and Ramon at the church and played basketball with them for a little while. It was fun.

Saturday morning, we couldn't play soccer because there was an activity going on at the church that was like a fundraiser. There were a lot of people that showed up! It was kind of like a BBQ, I say kind of because of the fact that Spain does BBQs a lot different than us at home. We played basketball again with a lot of the members. Our ward mission leader, Franci, is a baller! He's 35 and has 2 kids and they're just the coolest family. He played basketball with us and was making some of us look silly! It was a really fun experience and it was cool to be with all the members that were there! We had a lesson that day with Angel, one of our investigators and we focused on the Book of Mormon. We read the whole introduction with him and when we finished you could kinda tell his outlook on the whole book changed. :) That night, the other elders called us and asked if we wanted to meet them at Emme's house. We didn't have any set appointments that night, so we went with them. When we got there, there was a huge party going on for Lina's birthday party! All their family and friends were there, including Angel and his wife and kids! They were like man you guys can't get enough of us can you?! Haha Angel is seriously one of the nicest dudes I've ever met in my life. He says he's gonna make sure I come to Ecuador and visit him one day.

Sunday was just your regular Sunday. We went to church, had our classes and tried setting up citas for the week (actually had more success than usual) after church, Franci told us that there was food for us that someone made in the kitchen. We have no idea who it was or anything, but it was really good spaghetti! That night, we did our numbers at the church and then tried passing by a couple of our investigators but no one was home. We found a couple of futures though which was good. :)

Today we found a cave and there were little steps in the wall to it so me, Elder Layton and Hamblin climbed about 40 feet up to the top of it. it was so fun! :)

Being in a companionship that is so young has taught me a lot of things these past two weeks. My Spanish has improved a ton and it’s been really cool to see that. :) Something I forgot to mention was this week we passed by Danny's tea shop and he said that if it comes down to choosing the church or his girlfriend, he's going to choose her. It kinda hurt all of us, especially Elder Layton and I cuz we've been with him since the beginning. He's been having a rough time with business at his shop, and he has to close down at the end of the month if things don't get better. We try to pass by and have daily contact with him. He loves what we have to say and loves learning about it, but he said Iris, (his girlfriend) has been in his life longer than the church so if he has to choose, it's her. Hopefully she can come to her senses and start accepting it too. He said she's allergic to religion.

Well folks, thanks for all you do for me and my family. I'm so glad to be out here on a mission and helping others come into Christ. It’s been so much fun and time is going by so fast. I'm grateful for all of you and I hope you all have a great week!! :)

Elder Hammond

Zone Conference

Lina's Birthday Party!

Cave Crawling


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