Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 24: Bus Moon and Other Spain Adventures

Deer Peeps,
Hey all! This week has been another good one. Got some new news this past Saturday that I'm excited for and also a little sad about.

Tuesday: Meeting day. We had district meeting like always. Elder Rex is our district leader, and he gave me the topic of "writing in your journal" cuz he said of all the missionaries he's been with, I'm the best at doing it hahaha. So I gave a 10 minute workshop on that. :) After, we went to the chicken place like we always do! It's called Pollo Asado and it's just a full chicken with fries. It's so good. That night we had correlation and ward counsel like always. There was one of our recent converts there that we haven't seen in like 6 weeks cuz he never answers our calls. He invited us to come over to his house so we are going over tonight!

Wednesday was a pretty slow day. We had splits and I was with Elder Harvey. It was fun to be 1 on 1 with him. He taught me a ton about better ways to talk to people on the street. He's been sick for a while, but he fought through it like a champ. That night we had English class and our topic was fruits.  We had a giant conversation about whether or not the avocado is a fruit or a vegetable. It literally lasted about 30 minutes and finally we convinced the few people who thought it was a vegetable, that it’s definitely a fruit :).

Thursday was a new experience for me. Elder Rex and Elder Harvey had to go to Màlaga because they had to renew their residency since they've been out for a year. So, Elder Layton and I were companions and it was my first time being the senior comp hahaha. Elder Layton is a stud and we are basically best friends in my mission. We both play football and baseball and have so much stuff that we can relate to one another. We contacted (Well, tried. Not very many people stopped) in the morning and then that night we have a cita planned with Daniel at his tea shop. He gave me some more of the cheesecake brownie. It was still so good. We talked about the power that the Book of Mormon has in people's lives if we allow it. The spirit was so strong like it always is and with him and you can tell that he's starting to gain a testimony of it. I was thinking of a scripture to share with him but nothing was coming to mind, but during the lesson he was telling us that he wanted to be the best man he could be. For his customers,family, girlfriend, everyone. Then I remembered my ponderize scripture from a couple of weeks ago which was Moroni 7:13 "But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God." I love this because if we are with God, we are good. Everything that is of Him, is good. :)

Friday, we had an eating cita with Emme at her house! Whenever I say we have an eating cita with Emme, just know we had rice and chicken of some sort. I'll let you know if we ever get something else.  She had to leave to go get Lina, so she called us and told us to come to her house before she left. So Elder Layton and I went to her house and she was already gone so we called her and she was like yeah I’m outside so she gave us her keys and we went into her piso and waited for like 20 mins and then Elder Rex and Harvey showed up with the Hermanas and then about 5 mins later Emme got back so we ate. That night we had another cita with Barbosa! His cousin Armando was there too, so we taught him a lesson. He lives in a Pueblo about 30 minutes away from us, so on the bus ride home, there was this guy who was extremely drunk. When we got on, it was just Rex, me, bus driver and the drunk dude. We sat down and he came up to us and was like hey you guys from the US? And we are like yeah and he said then give me some money. He asked if we smoked and I said no and he said oh, well I do. Then we stopped at a stop and there were a couple teenagers outside and the guy perked up and started jumping on the seats and fake shooting a machine gun at them and he was laughing so hard then he fell down and pulled down his pants and started mooning the kids. Rex and I were dying it was so funny.

Saturday, soccer day. Sadly I didn't have 9 goals again, but I did score a couple times. I think it's cuz I didn't say the prayer, haha ! ;) After soccer, we went and got some food and then later we were supposed to play basketball with some recent converts of ours, but they didn't show up. We waited for a little bit and then we went home and then had a noche de hogar at Silvia's house! There were a couple of people who were friends of theirs, but of course none of them are in our area.  We talked a little bit about all of the gospel principles and how we can know that the Book of Mormon is true and we told them that it's the keystone of our religion. :)

Sunday was your regular Sunday. We had another cita with Emme, guess what we had to eat?  PIZZA. It was quite the shock to me too, don’t worry haha. We always try to share something with them before we leave, but this time it was mostly saying goodbye to Rex and Harvey. She likes getting really close with all the missionaries which is good but saying bye always is her least favorite part. She's so nice and bonds with any missionary that comes into her house. Feeds them all too so that's a plus.

Well ladies and gentlemen, that sums up my week. Thank you to the people who have already wished me a Happy Birthday.  I'll let you know how my new companion is, and how happy my birthday really was in my next letter.  I love you all and hope you all have a great week! :)

Elder Hammond

Our regulars at English class.  Avocado is a fruit!

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