Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 38: Apparently I'm getting taller 🤗🤕

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night to you wherever you are in the world during the time that you read this. 

Before I start, gotta give a quick shoutout to LOU HAM for turning 13 yesterday!!! Can't believe he's a teenager now. Also the old man turns like 45 or something like that THIS FRIDAY! So glad to have them in my life. Hope Luke enjoyed his and Pops enjoys his. :) ALSO my good friend Elder Beckstrom owes me €50 euros (dollars) because the Thunder did everyone a favor and knocked the Spurs out of the race. We made the bet in the MTC 9 months ago and he said Spurs would take it, I said The Warriors. So now I win 50 big ones :) 

It's been a pretty good week if I do say so myself. There were a couple highlights, first off meeting our new homie Alejandro, and second of all having a really fun and good lesson with our investigator Benji and his less active wife Ana.. Here's the list: :)

Tuesday - not a very productive Tuesday as far as I can remember. Nothing happened other than that morning we had our district meeting! It's weird cuz ever since I've been here, that was the first one we’ve had! It's not usually that long of a wait from when you first get to a new area like this, but due to it being the very beginning of the month, we had zone meeting 2 weeks ago and finally we had our first district meeting. That night we had a very brief lesson with Benji and Ana. I might as well give you their background right now cuz we were with them a lot this past week haha. SO, Benji is from Romania. He's 23 years old, married to Ana who is 29 and from Paraguay. They have a little 20 month year old kid who is one of the scariest kids I've ever met. If I could describe to you why I would use this emoji 😶... Idk how to describe him. Every time we go in his house, he straight up just stares at me and his face says "Why the heck are you in my house? His name is Kevin.  But anyways, Benji has a whole plan about how he's going to get to the states, get to Utah, and be my best friend for life. I've known him for about 3 weeks ish and he already wants to live within 20 minutes from me when I get home. He’s great! I will talk about that a little bit later tho. But that's the majority of what you need to know about Ana and Benji.

Wednesday - every Wednesday, we have an eating appointment (cita) with that Garcia family. They're the people that thought it would be HILARIOUS to poison the crap out of my rice. 🙄  I love them. :) Also, they are the family who's house I was at when I FaceTimed home! We had rice again, kinda like fried rice, but nothing compared to Panda. 😫 We also met with a young single adult in our ward who has a friend that can get us real soccer jerseys for way cheap, with any name and number on them! I'm getting 3 🙈, They're sweet, when I get them I'll send pictures of them home so y'all can see 💯. Later, we played basketball with Benji! But yeah Benji just kinda hucks up 3s and hopes they go in. Dad, just imagine being at the stake center again and watching C TO THE B out there playing and you'll know what Benji looks like 😂😂😂. That night we had English classes. :)

Thursday - so, rewind a day, to Wednesday... That night we were on our way home when some kid says in English "hello my friends!" So we look back thinking okay well this kid is just some hoodlum who thinks he’s funny so we look back and say hi but keep walking. After a 2nd look, my comp was like wait I know that kid, so we went back and talked to him. His name is Alejandro, he's 20 and from Columbia. He was wearing a shirt that says,  "THE RAAIIDERS" (in that weird voice) so I told him I play football and he's like oh no way me too and I'm like oh well dude lets play sometime and he's like okay sweet I'll bring all my friends and while we are at it, you can teach me about your church! Hahah so I’m like wow okay hey look if we go to the church we can just baptize you real quick if you'd like???! No just kidding I didn't say that, but hopefully I'll be able to. :) He's a stud. ANYWAY, Thursday night rolls around and I call Alejandro and I'm like tio we are playing soccer tonight, do you wanna come? He's like of course dude let’s meet so I can get there without getting lost so we met a little early and went to the church to play. We gave him a tour of the church and we found out he has a troubled time believing in God, because "he believes in the people, and in the music”. He loooooves music, and we have the same taste, so we talked about that all night as well. He said he could see himself believing in God, but he just needs to know where to find him. We told him we could help 🙌🏻 then we balled out on the same team in soccer and I was of course, goalie! 💁🏽#turNup

Friday - hahahahaha way funny thing happened that day... It might be way confusing, but bare with me. And know that I'm not the idiot in this situation haha. We went to a place called Creviente, it's a place where there are 2 sister missionaries in our district. We had to go cuz my comp is the district leader and he had to dedicate their piso. After we did that, we were walking to go get something to eat. Here in Spain, people like to put little canopies in the middle of the sidewalk so that when people eat outside the restaurant, they have shade. Soooo, we're walkin along, we're walkin along, and I see this canopy thing, but there is a curtain type thing covering it. Usually when there are the curtain things, they hang about 6 inches below a metal bar that holds it. BUT NOPE NOT FREAKIN THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!! Smacked my forehead right into a metal bar. Frickin hurt. I couldn't help but laugh tho hahaha. Ahhh man it was pretty funny. Pictures of the outcome attached.

Saturday - Saturday was a good day. We spent all of Saturday night with Benji and Ana. We had a way spiritual lesson with them about the Restoration, and how we have all these things back on the earth today. Prophets, the Priesthood, the church, everything. We showed them the little 20 minute Restoration movie, but the only problem is that Benji has trouble believing Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ. So, we invited him to pray about it. He knows the Book of Mormon is true, and he believes everything and agrees with everything our church does, but just doesn't know why God would show himself to a 14 year old kid. After the video, it was pretty funny actually hahaha. He was like “Are you sure this Joseph kid wasn’t just trippin on some major acid or shrooms or something..?” Hahahahaha it was so funny we couldn't help but laugh. We explained to him that he could know for himself through prayer and that God will give him his own answer and testimony about this stuff. We also told him to pray to see if he should be baptized so he can get sealed with Ana and they can get sealed as a family :) It was a way good lesson and the Spirit was way strong.

Sunday - not much happened other than we went to church and then after we went over and ate with Jose and Encarni. They were both baptized about 2 years ago, and now are some of the strongest members I've ever met in my life. They're about 47-50 years old and have two daughters. The older one is a member but LA and the younger isn't a member. We are working on that tho. :) Their scriptures are freakin nuts.. Markings on every page and it's just insane. Like I've been a member for like my whole life and it doesn't even come close to comparing to theirs... Cra Cra 🤗

Monday - today we didn't do much. We met that guy this morning and gave him our money for the jerseys, and then after that we went to the YSA (JAS) (young single adults) center that's here and played ping pong, then we went to the church and played basketball and soccer with the other missionaries here in Elche haha.

As you can see, it was a pretty busy and good week. Way sorry for the way long email, but I had a lot to write about. Shout out to you if you actually read the whole thing. You the real MVP for sure 💯! I love you all, and I hope you all feel my prayers daily, because I feel yours :) have a great week and you'll hear from me next :)

T Ham

Service = Ice cream

Bball with Benji and Baby Kevin

Arm wrestling with Benji... I held my own ground pretty well for not going to a gym for 9 months.

Doesn't look like much, but this was the outcome after I wrecked my head hahaha 


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