Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Week 39: Intercombios & 9 MONTHS 😳


This week was filled with quite a bit of things if I remember correctly. We did splits twice and they were both pretty fun and successful.. Also like I mention last week, the old man turned 45 on Friday! Me and my comp celebrated from 5000 miles away... It was a party. Couple other quick shout outs to my cousin Alex for getting his call to Brazil!!! So stoked for you! And to little (not so little anymore) Markey B for his birthday and package I received :) Thank you all for that and hope Marcus enjoyed his B Day! Nowwwww time to hear about my week! 😱

Tuesday - that morning, we had district meeting, and then after we did our first set of splits. For lunch, we went to this buffet place in the mall that we live by. Biggest waste of money I've ever wasted. It was so gross. I was very disappointed cuz my comp talked it up all week and then we got there and it was horrible. That night, I was with my old companion Elder Rex! It was awesome to be able to work with him again. Elder Rex and Elder Lowry are in the same group, and they just barely hit their 6 month left mark, so we celebrated that night with all four of us. We spent most of our time contacting in the streets, and it was kinda funny to be together doing it again but in a totally different place! We decided it's more productive here in Elche than it is in Almería where we served together. We are hoping to get a couple new investigators out of the people we contacted :)

Wednesday - in the morning, we had a meeting with our investigator Benji that ended in some basketball. Haha it was a lot better with more people. A little bit more competition which is always helpful. :) After that, me and my comp went to the Garcia's house like we do every Wednesday to eat lunch. She made this way good like mashed potato and meat lasagna from Argentina. Then that night we had English classes! We have like one regular student named Arthur who is from Armenia. He's a good guy. We played this board game that helps people with English, so that was good. I won, just in case you were wondering 😈

Thursday - we had a really quick, good weekly planning session! It only took about an hour which is really good. Some planning sessions take like 3-4 hours which is absolutely insane and will never happen to me. The shorter, the better. I can't remember what we did during the afternoon time. But I remember we played soccer that night for our ward activity! You guys remember Alejandro from a week or two ago? He came again, and this time he brought his little brother and his girlfriend, so we got two more futures out of that which is always good. :) He keeps asking me when we are going to play football but we called him on Saturday and he didn't answer! Anyway, we played soccer for a while. The highlight of the night had to have been when a guy on the other team had a free/penalty kick, which is where it's just one on one the goalie and the dude who's shooting and he's only like 10 feet away from you so the odds are defs in the person who is kicking it's favor. The guy who was kicking it is a member and he's a pretty strong dude. Isma, is his name. So he freaking kicks it as hard as he can and I was like oh wait no sorry you can't score and so I hit it up in the air and then jumped up and caught it and another member who was on my team ran a GO ROUTE AND I TOOK A 3 STEP DROP AND DROPPED A DIME TO HIM AND HE SCORED AND WE WON THE GAME. It was pretty cool if you ask me. The member who I threw it to is legit a professional soccer player. Jacob, he's 18 and the soccer team in Murcia asked him to come play but they play on Sundays and he is about to get his call so he had to turn it down. He's a homie and way good at soccer. We make a good team cuz he just sprints to the other side of the court and I huck the ball down and he scores. He’s basically the Malone to my Stockton 💯

Friday - that morning we had a lesson with an investigator named Mercedez! We had a really awesome lesson about the restoration and she even had her friend over so we picked up a new investigator. :) They were really intrigued by Joseph Smith and wanted to know more, so we are going back on Tuesday. That night was our second day of splits! That night I was with Elder Smith… (not Brady tho 😐) He's in my group, but he came from the Provo MTC so we didn't really know each other before I got here. He's a cool kid. His family consists of 14 people total 🤔. I  We had a lesson about Hope with Benji! Honestly hope is a way cool thing and I really wish I would have known more about it before I gave my farewell on it. We, of course, shared the Mormon message about Todd Sylvester like I did in my talk. That video and story is so awesome and it brings the spirit so fast. We are slowly but surely working our way closer to the soft part of Benji's cold, Romanian heart lol. Then we w taught English to our new friend Alex and his son Ryan. Alex is part Muslim but is also American. He lived in Florida and so he speaks perfect English and his kid’s English is pretty good as well. I showed them all my football vids and pics that I have and they were freaking out. It was kinda funny. They kept saying that I better remember them when I'm playing for the Miami Dolphins. He says I'm the next Dan Marino. After seeing Ace Ventura, I hope not.

Saturday morning we were helped with a service project  and help some members move.  Then went to an eating cita with the Palominos! They’re members and have 4 little kids and the two oldest speak perfect English, cuz their dad served in Oregon and they lived in Hawaii for awhile. We talked about American stuff and the little 5 year old kid Manolo wanted to come live with us for the weekend and be a missionary. It was awesome. We were on our way out the door and he's like "ELDER HAMMOND WAIT!" So I stopped at the door and he goes into his room and gets a strap on tie and just throws it around his neck and comes out and says "Okay, I'm ready to go!" Hahaha it was so cute 😂! He got his little pack back and was just imitating everything I was doing, it made me happy. (see video on the blog… so cute!) :) That night we had a cita with some other members that I've talked about before, Jose and Encarni. My comp promised them he'd make some chili, so he did and we brought it over and ate it there! Not bad for a Canadian! 😳

Sunday was your usual dia de reposo... Nothing happened except we went to church and then tried to pass by some people but no one was home. IT WAS SO HOT YESTERDAY HOLY FREAKIN HECK. Like 91 degrees. It was hot. My comp got off the bus and just starts screaming and yells "whyyyy do I feel like I'm walking in an oven I want to be back in Canada" hahaha I got a kick out of that. 

Well guys, another week down here in Spain. Time is going by so fast, I can't believe I've been here for over 9 months now. It seems like I left just a couple months ago, but at the same time i feel like I’ve been here for an eternity 😂 it's well worth it tho.  🤗🤗🤗 I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!

T $$$

District soccer and basketball today :) 

Elder Rex and me :) - How many missionaries does it take to work the camera?

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