Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Friday, June 10, 2016

Week 41: I Bought Vanilla Body Wash & Now I Smell Yummy :)

Dearest fellow family mates,

Well, like we always say, another week down! This week seemed to have gone by slower than usual, but when transfers happen, they usually are slower. It was a good week all in all! If you remember, I got a new companion! He's the 2nd companion I've had from Utah, and the 2nd companion that graduated from Alta!. He's way funny and cool and we have a lot of the same interests. Our work ethic is the same and we can tell our time together is going to be enjoyable.

Soooo, on Monday it was about 10 o'clock and we were in a city with some members so that Elder Lowry could say bye to them and our phone rings so I answer it. The lady says hey I have someone who wants to talk to you, so I say okay... "Hey Elder Hammond? It's Elder Llavina, I'm here outside of our piso. I think..?" Hahahaha I was like what the heck. Transfers happen on Wednesdays, never on Monday. So I'm like "oh hey dude... Yeah well uh, we're at a members house right now so I guess just hang out there til we are done?" Hahaha then he was like "okay that sounds good ill see you soon!" His old companion was going to train a new missionary, so he had to come early, but the freaking zone leaders forgot to tell us and so he showed up to Elche all alone and didn't know anything when finally a member walked by and let him use her phone to call us. The member, Aaron, is way nice and told us that we could go pick him up, come back and eat together then that he would take us back home after. So that's what we did haha. We picked him and all his luggage up, threw it in the car then went back home, ate and then later Aaron drove us all 3 back home. It was an interesting experience for sure 😂

On Tuesday we had our last district meeting. I had 2 comps in it so that was cool. Later that day we had a cita with a guy who we teach/talk in English. He's fluent and we just like to help him practice. I may or may not have talked about him before, his name is Carlos! He's so nice hahaha and his English is amazing! He was like "I'm not used to getting something from someone and not giving them something back in return, so I bought you guys these Spain shirts!” Hahahah freakin one of the dopest golf polo shirts I've ever seen in my life. He gave me and Lowry one! We took a pic that I'll attach below.

Wednesday - I can never seem to remember what we do on Wednesday hahaha. That was the day of transfers! We spent the morning in a trio with Elder Weenig, who is one of the greatest missionaries to go down in the history of ever. He's crazy, but solid missionary lol. A really cool thing happened actually... We were passing by some people we found in our area book, and a member named Vanessa called me and was like "hey I have a friend for you guys to teach, are you guys busy right now?" I was like no hahaha so we went and had an awesome lesson with her friend named Julio! He's from Ecuador and he told us he's had family problems and none of his kids talk to him and he just wants to be a better dude. So we talked to him about the Book of Mormon and eternal families. He seems really interested so we are hoping to see some progress with him! That night we had English classes, nothing special happened there :

Thursday - We had a really good weekly planning session, I told Elder Llavina all the secrets I know about the area and we planned out how we are going to meet all of our goals as well as find more people to teach. It was a good start picking up Julio and a new investigator, so we were on a roll already! After we planned, we went over to the Garcia’s house and this time, they poisoned my companions rice!!! They put this freaking wayyyyy spicy sauce in his rice and it was absolutely nuts Hahahah it was so spicy. He started like freaking out and we were all laughing it was funny. They didn't put any drinks on the table so he just suffered. Funny stuff. That night, I played the best goalie I've played since I've been in Spain! 😩 My team stayed on the court the entire time. It was mostly because I had Jacob on my team and we stuck with the game plan were he runs down the court and I drop it like its hot 💯 bottom line is it was  a fun night. :)

Friday - We helped a member in our ward with her daughter’s birthday party that was at the church! Idk how many of you saw it, but the video of the companionship that we found? Jacqueline and Monolito? It was Jackie's birthday and she asked if we could do the angry birds part of her party :) we set up a bunch of cardboard boxes and blew up some green "pig" balloons and then we had the kids throw a soccer ball and try and pop the balloons. It was funny to hear all the little kids ask us if they could kick the ball cuz they all sucked at throwing hahaha. We did that and then later that night we went and had English classes again!

Saturday - we had a really good lesson with Nancy, Christian, Rosa and Valentina!! As of right now, they are our number one investigators..They've been reading in the Book of Mormon daily and we have been praying as well as they have that they can find the truth in it! We talked a little bit about that on Saturday and also the 5 steps to live with our Father in Heaven again. The Spirit filled the room the minute we started talking and we did the best we could to leave it there as we left. Then they invited us to go get some pizza! Freakin almost as good as DAVANZAS or Litzas 😍😍 it was an awesome night all around and I'm glad we got to spend it with them.

Yesterday, the hermanas in Crevillente had a baptism in our church so we went to that. It was also stake conference, so we watched a conference of a couple general authorities. We received some good instruction from them and it was all in all a pretty good day! We also ate with the other wards bishop. His house is so American I was sooo trunky the whole time we were there haha. The first Sunday of every month he invites all the missionaries over to his house for a big BBQ. It was fun getting to know all of our new district a little better. Every single person has a new companion, so there are a lot of changes.

And today, we went to some beach lookout point with our Elders Quorum President, Aaron and Jacob (my boi) who is his younger brother and we hung out with them most of the day!!! It was awesome and there are pictures below :) Shoutout to all the homies who graduated last Thursday... Also a quick shoutout to the homie Brock for getting his call last weekend to every Americans dream mission. Scotland/Ireland!!! You'll kill it there and I'm proud of you bro :) idk if you even get my emails but hey, here's a shoutout 😂

Thank you all for reading my emails weekly, and I hope you all know how much I love you and miss you. Before we know it well be reunited, but for now, the Lord needs me here in Spain!  I'm loving being a missionary so I will enjoy the short time that I have left!

Love you all and hope you have a great week!!!

The beach.


I almost died today! ;)

Ok... maybe we thought we were funny.

Spain Selfie

Old District

Spain shirts

New District

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