Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, June 20, 2016

Week 43: Investigators, Investigators 🚯

Hey Fellers :)

Well, it's been quite the week. I don't even know what I mean when I say that, but it was :) to be honest this weekend was hard .. But I mean other than that it was pretty good. Here's how it went down.

Tuesday - Tuesday morning we went to the church and had district meeting. It was a pretty good meeting and as a district, last week we focused on finding new investigators. Which is what Elder Llavina and I did. This week and next week, we are focusing on teaching them all, and getting all the ones with the most potential, progressing. That night we had correlation and after that, we went and played soccer :) it was fun because not a lot of people came, there was only 12 of us so everyone got to play the entire time. One of the dudes on my team didn't feel like running so he played goalie the whole time which meant I had to use my feet more than I like to haha... I will admit tho, I'm no Messi, but i am pretty close to like David Beckham. Which is good because his family is way life goals. If you're interested in starting an indoor soccer league when I get home, hit me up cuz I’m starting a team. :)

Wednesday - Um... Oh! Magi. So rewind a couple days to Sunday. Magi is friends with the Palomino family who are our good friends as well. Magi came to church with the Palominos. We taught Magi about the Book of Mormon after sacrament meeting. Magi liked it. We set something up with Magi for Wednesday. Wednesday came, and we met with Magi. Do you guys remember Julio? The dude we met with a couple weeks ago? Well, Magi is Julio’s wife. Magi is more open than Julio, but they both have a lot of potential and desire to follow God. Magi liked the Restoration a lot. Magi cried during our lesson when we told her about the First Vision. Magi now has a baptismal date for July 16th :) then after we had that lesson, we went to English classes.

Thursday - more Magi :) That morning we had our weekly planning session. About half way thru, Aaron called us and asked if we wanted to come eat with him and his family. I told you guys this already but I'm pretty sure you all might have forgotten... Aaron is the one who’s coming to Utah in August. He and his wife both speak perfect English and have two freakin adorable little kids who I love and they love me as well. Their names are Triana who is 7 and I will probably be hooking up with Reece when they get older :) the other kid’s name is ADRIAN hahahaha. Oh my gosh this kid is literally the greatest. He's two years old and from what I've heard about myself as a kid, he reminds me exactly of myself but he speaks little kid Spanish and I spoke little kid English. The more time I spend around him, the more I want a little kid exactly like him. Anyway, they're living with Aaron’s parents and brother who is my best friend, Jacob. We ate with them after we planned and it was a fun time :) that night we had correlation with Fernando Caballero who is Aaron's dad and also our ward mission leader. He was way proud of how many new investigators we had from last week (9) (I'm way proud of us too) (you guys should be proud of us too) (:)) so that went really well.. THEN we went next door to the Palomino’s house and had another way good lesson with Magi,
Julio, there son Eduardo and grandson (I think, could be son.. We don't really know) Bryan! Good family. We talked about the Restoration a little bit more and then showed them the little restoration video and once again the spirit filled the room. :)

Friday - Friday was a stupid day. 😒 My companion has been having problems with his...body... And so the mission nurse called us that day and said we had to go to Cartagena for a doctor’s appointment that night at 8. SO we started our journey at 3 and caught a train to Murcia. From Murcia, we found our way from the train station to the bus station and caught a bus from Murcia at 4:45 and arrived in Cartagena at 5:45. We didn't have anything to do, so we went and sat at Burger King and waited for some missionaries with a car to come get us. I don't think I mentioned this, but a week ago, Elder Rex who was in my district got emergency transferred (I don't know why) to Cartagena. So when we got to Burger King we called him and he and his companion came and hung out with us for a while. Eventually the missionaries with the car came and got us. THE DOCTOR’S OFFICE WAS IN A
PRIVATE COUNTRY CLUB AND IT WAS SO AMERICAN AND THERE WAS A GOLF COURSE! I WAS SO TRUNKY. Not to mention the doctor himself was American. Grew up in Ogden and went to Weber State haha, freakin
hilarious dude. So after my comp got his...body...checked out, they drove us back to the bus station and we caught a train at 10 PM back to Murcia. We were greeted by my homie Elder Goates and his companion and we stayed the night with them and another good friend of mine Elder Stephens. :) There were 6 missionaries in a piso aaaaanndd well, not of lot of sleeping was done 😬 which was stupid of us cuz we had to catch a train that morning and be back in Elche by 9:30 so we could help a member in our ward with something.

Saturday - Remember like a month ago when I told you me and Lowry helped a member put up a dresser thing? Well, the same member had us take it down and throw it away. We worked that morning then came home and took a much needed Mediodia nap :) then we had a lesson with our Nigerian friend Daniel. .:) The dude is straight up golden. He's got a lot of potential as well and is progressing towards the font. :) We talked to him about the Restoration and bore our testimonies about how he can come to know that all these things are true by praying and asking God, just like Joseph Smith did. I've come to appreciate the First Vision a lot more since being out on my mission. I didn't even know what it was until I was asked by the bishopric when I was like 15 years old to give a talk on it. Honestly, even after that I still didn't know what it was or how important it was. Now I have a pretty strong testimony for it :)

Sunday - Yesterday, our investigator Jose came to church with us! It was cool cuz like all the ward members were way friendly with him and tried to help him feel comfortable. Gotta love Mormons :) and then that night we went to a fireside at the JAS Center and Elder Obando (70's) talked with us :) but guess who sat by me? Adrian and Triana :) I was basically babysitting them but freakin heck it made me miss siblings, all my cousins and other little kids I used to play with hahaha. After that we had a lesson with Jose about the Restoration as well and once again, it was a good lesson. :)

Today, some member who is from a pueblo here called Crevillente, took me and Llavina to lunch for some reason so that was cool :) then we just hung out at the JAS Center and now here we are. :)

So yep there's my week for y'all... As you can see, it was quite the week. And no, I still don't know what that means :) OKAY I LOVE YOU ALL AND HOPE YOU KNOW THAT. OH and giant SHOUTOUT to all the PADRES
(dads) out there but especially my dad ad also the other dads in my life who have helped make me who I am today. You know who you are and how you've impacted my life. 😏 I love you Pops and hope your Father’s Day was the best! :) HAVE A GREAT WEEK ALL.

Much Love.
Elder T Ham

In Murcia

Our dinner date

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