Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Week 44: Like Padre, Like Hijo

Whatssuuuppp Fams :)

We don't have a whole lot of time to write today. So this email might be a little bit shorter than usual. Knowing me of course I'm sure I'll manage to make sure it's long hahah. I do try and keep it entertaining tho. Hopefully I do a good job. :) Here's my week!

So on Tuesday we spent pretty much the entire day at the church. We started off with district meeting and then after that we went and ate with the Parreños. They are the family with the 2 (of 4) little kids who I made that video with a while ago where the kid has the tie and they speak perfect English haha. They're always a good time. They have 4 kids and all under the age of 7. Sound familiar Jas and Ash?? 😉 The 3rd kid, well his name is Victor. Believe me when I say that this kid lives up to the name Victor. Good heck he is such a pain in the arse. The kid will do anything in his power to make his mom wanna kill him hahahaha. My old comp always just used to call him "the little fetcher". When I told Elder Llavina that, he wondered why until we ate with them last week :) It was fun and a good time. That night we met with Carlos to help him with his English and we actually talked a lot about prophets and our beliefs! He had never showed interest before but we met in the church for the first time on Tuesday and I guess seeing all the pictures intrigued him and so he asked all about Joseph Smith and one thing let to another and so we technically picked up a new investigator!

Wednesday - Morning we went over to Carolina’s house and helped her with her English as well. After that we went on over to the Garcia’s house to eat like always. 😋 Pretty sure we ate like this meatloaf type of thing and it was pretty good. Have I mentioned how much love all South American people have for rice? If I haven’t, Southern Americans love freakin rice. That night we had English class and freakin our only student, Arthur didn't come so we helped the hermanas and we played bingo so that was fun. :)

Thursday - We had our weekly planning session which was good and then after that we went over to the OTHER Parreños! It's the Parreño Sr. We were at the Parreño Jr. on Tuesday. This one and his wife got home about a year ago from being the mission president in Argentina! They're awesome and have some cool stories to tell always. The wife’s dad isn't a member, but he was there and he was cracking jokes left and right about how many girlfriends he has haha. He's like 84 years old and says the only thing he agrees on with the church is polygamy. 😂 It was funny to hear him talking about everything. Later that night we met with Magi again! We went over the the Palomino’s house and she was there with Eduardo. They also brought some weird dude named Edwin. This guy is a creepy dude. I was tempted to get a picture of how scary he looked but like I was too scared. But still a beautiful son of our Heavenly Father. ❤️😬 We had an awesome lesson with Magi about the Plan of Salvation and the happiness that it brings us. She really likes e concept of the Atonement. We got talking about that and she was so happy to know that our Savior suffered for all of her problems already and that through that, she can be completely forgiven of her past. She's still progressing towards her baptismal day, even though she hasn't been able to come to church these past two weeks. She's still excited about it and so are we!

 - on Friday I received a lovely package from my lovely family :) It was full of treats and most importantly A FOOTBALL 😍😍😍 and actual AMERICAN FOOTBALL! Oh I wanted to jump for joy and sing and dance but that woulda just made the whole situation awkward so I decided to just play it off with a "oh heck yeah the fam (mom) hooked it up”! I hope this will help me stay crisp upon my return. :) Ummm, well yeah then after that I don't really remember what happened so I’m kinda just typing to see if I remember what we did. Nope nothing. Maybe later on I'll remember. :)

Saturday was freakin HOT and awesome. :) There was a giant party with the church with the whole stake of Elche! There was so many people there haha it was so awesome! I was talking to some people and this dude comes up to me and turns me and around and says "ELDER JAMÓN JR!” I was like pulled a Brian Regan and was like "HEEYYY... BUCKAROO!” Hahaha I recognized this dude’s face but didn't know from where. Later it hit me that it was the dude who I met in Murcia who did splits with my dad, or Elder Jamón Sr. 25 years ago! Haha I guess he's in my stake and so we got talking and literally talked for literally 45 minutes about how awesomely spectacular and studly my dad was as a missionary. Still is as a father 😏 hahaha I kid you not when I say I heard this guy say "un tío BUUUEENNISSIMO!" Which basically means just the best dude ever to breathe on earth. I'm always down to talk about how awesome my dad is 😜😜😜. The whole purpose of the party was to raise money for some of the kids to go to EFY and I'm pretty sure a lot of money was raised so that's always good. :)

On Sunday, we enjoyed our Sabbath Day as we attended church. I must say, I'm on a streak of not missing church on Sundays. Pretty sure I've hit somewhere around like 46 Sundays in a row. Go me 💯 hopefully it stays like that when I get home. 😳😬😂 We ate with a member who's family is total Anti-mormon even tho her daughter is on a mission in Madrid haha. We asked the man upstairs to soften her husband’s heart cuz he is a total meanie head 🙄 We ate paella and it was really good. :) Later that night we tried to pass by a couple people but didn't have any luck.

As for today we went to a park and played football (real football) and hung out with our district and a couple members :)

Well folks, there ya have it :) it was a pretty good week all around. I'll be sure to keep you all updated, like I always do ;) I hope you all have a great week and you'll be hearing from me on the 4th! Enjoy this weeks festivities.. Without me.. 😩 LOVE YOU ALL :)

T Ham :)

My package!  Football and treats!

Our District 
Matching Pants

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