Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 45: Happy America Day! 🇺🇸

Hey everyone!!

Hello again to all, and a very Happy 4th of July to everyone as well! This week was a good one. We didn't have a whole lot of time to work in our area due to some complications, but all in all it was a solid week!

On Tuesday we had district meeting as usual. After we did that, we went and ate with the Caballeros :) and enjoyed some nice arroz con costra, (the famous Elche dish). Hermana Caballero is one of the best cooks I've seen since my childhood crush Rachael Ray. 😍 

Wednesday was filled with a lot of nothing haha. My companion had another doctor’s appointment and so we were there the whole day. Aaron Caballero took us and so he and I waited together. Then after that we went and got some Chinese food. I wish I could report more on Wednesday buuuut, I can’t. 😬

Thursday we planned in the morning, and we had a really good planning session. We picked a couple of people who we are going to focus on more than we usually do during this week, and we have already seen some miracles so far! That night, we did splits with the other Elders here in Elche, and I was with Elder Pesce (pronounced Pechay). We started off by passing by a couple of people and we had a good lesson with a lady who has some sort of disease where she can barely talk. Her sister had to translate. We just talked about Jesus and his sacrifice for us and how even though we may not understand it, He has a plan for us as well. After that, we met with Magi again. We thought it would be a good idea to talk about the "Famous Five" things we have to do to get back to our Heavenly Father. We brought our ward mission leader Fernando Caballero. When we were talking about repentance, I asked him to share his conversion story with us and it was exactly what I was hoping for .:) He told us how before he met the missionaries, that he was deep into alcohol and very deep into drugs. He believed in God but he didn't act on it. He said he did heroin, crack, weed, you name it. Then one day his boss gave him a Book of Mormon and said it would answer any question he had. So, he read it. A couple of days later his boss asked him if he had gotten any answers and he said no but that he was halfway done with it and still nothing. After a couple more days, he finally got his answer and he stopped smoking. Slowly he stopped everything and finally got baptized. We decided it would be a good idea to change her baptismal date to July 30th because she's had to work the past couple of Sundays and so it works out better like this! We want her to be prepared.

Friday morning I worked with Elder Weenig. I've talked about him before cuz of all the splits I've gone on in my mission, I've done them with him the most. I'm pretty sure we've been on like 4 splits together. 😂 He's a really good missionary and I always learn stuff from him. He goes home next Wednesday so that's kinda cool. For Mediodia, we went to the Garcias and ate. They made some of the world famous empanadas from Columbia. Oh my gosh! 😍 They were so good. They were so freaking hot though. I wrecked the shiz outta my mouth. My tongue, and top of my mouth still hurt. But they were good. :) That night we went and tried to pass by a couple of people and then after we went to the JAS Center and we had our English classes. And then after that, we babysat. 😂 The hermanas had one of their investigators come to have a lesson and she brought her 3 kids so we decided it would be easier for them if they weren't there. So, we took the kids into the other room and played with them while they had their lesson. We played foosball for like 45 minutes straight. 🙄

Saturday... Well, the other Elders got unlucky and they have to move out of their piso so they asked us and the hermanas if we would come help them clean up the piso and whatnot. So we did that in the morning and later we went to Carolinas to help her with her English. Her friend was there and she's like a professional nail person girl thingy idk what they're called. Nail stylist?? I think that's it...? We'll go with that. 😊 My comp and I helped them with their English.  Thennnn that night we met with Nancy and Christian. We had a really good lesson with them about the Sabbath Day and keeping it one hunnit 💯 I mean holy.. Holy. Nancy and Christian have been doing everything they can to get answers to their questions. The only thing they're lacking is the action part, so we talked to them a lot about how if we do our part, God will do his part and help us out. :) I'm hoping they can start acting on their faith and hopefully they'll realize that if they want answers they will have to try different things (like coming to church).

Yesterday, we had a really good lesson with our investigator Prescila. During weekly planning, like I said, we put a couple people who we wanted to focus on and she was one of them. All of her family are members, and she's the one who used to be but took her name out of the church. Anyway, we met with her last night and her sister Diana who is about ready to get her call and we read 2 Nephi 31 which talks about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, once again, the 5 things. I can honestly say in all of my mission, I've never felt the spirit as much as I did last night, maybe in all of my life. While we were reading and talking, Prescila and Diana were both crying. She knows it’s true and she knows she wants to get baptized. She said she's just scared. Which is reasonable because I mean it's natural to be scared of change. I'm terrified of it. I told her that and the thing that helps me the most is trusting the Lord and praying when I need His help. It was an awesome lesson and we are excited to see if she can change. :)

Today for our PDay, we went to where we played football last week and we rented out a beach volleyball court and played volleyball with a ton of people and it was way fun! It was a good way to feel like I was back home in Powell playing... 😳 I'm totally kidding it felt nothing like that. I just lied. I'm sorry, it's just.. Frankly, I miss Lake Powell. But hey, HAPPY FOURTH! :)

Thanks for everything you guys do for me, and I hope you guys all have another good week. Count on hearing from me soon! 💯

Much love.
Free Livin'
Elder T Ham 🔱

PS - Sorry no pics :/

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