Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, July 11, 2016

Week 46: I'm Grateful for My Knowledge of The Plan of Salvation

Hello ladies and gents,

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th. 😆 It’s my fav holiday.  HERE’S MY WEEK!

To start things off, here's a sad story and a big part of our week. :( We have these investigators named Prescila and her husband/boyfriend/fiancé and they have 2 little kids, a little girl who's 4 and a little boy who is like 2. On Tuesday we were at dinner with her dad and he got a call saying that the 2 year old boy fell from their balcony that was a story high and that they called the ambulance and they were waiting. The dad freaking just snarfs down his food and pounds the heck out of his drink (literally I just sat there amazed by how fast his food went and leaves to go to their house. We called him later than night and asked if David (the kid) was okay and he was like yeah he's alive and hopefully will recover. So we went to bed. At like 5:30 the next morning we got a call from Prescila’s sister Vanessa who is a member and she asked us if we could come give Prescila a blessing. We got up and got ready and we saw a text from another guy who was with us at dinner the night before and it said that during the night little David passed away. It was so sad.  We went and I gave Prescila a blessing and when we got there she was holding one of David's stuffed animals and crying. It wasn’t a pretty sight /:

Friday, we went to David's funeral. We got there early and we were with the Palominos (Monica (mom), Vanessa (daughter), Prescila (investigator & daughter), one other daughter, and Diana (daughter) all are members except Prescila) they were all way sad and it was making me so sad to see all of them like that. During his funeral, a member in our ward got up to talk, his name is Monolo Parreño. He just got home from being a mission president. He was talking about the Plan of Salvation, and how they would all be able to see David again. He was talking about how little kids don't need to be baptized because they're all innocent and just babies and pretty much perfect. He keep saying that Heavenly Father embraces all of the people the come up to live with Him and He loves each and every single one of us. While he was talking about all this, I couldn't help but think about Brady (my uncle who died at birth) and Jennie (aunt who died a while ago) and I was overcome with a feeling that is almost indescribable. I got the chills throughout my whole body and just thought how amazing and cool that it is going to be to actually meet my uncle and be like “DUDE! I’M NAMED AFTER YOU AND I’VE WAITED ALL MY LIFE TO MEET YOU!!!” Ahh! I got so happy and knowing I'll get to see my aunt again and she will be perfect and have a perfect mind (even tho she was already basically the most perfect human ever) and not have all the problems and disabilities she had when she was alive. The only thing I'm scared of is her being able to beat me up for all the times I teased her when I was a little kid! 😂😬 Basically all I'm trying to say is that I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so so so so freaking grateful for The Plan of Salvation and that I will be able to see them again. :)

On Saturday, we went over to the Palominos again and had a really, much needed (for everyone) noche de hogar. We taught a little lesson about praying. We told them that during this time it might be hard to pray and feel that He is listening because of what happened to David, but that He's always here for us and wants to hear from us. We didn’t want to focus a whole lot on all the stuff that had happened during the week, so we were brief on the lesson part and then we spent the rest of the night playing a bunch of games and laughing and having a good time. It was so awesome to see all of them happy again. :) They're such an awesome family and we are hoping that this unfortunate event will push Hernan and Prescila closer to God and they will be able to realize that we are here to help them get back to see their son again. :)

Other events this week:

Wednesday morning like I said we went over and gave her a blessing. After that we came back home and then we went out and worked for a while. After that we went over to the Garcias and had some delicious Colombian food. We talked to 2 of their kids who are less actives about how important the sacrament is and she said she was gonna come to church with us on Sunday but she didn’t. 🙄 That night my companion had a dentist apt and that literally took up all of the night haha. The dentists here in Spain are so dumb. We were there for 2 and a half hours and we waited, he went back, came back, waited some more, then this lady calls him back after like 25 mins and she's like “K, show this to this other lady and she'll tell ya how much it'll cost and everything so then 20 mins later he gets called back again and she looks at his mouth and is like yep okay so if you want to get worked on it'll cost $100 and he's like okay thanks or nothin so we left. Cool story I know :) I've learned its way funny when my comp gets upset and talks crap on Spaniards hahahaha.

Thursday we planned in the morning and then we had a cita with our home boy Alvaro. He's a member. Was baptized about 2 years ago and he fell away for a little while but now is going strong. Then we went to the Caballero’s house for our weekly correlation session. I literally love the Caballeros, if I haven't said that before. They're like a second family to me :) even tho I have like 4 different second families in my life. They're my family in Elche. They're the best, I promise. So that was good, and then after that we were going to go have a lesson with a future investigator that we have, but he didn’t show up.

Sunday, well we showed up to church and our bishop was like “Elder Hammond, one of the kids who was supposed to give a talk didn't do his. Can you give one???" I was like well thanks for the 5 minute advance warning! So I winged it and gave a talk on missionary work :)! Then that night, we went over to the Palomino’s again and played some games and we talked about the temple. It was a good time :) 

Well..... There's my week :) I hope you all have a way good week and you'll be hearing from me next week :) ALSO SHOUTS TO BERKLEE CUZ 17 ON SATURDAY ❤️❤️❤️ bye all :)

T Swam (I wish I could swim 🙂)

My piso was 100 deg. at night this week. Only a fan. I'm a little sweaty. Sorry, I didn’t take photos again this week! 

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