Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week 47: What a Wonderful Week 'Twas

Hey my persons :)

I don't really know what to say right here to be honest... We had a way good week, so I guess here it is hahaha :)

Tuesday - On Tuesdays we met with some new investigators that we picked up recently. A 12 year old kid named Santi, and his 15 year old cousin named Ana. We taught them a lesson about the Restoration and how the church works. :) They were really interested and they both accepted a baptismal date for August 6th! Then after that we went and
they played soccer with us. :)

Wednesday was transfers, so we had Elder Brown (who is from Bountiful as well) with us because his companion was coming from afar! He's a cool guy, considering he graduated as a Brave. 🙂😷 For Mediodia, we went and ate with the Caballeros. 😊 We got invited to go to the mutual activity which was playing basketball at the church, so we went to that and Ana and Santi were there as well! We played basketball with all the young men and young women and then after that we shared a s'cute lesson about prayer. :)

Thursday - We started off the day with a gnarly planning session. We decided once again that we were gonna focus a lot on Hernan and Prescila (the people whose son just died) and we thought of what we could teach them. A few things came to mind and I'm sure it was straight from God after what happened the day after. 😏 We dropped Elder Brown off at the bus station and then we made our way to the doctor’s office one last time! My comp got his results and he's gonna live 😊 😂 so now we don't have to go to the freakin' hospital anymore hahaha. Then after than we went to the church and guess who we taught? Yep, Santi & Ana! :) We had planned to teach the Plan of Salvation, but when we got there and started talking, we both thought it'd be better to watch the Restoration video. And it was a really good thing we did cuz after we got done, they both understood it a lot more. :) We challenged both of them to pray and ask Heavenly Father if Joseph Smith really was a prophet and they said they would. They're both progressing really well right now and we are way stoked for them!

Friday - FRIDAY I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING OTHER THAN WE HAD A FREAKING AMAZING LESSON WITH PRESCILA AND HERNAN ABOUT BAPTISM AND BEFORE WE STARTED WE WERE TALKING TO HERNAN AND HE SAID "Elders, do you think next week we could meet every day? I want to get baptized soon!” Oh. That's cool I guess? While I wanted to burst out in tears and say “Yes! of course!” I pulled the HARD GUY and said “We'll have to check our schedule”. Hahahahahah guys I'm totally kidding I said freakin heck yes we can dude. I never ever thought I would ever hear those words in my entire mission. But now I have and it was music to my ears! :) They're not married, but he knows what he has to do, so he is going to move to a different piso while they wait to get married which should be really soon! Hernan has been taught everything and could be baptized whenever he wanted to, and he said he wants to do it soon so that he can get the priesthood and baptize Prescila. :) Ahh gosh! Then the lesson was so freaking awesome! I started talking about when I baptized Reece and how happy he looked when he came out of the water and then he hugged me and I just felt like I was being hugged by a little angel. 😊😊😊 As you can imagine, I was bawling my eyes out cuz anytime I talk about a family member I lose it cuz I miss them so bad haha! So to stop crying I then told them the story of when we were driving away from his (Reece’s) baptism and he goes, “Dad! Wait! Stop! I forgot something at the church!!” And we were all like ahh dude seriously?? What did you leave? And he goes "My sins!" hahaha ahh that was so freaking adorable. All in all, a really good day!

Saturday was a way fun day. The morning sucked however. We walked for like three hours straight and nobody wanted to talk to us haha. Then that night, we went to our Bishop’s son, Dani's wedding! They did it at like this way catholic lookin place so it was kinda different. But it was a cool wedding. They just seemed so happy! Then everyone went to his house and we ate there and hung out. There was probably like 200 people total. And of all 200 people, GUESS WHO HAD TO SAY THE PRAYER?! Holy shnikes, I was so scared! 😂 I was making a joke to a member that he was gonna get asked to say the prayer and then Karma came in hard as ever lol. I killed it tho, blessed that food like there was no tomorrow.

Sunday - We had a pretty good day at church! Ana and Santi came and so did Hernan and Prescila. :) Things are looking up for all four of them and like I said earlier, we are excited to see where things go with them. :) Last night, we went to Jackie’s baptism. :) She's a little girl in our ward who just turned 8. Remember the video of the 2 little kids that was the other companionship with us? The little girl in that video is Jackie.  Reece,  she speaks Spanish, English & Chinese bro! I told her and her mom that next year when I get home that we are gonna set you two up! 😏 I'll send a pic so you can see her. 😂😉 She's seriously one of the sweetest little girls ever and she's so smart haha. It was cool to be there!

Monday - We went and got our eyebrows waxed!  Hahaha! It hurt so bad but was pretty fun! 😂

Well dudes and dudettes, there's my week. A really good one. I’m looking forward to my next/last 5 weeks here. Hopefully something(s) good comes of it! :) I'll keep you guys updated on everything! Hope you all have a great week and I love you all!!!

Soul Savin’,
Elder T Ham

The Man of the Hour, Dani.
All the people I prayed for 💯

Our Elche District Playing Soccer

We Take This Seriously!

Stuck in an elevator! #dreamteam
P-Day Activities

Gettin' our Zen On!

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