Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week 64: I'm in love with the COKO 💎💯💸

Hello everyone :) 

Wowzers, well got quite a bit of stuff to mention. Starting off with I'M LEAVING CARTAGENA!!! I'll be going to Fuengirola which is about 45 minutes away from Malaga! My new comp's name is Elder Pearce. I saw pics of him he looks like he's about 14 years old. I feel so old. He only has like 3 months in the mission. :) I think he's from Utah so it should be good to see what happens in Fuen! Here's some of the stuuuuff about my week though.

We had intercambios with the some of the Elders in our district on Tuesday. I worked with Elder Kärn pronounces Shaaan, from Sweden! Freakin homie. I love him. He's hilarious. We had a grand time together and Elders Nye and Adcock did as well. In total for Tuesday we taught about 9 lessons! Hahaha! Way dope. :) 

On Monday we had a way cool thing that happened. Monday night all our plans failed us so we decided to pass by some members/investigators we hadn't ever passed by before because ya know, why not? So we go there and it turns out it's a member who we knew fairly well! It also turns out that her husband isn't a member. :) So... we had a WAY BOMB lesson with them. When we got there he goes, "Yeah, I don't know if I really believe in God." So I showed him a video about faith, we bore our testimonies like never before, (literally I was straight up with this guy and told him (kind of yelling but not really) I was like Edward, I swear to you if you kneel down in prayer and humble yourself, asking if God is there, He will answer you and by the end of the lesson he was like, "Yeah. Ya know! There's totally gotta be something." God is real. The Spirit was so strong. :) We were talking about how he said God wasn't real and I pulled up the lyrics to the children's hymn called Child's Prayer and his daughter who's 13 was reading it and the mom and her started crying and oh man, it was just the best lesson I've ever been part of in my life. :) 

Right after we got done with that amazing experience I called our homie Juan and I said, "Dude! Let's meet tomorrow." He said ok but you guys can't talk to me about God or the gospel or anything. He was like your missionary days with me are over. Then he's like "BUT, when I get baptized, you guys have taught me everything!" I is very confusing. But like I've said before, Juan just needs to have faith and not over think. 😩 Hopefully his time will come soon because he needs it so bad!! Either way, we are his friend and will be there for him.

Friday we had a good zone meeting. It was good and I learned a lot. It was a freakin' long ways away thought. I didn't think I was gonna make it. It was worth it though because after we had good burritos. Holy wow! They were straight from Mexico man. Rrrrico papi. 

We had a really funny/good lesson with a less active named Veronica. She can't come to church because she works always. She's the lady  who takes care of the old guy that I sent a video of a while ago that sounds like a zombie. Anyways, we're in her house and a game show is on the TV. A guy starts presenting himself and his name is Yas. When we saw this my companion and I turn to each other and at the same time we both say YAAAASSS in the most white girl voice of all time. Hahahaha! Oh my gosh! We were laughing so hard it was hilarious. Later in the lesson Veronica was telling us about how she read something a while back about polygamy, but when she was telling us she couldn't remember the word and she's like "what's like the guys called when they have lots of girls that the church used to practice?" Without thinking or anything I just blurt out "Pimps!" Hahahahaha! My comp died. It was funny and then I realized I said it. I was like, "Wait! No! That's polygamy." It was so funny. 

That was pretty much the week. I'm semi sad about leaving Cartagena, but I'm way stoked to get to Fuengirola. :) I'll hopefully have some good stuff for you all next week! I hope you all have a fantastic week and I'll be tryin to do the same. :) 

MUCH love.
Greenie Breakin',
Elder Tanner Brady Hammond

This is all that happened this week, hence the subject. 

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