Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Week 65: Thankful for you wonderful people :)

Heyyyy all 😊

Well, well, well. Here I am again, here we are again. :) My week went by pretty fast, right? Lol no idea. But I'm in Fuengirola Spain and it's pretty dope I guess. :) Here's some of my weeeeek. 🤑

So the beginning of the week was way different. Nye left to go pick up his new comp from Malaga, so I was with Elder Bushman who is still in his training. He went to Viewmont, he's an interesting kid and very  funny homie. We went and I said bye to a couple of the people I'm gonna miss over there in Cartagena. I didn't get to say bye to everyone but the major ones I did. :) 

Wednesday I left for Cartagena and was traveling most of the day. I got here and we went to the mission office (which is here in Fuen) and I met my new companion there. I also got to see all of the missionaries who went home. Two of my ex-companionss were there. My stepdad Elder Rex and also Elder Lowry. It's so weird to think both of them are going home, I remember celebrating Elder Rex's one year Mark with him like it was yesterday and saying, "When you go home I'll have seven months left!" NOW IT'S HERE! WHAT THE HECK? I'm not gonna lie. I was tripping pretty hard that day. We had English classes that night and they were not good at all so hopefully we have some improvement there. 😂 I was very homesick the first couple days. I'm not sure why though to be honest. We're all gravy now because I'm getting to know everyone a little more and the area.  

Facts about Fuen:

Our number one investigator is named Leanor and she is soooo awesome. :) She has two kids named Sara and the other is Christopher. Sara was baptized about a year ago and now we are working on her Mom. Chris is two years old and a total riot. He's freakin' insane and such a hoot. We had a really good lesson with them on Friday and it was about the Restoration and we focused on the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. Leanor has been reading a ton and she's almost done with Ether!!! She has so many awesome questions and we set a baptismal goal as the 17th of December for her. :) The only problem is that she's living with her boyfriend and they're not married. So in order to get baptized, she's gotta kick him out or the other way around. That's a tough situation but I know the Lord will do what needs to be done on his own time and everything will work out in the end. :) They also came to church and for the first time stayed for all three hours! I'm so stoked to see what happens with Leanor. :) 

There is a ton of tourists here... so I'm going to try and take advantage and relearn how to speak/teach/pray in English. Because I have no idea how to do it. There are lots of Finnish drunk guys here that are way funny. There are lots of English people. In our ward there's multiple people who don't even speak Spanish. A member gave a talk in English and someone had to translate for him so it was like a double talk. 😂

I gave my testimony yesterday and told everyone my name was Elder Jamón, people still love that joke. :) I love seeing everyone get a good kick out of it hahaha. I also mentioned that Pops served here and a couple people came up to me and said my name was familiar and it turns out one of the members remembers him! Hopefully I get to know her and her family more and they feed us a lot. :) 

We played soccer the other day and one of our investigators came has a ton of friends that are members hopefully we can get him goin to church with us.

As of now, you guys know about as much as me.  I'll keep trying to learn these streets and you guys continue to have great weeks and HAPPY LAST THANKSGIVING WITHOUT T HAM. I hope you all get fat and have fun! :) 

Much love. 
Thanks Givin'
Elder T Ham 🦃

Our Thanksgiving Dinner!

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