Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 6: First day in...

HELLO!!! Today was freaking crazy! It started out when we woke up at 5:30 in order to catch a train to Màlaga at 8:25. We got on the train and I pretty much slept the whole ride. We got to the train station and then we walked a short distance to get to some church they had pretty close by.  Once we were there we met all the people who would be training the new missionaries! We had pizza and watched some weird safety driving video. 

After lunch we had our interviews with President Anderson and then it was time for the moment of truth. After way too much anticipation and so much nervousness, I got assigned with Elder Shields! He is pretty cool he is from Washington! He's 21 and has been out for about 14 months. He's nice and he has a guitar so we can relate through music. We got assigned to Córdoba!!! This place is new for both of us so we got kinda lost trying to find the piso but some older lady finally helped us haha. There are two other elders in our apartment that will be leaving tomorrow.  I have my own bed and an iPad.

It's been a crazy day and I'm excited to see what's next! Thanks for all the support :) if you want to send letters my address is: 

Calle Historiador Manuel Salcines #2 1° 2 
Córdoba 14004 

I will email you the next chance I get! My P day is on Mondays now :) I love you guys!!! Keep me in your prayers!! Have a great week :):)

Elder Hammond

Malaga is the mission home.  Cordoba is just north about 2 hours by car.

According to Google Earth... this is his apartment.  Not confirmed, just his Mom stalking him with technology!  

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Hola Familia y Amigos! 
CHAAAHOOO! I made it through the MTC! (Almost!) I have about 3 more days here and I head out like a baby on Tuesday morning at 6:30! We don't have our travel plans but that is just what President Lovell (MTC Pres) told us! We get time to email this Monday before we leave so expect another email from me on Monday! 
This week was easily the best. I want to share what happened last Saturday at the park. I was with Elder Porter again, and we set our goals pretty high. We set goals on:
  • How many contacts we want to have
  • How many pamphlets we want to give
  • How many Books of Mormon we want to give
  • How many reference sheets (Peoples information for the missionaries in the field to contact) 
Our goals were higher than usual, but we said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to help us out a bit. It started off on the metro ride over to the park and we talked to this guy and told him all about the BOM and how it can change his life if he reads it. He accepted it and told us he was going to read it! Once we got to the park, it was nothing but uphill from then on! We talked to this guy from England named Alex. He didn't speak Spanish, but I had a BOM in English so we hooked him up :). We basically just testified the whole 10 minutes we talked to him. It was cool to see how interested he was in the book and how Christ came to the Americas and he was mind blown about how young Joseph Smith was when he saw God and Jesus Christ! He couldn't stop talking about that. Anyways, he thanked us for stopping him and talking with him and he promised us that he would read it and get in contact with the missionaries in England when he goes home! 
After that, we were walking around the park and we saw these 3 kids so we went up to them and started talking about school and soccer and we started playing with them for a little bit haha it was super fun! It reminded be of playing with Luke and Reece on the side of the house :) All three of them were 12 and only one spoke English so we talked in Spanish. We told all of them about how the BOM can help them in their lives and it was so cool to see how 3 young boys could get so excited about the Gospel :). We gave all three of them a book and they all pulled out their wallets and asked "Cuanto?" (How much?) We laughed and said "Es un regalo para usted" and they got even happier!! It was super cool. 

The best part was the last people we talked to. We were walking back to the fountain to sing and we went through this maze part in the park and we saw this family. A husband, wife, and and little baby in the stroller. We walked up and said "Hola como esta!" and they immediatley said "SHHHH!" haha we giggled and said sorry. In a very small whisper the dad in perfect English said "Tell me" Elder Porter and I looked at each other and then i looked back at the guy and said "Tell you?" he said "Tell me" So we literally gave him the whole first lesson. He asked us if what were doing was like an internship and we were like its kinda like an internship for the real world! It was so cool to see how they felt the Spirit and how much easier it was to teach them when we taugh with the Spirit! It was seriously the coolest experience and it made ALL THE STRUGGLE I HAVE HAD these past weeks in the CCM worth it!! I love going to the park and I am glad we will proselyte more in the field :) I would have given him a Book of Mormon but we gave away all the ones that we brought so we gave him everything else we had haha! It was awesome! 

I love this Gospel and I am so greatful I got called to Spain. I can't wait to see the changes it can make in people's lives and I know that if ANY of you reading this need help or want change in your life, THIS GOSPEL CAN HELP!! 
I love you all and and thankful for each and every one of you! I miss you all :) HAVE A GREAT WEEK AND WEEKEND! 
Elder Hammond :)

Elder Hammond with President and Sister Lovell (Spain MTC President).

Final time at the temple for 22 months.  BFFs take on Spain!

Elder Hammond's MTC District and President and Sister Lovell

Singing in the park!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week 4: One Month!

Hello all!! I hope all is going wonderful at home! Thank you all for the love and support coming from home :) There is no better feeling than knowing how much support and love I have coming all the way from the other side of the world. 

Geez where do I start? I will start off with what I remember most. Today for P Day, we took a tour of the Real Madrid Stadium! It was the sweetest thing ever! I can honestly say that I have gained a lot of respect for soccer and soccer players. I have a man crush on Ronaldo. Holy crap he is a soccer God. I miss FIFA a lot now hahahah. 
Tanner and Elder Wahlster at the REAL Madrid Stadium Tour. 

Close up!

Tanner and Elder Romney.  This is like the Dallas Cowboys Stadium of Spain!  

The place to be!

Funny story of the week:  I can't remember if I told about this last week or not but I was shopping at the mall and there were these guys who were selling stuff off the streets and it was all nice stuff and super duper cheap so I bought a 95 Euro jersey for 20 Euros hahaha! Then when I bought it they saw the cops from a distance and so they picked up their bags and ran away haha I couldnt help but laugh! 

Spiritual story of the week: Anyways, today in the temple, I had just finished my temple session and I was sitting in the Celestial Room and I looked up and immediately started thinking of Jenny (My special needs aunt that passed away eight years ago) and I got the biggest smile on my face and I started crying but it was tears of joy. It is so good knowing that where she is now, is the best place for her. I know for a fact that she is happier than she has ever been and I know that I am making up for all the times I would bug her while she was doing her business on the toilet and making her say "Shut the fweekin doe Tanno!" Hahah I miss her so much but I know she is watching over me and making sure I am doing what is right and I love knowing that she is happy :) 

I have learned so much since I have been here. Thinking more about others and less about myself is one of the things that I wasn't really used to but now I don't really have a choice haha! I have learned that if I focus on my investigator's needs and what they need to know and what they need to learn about, the spirit is always there in the lessons. Having the spirit as my constant companion is the best. 

The language continues to press forward. We learn about 2 new things per day and it can be frustrating at times, but it'll all come to me if I continue to work hard. Like Dad said, the language and words are easy to get. But it's the conjugating that is the hard part. He wasn't kidding haha. I am just glad that I don´t have to learn a language that I have never heard of haha :) 

Both of my "investigators" are coming along really well! One other thing I learned this week is that the law of chastity is an awkward subject to teach! I won't go in to detail! 

That pretty much sums up my week! I promise when I get out of here my emails will be more interesting! We do the same stuff here everyday but I love it! 

Thank you all for everything! Keep sending the love my way and I will send it back! Dont forget to read the BOM and pray daily :) I love you all!

Elder THam

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 3: Halfway Done with the MTC!

Hola amigos!! 
So good to write and hear from you guys again. I miss and love you all so much! This week has been full of pretty much the same things, but different opportunities and different lessons learned and taught!
On Sunday, we watched a devotional of President Nelson, (of course I told everyone he is in my ward) and he said something that really stuck out to me. He said, "Be the missionary your mom thinks you are"!  When I heard that it hit me so hard. If I do that, I would baptize all of Spain! I told myself I will do the best I can to fulfill that responsibility but I doubt I could be that good ;) 

We went to the park and taught again and I was paired up with Elder Allen again and also Elder Porter. We told ourselves that we were going to try and talk to every person. We did just about that. At the end of the day we counted how many people we contacted and it added up to 35! We gave away about 30 pamphlets and 2 Book of Mormons. Saturdays are so fun for me to get out of the MTC and walk around and try and help others come unto Christ. I was so scared to go the first week, but now that's all i look forward to! 
We have been teaching a couple of "investigators" and we commited one of them to get baptized! Its super cool seeing their progress. I have learned something really important during teaching these lessons and it's that if you teach by the Spirit, nothing can go wrong. I have learned to be confident in what I want to say and to just say it. My Spanish is coming along well. I hate conjugating but I will eventually get it!! 
To answer questions: 
  1. How was McDonalds? Was it expensive or did it seem normal?  Do they have the same menu? McDonalds is weird, they don't have sweet n sour sauce haha 
  2. What have you been doing on PDays? Temple every week.  We went to a Palace, and shopping
  3. What was a funny thing that happened to you this week? I have been learning to play the guitar from Elder Garcia haha 
  4. What was the most spiritual thing that happened to you this week? Our district sunday school meetings are always spiritual. I bawl everytime I talk about how i got my call to the same place on the exact same day as Dad.
  5. How’s the food at the MTC? Food is decent, dont like the fish very much. I always try it with a bunch of different sauces but I still don't like it.  
  6. How’s Brady doing?  He mentioned that you guys were talking every night! Me and Braids see each other when we can.. I love him haha we are doing good!
  7. What are your responsibilities as a Zone Leader? I actually just got released from being Zone Leader! Everyone switched out halfway through so that everyone got a chance to do something! It was easy we just led the devotionals!
  8. How do you like your MTC Mission President and Mission Mom?  What are they like? Do you see them often? The MTC Pres is awesome. His wife is mean to me but it's only cuz she knows I can take it! She's really nice haha!
  9. What do you do on Sundays? Sundays we go to sacrament.. Sunday school, study and then we sing every sunday night and watch a devotional! 
  10. Are you writing in your journal? Marie sent you five beautiful journals that have your name and mission engraved on them. I can send to you when you get to Malaga.  I haven't missed a single day of writing in my journal! and yes I am going to need more journals haha please send them!

I love you all! Thanks for all the love and support!! I will talk to you guys in a week :)
Love, Elder Hammond

​This was me and my district today after the temple. The kid with his mouth open reminds me exactly of Jason Ward! The  kid on the far right is the one that lives next to the Players (Tanner's Aunt). 

This is where we went today for PDay. That whole area is where everyone goes to celebrate after Real Madrid wins! Scooters and motocycles EVERYWHERE!
THam and his "homies"... I mean roomies!

Spain MTC Facebook photo of the group singing on the Temple grounds.  "There is sunshine in my soul today" in Spanish.  Tanner is second row, far left.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week 2: Settling In

Hello all! 

TIme is starting to fly by and I am loving it. 

My district is getting along super well and we haven't had any problems! :) We bought a little basketball hoop and have been dunking on each other haha. :) 

Well, last P-Dday we went to this really old ancient palace! It was super cool but I only got pictures out front because they don't let you take pics inside! The picture outside the palace is with Elder Reese (WR at Lone Peak) and Elder Gearig (QB at Bingham). They are super cool and we always have a good time. The other one is of my companions at the park from the first week. 

Elder Allen (my week 2 companion at the park) and I taught this lady who was Budist and we gave her a Book of Mormon. She has lived in Spain her whole life. She didn't want the Book at first but I bore my testimony about it and she totally changed her mind! The spirit was undeniable. We both had tears in our eyes by the end of it as we were walking away. I am so happy to be here. 

The homesickness is gone, but that doesn't mean I dont miss and love all of you. I hope all is well. My companion and I are
teaching 2 new investigators and we have already taught both of them the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lesson! We are getting so much better at speaking Spanish. The improvement that I have seen in myself is incredible! Not only language wise but also spiritually! 

Time is short on the computers so i have to go now. Please stay safe and don't forget to read the Book of Mormon and pray often! Feel free to keep me in your prayers too ;) haha I love you all! 

Hasta la proxima mañana! 

With a lot of love, 
Elder Hammond.

Elder Beckstrom, Elder Smith and Elder Hammond on PDay.  
Elder Hammond, Elder Smith and Elder Wahlster (all from Woods Cross High School) at the airport getting to travel together to Spain.

At the park teaching and serving the people of Spain.  

God's Team at a Spanish palace:  Elder Reese (WR at Lone Peak), Elder Hammond (QB at Woods Cross) and Elder Gearing (QB at Bingham).