Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 3: Halfway Done with the MTC!

Hola amigos!! 
So good to write and hear from you guys again. I miss and love you all so much! This week has been full of pretty much the same things, but different opportunities and different lessons learned and taught!
On Sunday, we watched a devotional of President Nelson, (of course I told everyone he is in my ward) and he said something that really stuck out to me. He said, "Be the missionary your mom thinks you are"!  When I heard that it hit me so hard. If I do that, I would baptize all of Spain! I told myself I will do the best I can to fulfill that responsibility but I doubt I could be that good ;) 

We went to the park and taught again and I was paired up with Elder Allen again and also Elder Porter. We told ourselves that we were going to try and talk to every person. We did just about that. At the end of the day we counted how many people we contacted and it added up to 35! We gave away about 30 pamphlets and 2 Book of Mormons. Saturdays are so fun for me to get out of the MTC and walk around and try and help others come unto Christ. I was so scared to go the first week, but now that's all i look forward to! 
We have been teaching a couple of "investigators" and we commited one of them to get baptized! Its super cool seeing their progress. I have learned something really important during teaching these lessons and it's that if you teach by the Spirit, nothing can go wrong. I have learned to be confident in what I want to say and to just say it. My Spanish is coming along well. I hate conjugating but I will eventually get it!! 
To answer questions: 
  1. How was McDonalds? Was it expensive or did it seem normal?  Do they have the same menu? McDonalds is weird, they don't have sweet n sour sauce haha 
  2. What have you been doing on PDays? Temple every week.  We went to a Palace, and shopping
  3. What was a funny thing that happened to you this week? I have been learning to play the guitar from Elder Garcia haha 
  4. What was the most spiritual thing that happened to you this week? Our district sunday school meetings are always spiritual. I bawl everytime I talk about how i got my call to the same place on the exact same day as Dad.
  5. How’s the food at the MTC? Food is decent, dont like the fish very much. I always try it with a bunch of different sauces but I still don't like it.  
  6. How’s Brady doing?  He mentioned that you guys were talking every night! Me and Braids see each other when we can.. I love him haha we are doing good!
  7. What are your responsibilities as a Zone Leader? I actually just got released from being Zone Leader! Everyone switched out halfway through so that everyone got a chance to do something! It was easy we just led the devotionals!
  8. How do you like your MTC Mission President and Mission Mom?  What are they like? Do you see them often? The MTC Pres is awesome. His wife is mean to me but it's only cuz she knows I can take it! She's really nice haha!
  9. What do you do on Sundays? Sundays we go to sacrament.. Sunday school, study and then we sing every sunday night and watch a devotional! 
  10. Are you writing in your journal? Marie sent you five beautiful journals that have your name and mission engraved on them. I can send to you when you get to Malaga.  I haven't missed a single day of writing in my journal! and yes I am going to need more journals haha please send them!

I love you all! Thanks for all the love and support!! I will talk to you guys in a week :)
Love, Elder Hammond

​This was me and my district today after the temple. The kid with his mouth open reminds me exactly of Jason Ward! The  kid on the far right is the one that lives next to the Players (Tanner's Aunt). 

This is where we went today for PDay. That whole area is where everyone goes to celebrate after Real Madrid wins! Scooters and motocycles EVERYWHERE!
THam and his "homies"... I mean roomies!

Spain MTC Facebook photo of the group singing on the Temple grounds.  "There is sunshine in my soul today" in Spanish.  Tanner is second row, far left.

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