Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week 55: The Week I Was Speechless

Hey What's Up? Hello Everyone! 😊

One more week has come and gone and I guess that means it's time for me to write about what happened. :) This week flew by again and it was also a really good week with our investigators! Well, a couple of them at least, haha. Here's a little bit about my week. :)

Alright, so you guys remember the home boy Juan, correct? Well, we had a bomb lesson with him on Wednesday morning. We brought our ward mission leader with us aaand to be completely honest it'll probably be the last time we take him to a cita with us hahaha. He's a good guy but I don't think he knows what's going on half the time. We got talking about prophets and he starts saying to Juan, "Yeah, so maybe you could come with us when we get the whole ward together to go pass by less actives and what not." And Juan was like, "Well, I guess so! Mand Blasi were dying. But other than that it was a really good lesson. His girlfriend Cristina was there as well and when we talked about the first vision she started crying and the Spirit was so strong. Juan listened so intently and had the greatest questions about everything! He told us he likes to know exactly what's going on so he asks so many questions to make sure he understands it and he does perfectly! At the end of the lesson he was like, "Man! I really wanna know if all this stuff you guys are telling me is true!" So I told him to pray about it. And then I committed him to be baptized! He said of course and was telling us how when he's a member he's going to be way active because he said he wants to help people like we have helped him in just these past couple of weeks. :) So Juan's date for baptism is General Conference weekend; October 1st! Feel free to throw in a couple prayers or extra help for Juan in your  prayers. 😘

We met with our Nicaraguan friends again this week. It was the worst lesson I've ever had in my life. It started out perfectly fine and everything was going just as planned and then when we started talking about life after death, Mabel just lost her nuts and all heck broke loose. She was saying how like she wanted us to use the Bible more. My companion and I do a really good job of using the Bible and the Book of Mormon together so we were like, "Um.. we are." She started  like freaking out saying how the people who didn't repent and do good things on earth will just be damned straight to hell and rot in their sins and burn and she literally is just screaming at us. I was so scared. Her friend Gretel on the other hand was telling her to calm down and she was like, "I've listened to the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Catholics and the Evangelical people and their theories on all this life after death stuff, and I gotta say, this one makes a lot more sense than all the other people's crap!" So that was good. But yeah, we got screamed at and all that stuff but it was still pretty entertaining. I think I said like 15 words in the hour and a half we were there lol.

The rest of the week was filled with us trying to find people at home. It didn't work out too well. We found a new investigator named Franchesca. She's about 45-50, really religious and we had a cita with her and we brought Romeo and she just went off on Romeo for about 15 minutes about how he has to pray with faith if he wants to get answers and blessing. Romeo doesn't speak Spanish very well and so after she went off on him he just goes "Amen!" Hahaha! I lost it! It was so funny. 

We also balled out with Juan on Saturday and a couple of his friends. I was sweating SO BAD WOW. Juan also came to church and literally in our Gospel Doctrine class he participated more than anyone. He's so golden! I'm pumped to see what happens with him!

To end my email I wanna share a little bit about what we talked about yesterday in Elder's Quorum. Marriage. We were reading in the Howard W. Hunter book and he was saying how the most important decision of your life, is gonna be who you marry. Wow! If that was a tweet I'd retweet it. Also he talked about the importance of having God in your marriage. Gotta keep Satan out of it and having God with us will help us do that. :) I'm so glad I have parents who give me a good example with having God in their relationship and in our family! 

Well boys and girls! I hope you know how much I love you all and I'm grateful for everything you guys do for me! Por favor! Have a great week and you'll be hearing from me in a short 7! Peace out. You guys are the best. ❤️

Much love.

Hangin' tough,

Elder Hammond, B. Tanner :)
Ballin' with Juan & his friend who wanted us to call him Pau Gasol

Selfie I captured with Romeo. He's a champ!

PDay Paddlin' 

Paddlin' is kind of like Pickleball. 

The rules are like Pickleball except you can use the walls.  Pretty fun! Made me miss Pickleball. 


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