Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 56: Farewell Talk for the Win 🔥🙌🏻 (just like Utah #six&ZERO)

Oye que pasa familiares :)

What a week it's been, that's for sure. Well, to be honest with you, this week flew the freak by. We killed it this week. Like, straight up demolished it. We hit the 20+ lessons mark for the first time in 2016 in our area. 😩 We had a whopping 23! It was gnarly man. My favorite one was on Friday and If you keep reading, you'll find out why. Gotta shout out the Utes since I didn't last week on the W against the team down south. I too know what it's like to never lose to your rival opponent !😛 Another shot out to the GRANNY for way hitting that 99 years old last week. 😊😊 Someone tell her I love her and can't wait to get turnt with her for her century mark!! And lastly, one last shoutout to my good friends the Jenkins for the package they sent me 💯💯! Thank you guys so much! Anyways, here's a little part of my week =~]

So I gotta start off by telling you guys that we (Elders) played paddle last PDay. And oh my gosh, I loved it. It was so fun. It got me so excited to get back on the pickleball courts with the fam in St George. 😍 I played with Elder Kärn (pronounced sharn) from Switzerland and we didn't lose a single set. We killed it. Great way to start a great week. 👍🏻

Alright, now onto Juan... He's the man. We met with him on Wednesday and he invited us to eat with him, his sister and his mom at his house. We went to his little city just outside of Cartagena and we met with him and had a way good lesson on the plan of salvation. Lessons with him are always wayyy spiritual, but they take forever to get thru because he asks so many questions which is a good thing, but it just takes so long! It makes me glad though because he said that the reason he asks so many questions is becayse he said if he gets baptized he's not going to waste his time. Then we ate with him, his mom and sister and it was a lot of seafood and, well, I don't like seafood. But it's cool because I ate it. It was honestly kinda good. 

Remember earlier when I was talking about Friday? Well, it was dope because we had another cita with Juan and this is where my subject line (part 1) comes in to play. :) We went there planning on going in to just answer some of his questions and playing it by ear. And it turned into one of the greatest lessons I've ever been a part of! We got talking about how we can know if we're really receiving an answer from God or if it's from our own thoughts or someone else or whatever. When Juan asked us about this my thoughts instantly went to the video "The Hope of God's Light" which is the story that I told during my farewell. Juan understands English so he wanted to watch it in English and I'm like 95% sure that's why the spirit was so strong. But after the video Juan was saying how he was just speechless and didn't know what to say. He was like "maybe this is my problem. Maybe I need to humble myself and listen more intently to what my feelings are rather than what I've learned in the past. I need to go out and look for my answer rather than just sit in darkness waiting for it to come"! It was incredible!! We testified about how if he truly wants to know if he is wasting our time, that he just needs to ask God if he is and he'll receive an answer. I love Juan :)

Other than that, the week was full of kinda just the same old same old, ya know? We had some lessons planned for Saturday but literally all the plans we put from 5-10 failed us and it was only 6:30. 😂 Luckily, some members from Molina (Blasi's old area) came to visit him and so we got to hang out with them for a little. We went to the port and this huge like castle type thing, it was dope! I attached pics. Then later we were just walking around and everyone and their dog was out because this week and last week is a holiday here in Cartagena and everyone dresses like freakin old fashion war Roman people so it's pretty weird but the sunset was freakin dope. 😍😍

Something way random but cool this week that happened - so for those of you that don't know already, I take a selfie every single day on my camera. Last Friday I was looking at it and I was like oh I wanna see what I looked like a year ago from today. So I looked and I was wearing the exact same tie that I wore that day. Oh my gosh, cool, right? I'm probably the only one that thinks this is cool but I mean, I have a lot of ties and it just so happened that I wore the exact same tie on Sept 17th 2015 as I did on Sept 17th 2016! Small world. Also another cool thing, there's a girl in our ward who is going to BYU right now and she was here yesterday with her family but she goes back to Provo tomorrow and we were talking and it turns out that her mission president was Ralph and Teresa from my ward! She was so stoked it was funny. :) Oh, and we also went to Murcia on Tuesday because Elder Zwick from the 70's came and visited us! We had a really good (and long) talk about how when we teach we need to make it simple so that they understand it. He also talked a lot about how if we want to change, we need to choose today to do it. It was awesome and I got to see a lot of familiar faces. :) Also, Elder and Sister Zwick are Emma Eyring's grandparents.  Really small world!

Well, now you know how my week went :) it was a good one, and my comp's time left as a missionary is getting smaller and smaller every day. I'll keep you guys updated on everything during this week and letcha know next Monday. Have a splendid week my friends, I love you all ❤️

Much love.
Reachin' Out,
Elder Hammond 🙋🏽

Old comp Llavina. Miss him :)

Elder and Sister Zwick at our conference.  They are the grandparents of the Eyring Family.

Down by the Port

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