Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 57: Castle Climbin 🏔

Hello hello hello to all :)

This week has definitely been one of the least normal weeks I've had on the mish. I spent more time (almost)not in my area with out my comp than I did in my area and with my comp! If you keep reading you'll find out. 😊 Gotta give a shout out to my boy B Childs (aka my eyeblack & outfield partner) for getting his call to Brazil! We will for sure be able to speak our different languages and be able to understand each other. :) Also one more to Brock for killing his farewell yesterday. :) Listen to the promptings of the Spirit my friends, it helps you. Oh yeah, and one more shout out to the UTES! We rollin! Ooookay here we go!

So like I said, I spent more time this week out of my area. Tuesday morning we had district meeting and it was a really good one. We talked a lot about the Holy Ghost and the role He has with each of us.  This is why I liked Brock's talk so much. After district meeting, I went with Elder Maldonado to his area which is called Mazarron (I called it Mazdaron because Mazda is life). It's a good area. We were driving there and we passed through a beach area and it was so nice.  I'm definitely coming back and staying there. 😍 We got there and I dropped off all my stuff and then we went right below their piso and I taught English classes to the people that came! There was a WAY funny thing that happened - I was teaching them a ton of verbs and stuff and I put Jump. Well, in Spanish the letter J makes a H noise. One of the guys was reading it and he goes "so is it jump, or is it hump?" Then he says, "Well, what does hump mean?" I tried explaining it as a camel hump.  He then reminded me that I was only teaching verbs and wanted to know if it was a verb. So then I had to get out of that explanation 😂. We also taught a really good lesson to their investigator who is about to be baptized this Sunday. :)

Wednesday was kinda what got all the craziness started. In the morning Elder Maldonado wasn't feeling too good so we stayed in his piso which sucked but around 12:30 we left because he started feeling a little better. We ate with some members there from Ecuador and we had this wayyy good fried chicken. Later that day we went over to some of their recent converts house and had a good lesson with them. Then Elder Maldonado looks at his watch and is like, "Oh crap! We have to go! You're going to miss your bus!" So we go to where the bus stop is but the bus had just left. Elder Harvey (my boy from Almería) who is Maldonado's companion took the bus from Cartagena and the bus he got off on was the bus I was supposed to be on. So needless to say, I missed my bus so I had to stay an extra day with Harvey and Maldonado and Blasi had to stay with the other Elders in Cartagena. I was good though because Harvey and Maldonado are fun. After that we went to the church because President was coming to interview the investigator. All of us went to Antonio's (the investigator) house to eat pizza! It was the first time I have ever been with President and Sister Anderson in a cita like this. It was pretty weird. But it was fun so that's good.

Thursday rolled around and it was weekly planning for them so I just hung out in their piso while they planned and they had the fasted planning session in the history so after they got done Harvey made us pancakes. I love him so much he just loves to be in the kitchen. 😂 We hung out all morning and medio dia and then we caught our bus back to Cartagena and Maldonado had to do a baptismal interview for the sisters' investigator.

Alrighty, soo you guys might be wondering why I'm not talking about Juan at all. Well, it's because on Monday night, we met with him to play basketball and he told us that he wanted to take a break (haha sounds like a classic break up line from 8th grade) from talking about missionary/gospel stuff for a week or so. He didn't drop us or say anything bad like that, he just said there was a ton of stuff to process and he wanted to think about it. The good part is that he came to church yesterday! It was such a relief to see him walk in the door.  😩 Hopefully this week we will be able to meet once or twice and just help him with any other questions he has. 

As for other investigators.... Hmm, Yeah.. Um.. Well...We don't really have any hahaha. We have a lady named Franchesca who's alright. She hasn't come to church yet and is pretty active in her own church but I we teach her English so that's good. Remember how I was telling you guys about the huge festival they have here right now? Freakin Friday, Saturday, & Sunday there was this giant parade and everyone was dressed up in costumes from the mid-evil days and every group dressed up as a different movie! (Not really but that's what I say) Braveheart, Troy, 300, Robin Hood, man you name it. It was dope. On Friday night they all fought against each other!!! They LARPED! It was the gnarliest thing ever but I was stupid and didn't take any pictures. My bad for that I messed up! I'll do better next time. But man it was the most outrageous larp session I've witnessed in my life.

That's pretty much it for now. Everything I can remember is what you've read just now, sorry if it wasn't much but  sometimes the missionary life is just a little boring. ;) I hope you all have a fandabidosy week and I hope you all know how much I love you! :) You'll hear from me in October! 😈👻

Much love.
Larp or Die,
E. Tanner 💎💰💸

The Castle 😛

Los Elderes de Cartegena 😈


Dani from Almeria got baptized!  He was one of my investigators that I was teaching when I left the area. I'm so happy for him!

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