Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 58: I'm Getting a New Companion

Well hello there my dear friends!

If I do say so myself if has been quite a week. We've been able to make the most out of our last week together and it seems as if this past transfer has gone by faster than the rest. Elder Blasi flies back to the good old USA this Thursday and I will be receiving my new companion this Wednesday! The thing that sucks is that I still don't know who my new companion is! I'll find out later today. Our President changed transfer call days from Saturday to Sunday and to be completely honest with ya, I'm not too happy about it! It's two more days I have to stress because TRANSFERS STRESS ME OUT SO MUCH. All I know is that I'm staying here in Cartagena and next week you guys will find out who my new companion is! Unless by chance before I send this, I find out who it is. If that happens I will just tell you guys at the end of the letter. :) ANYWAY, HERE'S A WEE BIT ABOUT MY WEEK.

To start off, Tuesday night was really fun because we got all of the missionaries (Elders) together and we rented out a soccer field like we usually do on Tuesday nights and played some nice 8v8 with investigators and members. :) We planned to all wear blue so we'd look cool but I guess the other team also got the blue memo because pretty much everyone wore blue too. I've mentioned this before, but it's extremely rare that a team of all missionaries beats a team of people from Spain in soccer. Well, I'm happy to report that the eight of us (missionaries) represented the Lord on the soccer field and kicked some Spaniard butt. I played goalie. We have four other Americans on the team. My companion is literally so good at soccer. Two other Elders play defense (my boy Elder Dunham and Elder Wagner). They are a great help to me in keeping the other team from not scoring. Then we have another American Elder Bailey. Then with my comp on the offensive side of things and studly Elder Ylimaula from Finland who is wayyyy freakin good. I would just catch the ball and launch it way far because we played on a big turf field and he'd run to it and score. :) Then we have Elder Kärn who's from Sweden. The Scandinavian duo is AWESOME. So yeah, we totally killed it and it was way fun! :) I love how surprised people get when eight Mormon missionaries show them what's up! 😊

We had a really good week. We found this new investigator named Jose from Ecuador who we are planning on meeting with tonight. We passed by a member's house. His name is David. He's inactive I guess I should say. His wife is an Atheist. We showed him the video from last conference that President Tommy Monson (as his mom calls him) shared about decisions and how we should always choose the hard right instead of the easy wrong! I love that talk to much because it's so short but so powerful. He said he loved it and hopefully we are going to be able to share another video with his wife called, yes, my personal favorite, The Hope of God's Light. :)

On Friday, we went out to Fuente Alamo to visit my homie Juan! It was so good to see him. I'll be honest with ya, the conversation we wanted to have with him didn't go exactly how we wanted it to go. He literally just went like Buddhist on us. 😩 He was telling us how out of all the Christian churches he knows about, that ours is the one that was like "the most truthful" but he just doesn't like how people try and "define God". I'm not gonna lie, I was lost because he just decided to get deep into something and make it so complicated. I was like aaaaallrighty then. I just sat there and tried to figure out what I could say, when something came to my mind that is also in the same talk that I talked about earlier by President Monson. He tells the story about Alice in Wonderland and how she's walking and she comes to a fork in the road and she asks the cheshire cat dude which one she should take. He replies and tells her how it doesn't matter which one she takes if she doesn't have a destination in mind. I told Juan that and related it to the Plan of Salvation and told him how in our religion, our goal should be the Celestial Kingdom which means we can live with God and our families again. Our life here on earth doesn't really matter or have significance if we don't have a goal or final destination in mind. He kinda looked at me as if I was like naked or something but then I asked if he understood and he said, "Yeah! I understand perfectly. I just can't believe how true that is!" He was blown away. It was such a cool experience. After we got talking about faith and how we always need to act in our faith. It was a good lesson with him. We will have a lot of work to do with him. We have a lot of talking to do with him. He thinks about every little thing way too much and he's going insane over stupid stuff instead of having faith. But then when we talk to him about it and he's like, "Oh! That's way simple!" Poco a poco people. We'll get there. :)

Conference of course was raaaaaad! :) It's hard to believe I only have one more conference in the mission field. 😳😳😳 That is literally insane to think about. I really liked President Nelson's talk about joy. That was a good one. I liked the talk by the Elder Yamashita about that missionary with the prosthetic leg and not being able to ride a bike was a good one. It makes me really appreciate everything I have and makes me not want to complain about some of the things I could complain about! Good guy :) I also saw President Uchtdorf's talk from the Women's session last week about faith. I just love faith. :) I loved the story about the Fourth Floor, Last Door (name of the talk) (if you haven't read it, go read it or watch it) (please) (thanks) (k I'm done lol) but i loved it because when we was talking about this story he emphasized how these two missionaries could have given up after the first couple of doors, but he said "these two missionaries had FAITH" and of course, the last floor, last door in the building, received their message of the restored gospel and thanks to those two missionaries with faith, he now has a wife! Good guy. :)

Anyways, there ya guys have it. Another week gone in the mission for Mr. T Hammond. When I find out who my new comp is, I'll tell my mom and when she sends this out to everyone she can tell you who he is! I love you all and hope you have a graaaand week! Keep it real! :)

Ps... Tanner got his new companion. He is from Davis High School and is one transfer behind Tanner so Tanner will be a senior companion finally ;). He said he'll definitely ask Elder Nye if he has any relation to Bill Nye, the science guy 😛. You know that was going to be Garet's first question. Does he know his dad or what?!

Much love.

T Ham 🔋
The Crew playin soccer. From top to bottom left to right: Kärn, Blasi, Bailey, Dunham, Wagner, Hammond, Ylimaula, Prescott.

Gettin' serious!

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