Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 61: A Week of Funnies

Dear people of my life, 

How the freaking heck are all you on this fine ___________ (insert day reading this)???? I hope everyone is just doing amazing and smiling and having a great life. :) Wanna hear about my week? Okay here it is! :) 

On Tuesday we had our first district meeting as a new district and so that was dope. I'm in charge of the whole thing too and it's so much more stressful. I don't want to keep everyone too long but I don't want the meeting to be like 10 minutes. I'm trying to find a happy medium for the whole thing. I'll keep you updated. :) We had a cita with our  Catholic investigator who loves the Book of Mormon. He's about to start reading in Alma. 😂 He's like 65 and doesn't have teeth so he's a way homie for sure. After that pretty sure we went down to a pueblo that is close and we knocked on SO MANY DOORS HOLY WOW. We found about 12 futures who wanted to listen to us so that was way good! Funniest thing ever happened. Well, not ever but very funny. So we knock on this door and this like 90+ year old lady starts waddling to the door and my comp sees her and goes "Yikes! We're gonna have to do baptisms for the dead for this one!" Hahahahahahaha! But that's not even the funniest part. After the 2 minute walk from the couch to the door that's about 10 feet away, this lady opens the blinds and looks at us thru her door and we say "Hola!" And she stares at us for like 5 seconds and then just shakes her finger at us and gives us the dirtiest look. 😂 It was so funny! Wow! 

Wednesday night we met with our Ecuadorian family named Veronica and Klever and their son and daughter Jarel and Alyson. We are teaching Jarel the lessons and we talked about the Restoration and at the end I looked at him and I said Jarel we want to invite you to be baptized. He perked up and his eyes got all big and he said REALLY?? Haha it was so funny. He accepted for the 12th of November so we are going to do what we can to get him baptized on that day. :) 

Thursday we found a new investigator from Ecuador named Gloria. It was kinda funny. We knocked on her door and she answers and we're like, "Hey! Are you Gloria?" and she said "Uuuuhhhhh...No. She's not home." And then I said, "Oh. Well, we're missionaries from God and we want to share a message with you." And then she said, "Okay. Wait!" She slams the door and goes and turns off the kitchen light and then she comes back and she's like, "Guys! I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm Gloria.  I lied. I was scared. Please come in." Hahaha! So we went in and she starts asking all these questions about missionaries and what not. She said she's Catholic but doesn't go to church and she wants to know the truth. We showed her a video about missionaries and we talked about the Book of Mormon and kind of like a brief summary of why we want to meet with her and that was to help her find the truth. :) We set up a cita for this Wednesday and we are stoked to go because she's so good. :) 

This weekend was the groundbreaking for the new stake center that's going to be built sometime soon. Saturday morning we were there and it was so hot. Everyone was sweating and complaining. 😂 It was pretty funny to be honest. After that we went to eat with our homie Edgar. :) He's so funny. He speaks English perfectly and is from Mexico. I love him. After that we went to the other Elders' piso and went on splits with them. I was with a new missionary named Elder Bushman. He went to Viewmont and is a great kid. Then after that we (the zone leaders and some other Elders and my companion and I) went and played soccer with a bunch of people from our wards. It was so much fun. There were like 4 teams of 8 and we played on turf. It's the best playing on big fields because then I can just throw the ball as far as I want. :) We killed it. 

Anyways that's a little bit about my week. My companion gave a bomb talk yesterday in sacrament meeting about the Plan of Salvation. This week that's coming up should be a good one again. :) I hope all of you have a great week and you'll be hearing from me in a quick one! I love you all :) 

Much love.
💯 Tanner 😎

At the groundbreaking on Saturday :) 

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