Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 59: Ned Shneebly 💯


Hello my people! :) Well, to sum up this past week in few words, I'd have to say "slow" haha. But I expected that due to it being transfers and all. My new companion is Elder Nye and he's a stud muffin. He graduated from Davis High School, played on the soccer team up there and is the transfer behind me in the mission. We're gonna have a good and productive time together I already know it. I love transfers because they always bring new investigators and new sights to see. Soooo yeah, here's my week!

I mentioned last week that we ran into a dude named Jose a couple weeks ago. Well on Monday night last week we had a way good lesson with him and his family about the Restoration of the Church! They're from Ecuador and they have a family of 5. Husband, wife, 10 year old daughter, then two little sons around 1-2 years old. :) We got talking about Joseph Smith and when we said the First Vision the Spirit got so strong. They are very deep Bible lovers so it was difficult for them to understand the Book of Mormon, but at the end of the lesson, we invited them to read it and he told us that he would! We haven't been able to meet with them again but hopefully this week we can! Every lesson with them is going to be at least an hour and a half.  I'll be sure to keep you guys informed on that.

Tuesday morning we had a really good lesson with Juan about the Word of Wisdom. When we got talking about the things we shouldn't consume, he told us that sometimes he will drink a little bit of tea, but it's not like he has to drink it in order to function. We invited him to live it, he accepted it in a heart beat and said he wanted to feel the blessings of living it. :) After that, we went and got some kebab with him and the other Elders for Blasi's last time!

Wednesday was transfer day so we were at the bus station in the morning and we said bye to all the people who were leaving. Had to say bye to my home boy Elder Dunham that sucked. And it was really weird saying bye to a companion who is going home. I felt weird when he was leaving like wow you're going back to the states and real life. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. 😂 After that I spent the day with my Scandinavian brethren Elderes Kärn and Ylimaula. Kärn is from Sweden and Ylimaula is from Finland! They told me about this dope young single adult party that's every end of July over where they're from. They said it's the sickest thing ever so they were telling me they'll be very sad if I don't come  and visit them. It sounded like literally the greatest week ever. 😎 So, if you wanna make the trip to Scandinavia with me one time, let's go! 😜 Around 5:30 we went and picked my new companion up from the train station, then we had to walk to the bus station to go pick up Elder Kärn's new companion, Elder Adcock. He was my zone leader when I was in Elche for 1 transfer. Good guy. We just hung out at the train station for a while because we had to wait for 2 other missionaries and then when that was all said and done, I took advantage of letting Elder Nye meet Herman. Hahahaha!

It was good stuff. Herman turned on this disco light in his house and was dancing. He's such a freaking weird human.

To be honest, Thursday, Friday and Saturday were bad. We passed by a ton of people and not too many people were home. We had this one cita with a less active who has some problems. On Friday and we showed him the Mountains to Climb video and we were both sharing our testimonies afterwards and there was a little pause of silence and this guy named Monolo literally just erupts in laughter hahahaha. It was the weirdest thing but once he lost it, hearing his weird laugh just made me and Elder Nye start cracking up and oh my gosh it was so funny. We still don't know why he started laughing but it was so funny. After like 3 minutes of him nearly dying, he stopped laughing and acted like nothing happened. I think that's what was the funniest part 😂 just jumped back into the conversation we were having before as if we never stopped laughing.

Sunday morning rolled around and we had a lesson with this Spanish lady name Juana. She's.... interesting haha. It was the first time we had met her, and so we didn't really know what to expect. She answered the door and she starts telling us how she never has time and so we were like oh it's cool like we will only be like 10-15 mins and then we get talking and she just goes off about how guys are disrespectful to girls and how guys just want her daughter and everything like that. It was so weird! 😂 After about 20 minutes with that, we told her how we were raised and how our parents have always taught us to respect girls and all that good stuff and she's like well tell your parents thank you for me. So Mom and Dad, thanks from Juana.  😉 The next topic that got brought up was how she thought that we could approach people when we want to contact them. She told us to tell people and use our experiences from our past life to talk with people. Then she went off on how life in today's world you don't see young "guapos" (attractive) kids like us giving up two years of their lives to go preach the good word and so she said we were two miracles and praised us for that so that was cool. :) Then, finally, we got talking about Jesus! We showed her a little video about the Atonement and she really liked it. After the video, she went off for the 5th time on how she'd been reading these books about like human souls and I'll be honest I didn't catch a word she said. It was so funny. Elder Nye and I were just like "Oh, okay,  uh huh,  yeah,  totally!" We didn't even get what she was saying Long story short, she loved the video and we got our ears talked off. And we set up another cita for next Sunday morning. After that we went and got stuffed by Trini like we do every Sunday and it was buenisimo tio. 😋

I also got made the new district leader in our district. Still not sure how I feel about it but I guess we will see how that goes haha. Not to mention that I have the biggest district in the entire mission. 🙄 Now I guess I'm the one wearin' the pants around these parts of town. 💩

Anywaysssss, that was my week and I'm excited for the week to come! Should be interesting to see what happens. :) I'll keep you guys updated on everything and you guys continue to be happy. :) Oh, and don't forget to write me. ;) Have a great week and I love you all!!!

Much love.
E. Tanner B. Hammond 💠
Sorry no pics this week I'm the worst /:::::

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