Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 62: Happy Halloween, Doofus. 👻

Hello my family and friends throughout the world :)

Hopefully a couple of you will be able to get my movie line on the subject.. such an underrated movie! Like it says, Happy Halloween to all! We aren't really doing anything special here in Cartagena to celebrate. But it's all good considering I'll be home to celebrate next year. 😋 My week was pretty odd to be honest.. if you keep reading you'll know why. :)

Tuesday we had a bomb district meeting even though I'm still learning how to organize them. I don't mean to boast or anything but it was probably one of the best meetings ever on my mish. We talked a lot about Christ's life and the Atonement. We focused on how during every situation, we should let people know about Jesus Christ, what He did when He was on the earth and obviously when He atoned for us. It was good stuff. :) Later that day we had straight up the best day ever. We didn't have any set plans so we were just passing by a bunch of people. First one we pass by - Jose. He lets us in and we read the Book of Mormon with him. Second person - Our new investigator Gloria. Lets us in and we talked to her about the Atonement and how important it is in our every day lives. Third  - included some other new investigators Mari and Joey. We talked to them about how God gives us trials so we can become stronger and better through them. We set a return cita for tomorrow and it's Mari's birthday so we're gonna have a party. 😜 After we got done there we went home, changed clothes and went and played soccer with a bunch of members. Well, not a bunch, there was only 10 of us and it's a huge field.

Wednesday morning. Ugh. I woke up feeling like a semi-truck ran over me 746 times so that was dumb. I spent the whole day in bed for the first time on my mission. Sick as a dog. Headache, sore throat, cough. It sucked. I was sick of being in bed so around like 9:00 I was like okay well I wanna try and at least go get one lesson in and so we went to our investigator Noemi and she told us to come in so we had a way good lesson with her about trials as well. After that we came back home and I passed out again. I felt like crap during the whole lesson.

Thursday I woke up feeling a little better, not much. Nye guy and I planned way quick. It was literally the fastest ever and then made some DANK burgers. Holy! Incredible! Nothing compared to my boy Elder Llavinas, but they were freakin' good people. After that we hit up the bus station and Elder Nye went to Malaga for residency and then I went to Mazarrón with Elder Childers and Maldonado. It was way fun! :) I love them! Hahaha! Childers is new. This is his first transfer and he's so funny. He's good at wake boarding. That was fun. We made crepes and it felt like I was back home eating Dad's norgies. 😩 W
e also had English classes that night as well so that was fun.

Friday I was with them all day again and we had to come back to Cartagena because they had their interviews with President. After they did that we came back to our piso with Elders Bushman and Fumero. We went and got some kebab and brought it back to our piso and watched The Work and the Glory. 😊 Great stuff lemme tell ya. Thennnn after that we made our way over to the bus station to catch a bus to Roche for JARED'S WEDDING! It was so awesome!  I got to see some friends from Elche so that was good too! After the ceremony, we went and they started bringing around all these like appetizers and one of them looked like popcorn chicken. It was absolutely not. It was like lemony fishy nastiness. Oh my gosh! We all tried them and I about threw up. I spit it out into a bush and then like 10 seconds after I did this old guy comes and does the same thing. It was so nasty ugh. All in all it was a way fun night. I wish my comp could have been there though. :(

This weekend was Stake Conference and we got a new Stake President. Not a whole lot happened. I got to see Chad (a teammate from Woods Cross that just got out of the MTC) so that was cool. 😊 Oh yeah, and also I had my interview with President. It went well, and as usual he says hello to you all. :) My comp got back on Saturday morning and the Elders from Mazarrón just stayed with us all weekend it was a fun four days with them. :)

Anyways. Para terminar I was reading the other day in 3 Nephi 18 it's a scripture I love - Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up--that which ye have seen me do. To me it just means that we should never be ashamed or afraid to like share the Gospel with those around us. The worst that could happen is that they say no. But God will see that we are trying and He'll bless us. :) I could be way off but to me that's what it means. 😊

I love you all and I hope you have a SCARY good week.. hehe get it, Halloween 👻 I'll talk to you all in a weeeeek :)

Much love.
Lord Pretty Flacko Jodye,
Mr. E. T Ham 💸

Selfie with my boiz @ the wedding.

The man Jared, and his wife Gissela in the background :) 

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