Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, September 5, 2016

Week 54: Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle

Hey Gang :)

Freakin holy crap this week went by so fast but so slow. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was writing my weekly but at the same time I feel like it's been years. Ugh! Gotta love the mish time/life.

It's been a pretty eventful week. We had the highest amount lessons in our District since Nam. So that's pretty dope :). Ummm, yeah so football season started so I'm having trouble not being trunk 🙃.  My prediction for this weekend: Utes - 24 ; BYU - 10 . I literally have no idea about anything this year so I'm kinda just pulling random numbers. Utah wins si o si tho :). Anyways, here's a little bit about my weeeeek! :)

First off, you guys remember Aaron from Elche? Well, I told you guys he was going to come to Utah with his family, and he did :). The feeling I got when I saw the picture of his family with my family was literally the greatest thing ever!! I was telling him before he left that he had to call my mom or dad when he got there and he did and I was so happy that he got to meet them and that my fam got to meet them!! I was sooo happy when I saw the pics :)!

Wednesday we went out to this place called Fuente Alimo which is a pueblo that we have in our area. We didn't really have any work there, so we went just kinda hoping we could find a couple of people. The morning passed and we had absolutely no success. But we were on our way to the bus stop and the one and only member that lives there calls us and he's like, “Hey my daughter just passed you guys, do you want to come eat?" So we're like well duh.. So we went and his daughter had her boyfriend (we think) over too! His name is Juan and he's like 24 years old. First impression was that he's kinda different but once you get to know him he's a total home boy :). We talked and Juan was super interested in our whole missionary thing. We shared a video about missionaries and he was like dang respect homies. So to say the least, we picked up a new investigator after all and Juan is dope :).  

We met with this mom and her daughter on Friday as well. The mom’s name is Marisol and the daughter’s name is Mariela. They're from Ecuador and just the coolest. We contacted Marisol on the street about a week ago and when we met with them, they both cared a ton about everything that we are doing as missionaries! They're active in some Evangelical church right now but they really like our message and so we are going to keep talking to them about it :). Elder Blasi thinks that the mom is mostly trying to get her daughter to listen because we're two guapo American boys, but I think they're genuinely wanting to listen to the gospel ;).  We've also been meeting with this girl named Mabel. She’s from Nicaragua, about 35 years old and takes care of an older lady who is 105! Holy crap! While we are on the topic of age, Happy Birthday shoutout to the Great Granny Goose coming up here soon. She turns 99 so someone tell her I love her and happy birthday and she better be alive when I get home this summer! But yeah so Mabel is pretty cool. We talked to her about the Book of Mormon and the story about it and also about Joseph Smith and she said wanted to read it to find out if it's really true so she said she'd read it and pray about it :).

Some other people we've been teaching are some recent converts named Herman and Romeo. I don't even know where to start with those guys hahaha. Herman is about 65 ish and was baptized last January. He's got some problems. He says some funny things.. The other day we were at his house and his house is just wayyy dirty and smells bad because his dog just goes to the bathroom where ever it wants 😩. Romeo is from Cameroon, Africa and doesn't speak Spanish fluently yet but he gets by pretty good. He's 29 and he was baptized about 5 months ago and he comes with us to some of the citas. He's a good guy and is living with Herman because he doesn't have money and Herman isn't making him pay. 

Saturday we played soccer in the morning with a couple other missionaries here and then that night we played basketball at the church with our homie Juan and bunch of his buddies! Juan doesn't miss a shot. I missed playing basketball a lot, it had been awhile since I had played but now we will be playing once a week cuz Juan wants to play with us! So hopefully we will get his friendship 💯😏.

There's a little bit about my week I hope all of you guys have a FANTASTIC WEEK and like I say every week - You'll hear from me next week 😘 I love you all and as my boy t beck says, stay classy 😏.

Quote of the week is from last October’s General Conference in Spanish :) - Ningún otro amor en la vida mortal llega a aproximarse más al amor puro de Cristo que el amor abnegado que una madre siente por un hijo. - Elder Holland (S/O to Mom and Moms ❤️)

Lord Servin'
Elder T Ham

A random expedition in Spain

The ground... Oh, and our zone ;)

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