Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Week 53: Bye Elche, Hi Cartagena AND the Ham Fam Visitors from Spain

Hello friends and family,
I just wanted to let you know that we had a fun surprise today (Tuesday). I got a phone call on my cell phone CALLER ID that said “Spain”.  After my heart stopped beating knowing it had something to do with Tanner, I answered it and a beautiful voice told me that she was Rocio Caballero and she was in Bountiful and wondered if we could meet her and her family at the Bountiful Temple.  The Caballero family has a been very close with Tanner (he mentions them several times in this letter as well as in his previous letters). The man Jacob that Tanner mentions in this letter is a brother to Aaron (the dad).  By some miracle our entire family was home (this NEVER happens) and we piled in the car and met them at the temple.  We met Grandma and Grandpa that only speak Spanish (Rocio and Juan). We met Aaron and Rocio and their two darling children Triana and Adrian.  They said the nicest things about Tanner.  They spoke about how much he has grown up and that we would not even recognize him mostly because of his maturity and increased testimony.  They said that everyone just flocks to him and that he is the best missionary because he just loves everyone and gets to know them personally.  They said that he’s not an aggressive missionary but his success is because of his social skills and the genuine love he shows everyone so they want to hear his message.  They said that he is their favorite missionary.  They said Tanner and Elder Llavina were perfect companions and were so much fun.  Aaron got tears in his eyes talking about his love for Tanner and said that their family already misses him and they just saw him last Tuesday.  It was such a fun time with them.  I have attached a few pictures below of the Caballero family.  

the Ham Fam


Hello Hello Hello there my people :)

I'm currently sending my first email from Cartagena! A little bit about my area... Well, we have pretty much 0 work. Hahaha literally all we do is walk and talk to people in the streets. We don't get too many lessons a week, but let me tell ya,  when we do.. SOLID. We have a couple investigators, but none are progressing so far. The last time we had someone come to church was about 4 months ago 😬! Sooo yeah, slowly but surely here. Also, our area is straight up weird. 75% of it is just straight up ghettoville, while 15% is rich people who freakin' have houses kinda like the ones in the states and most of them don’t want anything to do with us. Now, you're probably thinking, “Hey Tanner, you're an idiot, 75+15 is 90 dumb face”. Oh my friends, that’s where the other 10% comes in to play. The other 10% is nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. It's just land. Then off in the distance you can see some corn growing. :) Like I said, my comp is from Illinois and he skips out of here in 5 weeks now. BUT HEY NOW HERE’S SOME OF MY WEEK :)

The beginning of the week was still spent in Elche. I said bye to the Garcias, a family from the other ward, and my official goodbye to the Caballeros on Monday night. Llavina left that morning so I spent it with Elders Pesce and Stark (who by the way has no relation to Tony 😔). Tuesday we had district meeting and signed transfer journals and had a s'cute time. Then we went and ate with the Moya family! She makes the greatest plate of arroz con costra I've ever beseeched in my 19 1/2 years of life. It's like freakin' heaven on a plate. I said bye to them and sister Moya started crying. Ugh! She's a doll. She said, “Hopefully with an example like you, Isma will want to serve a mission”. Isma is her 21 year old son who she wants to go on a mission way bad. Then that night I said bye to the Palominos and after we went and played soccer and I said bye to Santi 😩. He started crying too but I told him we would see each other again and he said, “Yeah, at my baptism!”  So that was a good way to end it with him :). I already miss Elche and all the people over there. The first couple days
here in Cartagena I was way homesick and so it sucked.

So my first day here we had a lesson with an investigator named Erika. She's 25 from Ecuador and she's really cool! She has a cute little boy named Bradley. He's a stud. We went with a member named Romeo who was baptized like 5 months ago and from Africa :).  We talked about President Monson's talk from last conference about decisions and how he tells us to choose the harder right, rather than the easier wrong! We invited her to church and she said she couldn't come this week but she said she'd try and come this week :). She has a ton of potential but she's really busy. We have a cita with her tonight so I'll letcha know how it goes.

Saturday night was pretty fun. There's about 14 missionaries here, and 9 of us (all elders(one trio)) got together and played soccer :). Freakin' there's a kid here named Elder Bailey from England and he played pro soccer before the mish. He was making bank and had his own piso and we're already best friends. He's a stud. Our team was ALL MISSIONARIES and for the first time in ever, a team of ALL MISSIONARIES wrecked Spaniards/Muslims. One of the Muslim kids kept saying that Osama Bin Laden was his uncle and he helped with 9/11 and so I was extremely close to going over there and scaring the crap out of him but then I remembered I'm an 😇 and also I was with a lot of other missionaries 😁. My comp is way good at soccer too. We have a kid from Switzerland who's new and balls out, another one from Finland who's basically a pro as well and a kid from Georgia who is kinda like me and just does what he can 😂. Plus with me in the goal I mean we all already know the other team isn't scoring. 😉 Our 6 man line up is literally stacked. 😍

Every Sunday here, we take the Sacrament to twp older people in our ward that live pretty far away from the church, Pepe and Trinidad. They also feed us. And when I say they feed us, I mean they FEED us. Holy crap so much food haha I wanted to die. With an eating cita like that every Sunday, I'm gonna need to play soccer twice a week. Our church starts at freakin' 5:30 PM. That's a little abnormal. Yesterday I gave my testimony. Ugh!  I love telling people my name is Jamón. They automatically just love me! Also, 2nd hour rolled around and guess who showed up to church to surprise me?? MY BOII JACOB FROM ELCHE!! I almost started crying! Not really but I mean it was dope cuz he's like, “Yeah man! I'll for sure come visit you” and boom not even a week after I left he came and visited me. :) So today we are playing soccer with him and all the friends. He has friends here in Cartagena that are members and also all the other missionaries so I’m excited for that :)!

Well folks, there's my week in a nutshell for ya. I hope all of you guys have a great week and you'll be hearing from me soon! Jesus loves you :) and so do I! Bye!

Much love.
Patience is a virtue, 

T Boy ☠

Bountiful Temple with the Caballero Family

Aaron, Rocio, Adrian and Triana Caballero
Bye, Bye Garcia Family 

Bye, Bye to My Boy Alvaro

Found my car 😈

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