Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, August 1, 2016

Week 49: I Am Happy 😊

Good Monday (or whatever day you guys read this) to you all, :)

Well, I first wanna start out by telling everyone the big news here in Elche. Some dude who lives here found all the Pokemon characters in the new game, that is completely outrageous and a total waste of time, Pokemon Go!!!!! Wow!!!!! How awesome is that?!?!! I was blown away!!! I'm joking. Honestly, that is kinda cool though because he is the 2nd person in the world to do it and he lives where I live right now. Props to that nerd! Second of all, I gotta shoutout my boy Elder King for killing his farewell talk yesterday (so he claims) and because he dips to the MTC this Wednesday. Good luck man! Thanks for filling in for me when I left. I'll see you in two and I'll be awaiting our hug ❤️! Now that I just got all mushy on you guys, here's my week. 😜

Tuesday we had a nice district meeting. That night we met with a new investigator named Jonathon! His wife is a less active and so we are killing two birds with one stone. :) We had a good lesson with them about why we are here and how the Book of Mormon can help them in their lives and then to top it all off, Jon accepted the baptismal goal for August 20th! It will more than likely have to get pushed back a bit but at least he shows signs that he wants to get baptized. :) After that we went over to Santi's house and talked with his parents about everything. Like I've said, if it was up to Santi, he would be baptized right now. But, he's 12. So, it's not up to him. We talked to his parents and they think it would be better if we waited a little bit longer so we pushed his baptismal date back to the 20th as well. I'm hoping that's as far back as we have to go because I'll more than likely be leaving the 24th to a different area. So as of now, Santi’s date for his baptism is August 20th. :)

Wednesday was a way good day. The morning sucked because we passed by a ton of people and didn't get anyone to answer. But Mediodia hit and went over to the Garcia’s house to eat. Then after while we are walking home my companion starts going the opposite way and I guess during our lunch, we got invited to eat with the Palominos as well. So, we went and had some Colombian food from a family from Ecuador. I wasn't too upset when I figured out what we were eating. My favorite food from South America. I don't know how to spell it but it's like this fried ball with mashed potatoes and meat and stuff inside and it's so good. We ate some of that and then went home and died for the rest of media did because we had so much food. 😩 When it was time to go out again, we had a doooope cita with Hernan. He found a piso to rent, SO HE’S MOVING OUT!! Which is freaking dope because now he can get baptized! :) We were talking and he said, “Hammond, when do you leave?" And I said, "Well transfers are the 24th so probably then.” Then he said, “Well, then we have to schedule my baptism before that. How bout the 13th?" Hernan is getting baptized on the 13th!!! I was seriously so happy it was unreal. :)

Thursday. We planned for this week and then after we went and picked up some food that a member made for us. That night we met with Jonathon and Vanessa again and talked to them about the Restoration. :) it was a really good weekend and we are excited to see what happens with Jon! After that we stopped by Santi's house and picked him up then went to the church for our "pre-soccer lesson” again. :) We talked to him about a ton of stuff and he understood all of it and it was awesome. We started with the 10 commandments and then into those we talked about the Sabbath Day, Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom! He told us he was gonna try and obey everything. :) After that we went out and played some soccer.

Friday was the start to a pretty lame weekend. The only thing I can remember is that we worked in the morning and once again had no luck. Then we had English classes that night and after went to Burger King and got ice cream. 

Saturday, once again, a day chuck full of nothing! We contacted 53 different people during the morning and only got about 4 numbers out of it. It was sad. And hot. To end the day, we went over to the Palominos and had dinner with them. We had a cute lesson on the Sabbath Day and the Sacrament and the importance of it. It was good, and then we ate some chicken and rice. Betcha didn't see that one coming. 😂

Sunday was a pretty good way to end the weekend. We went to church, enjoyed the classes, and then after we went over to Hernan’s to eat! After we ate, we went over the baptismal interview questions and he’s almost too ready for it. :) He's way stoked about it. After that, we went back to the Palomino’s house again and hung out with them for awhile, playing games and then somehow we got into this giant pillow fight. My comp was in the kitchen making some cookies and it was me and my dude Rafa (their nephew) against all 5 girls. 😩😩 We held our ground for the most part. Rafa was a champ and took most of the heat for me. On the bright side nothing broke which amazed me because it was like a pillow fight that lasted 25 mins and we were freakin zingin’ pillows across the rooms. It was good fun :)

Today we went to Alicante and went to that castle again. It was cooler the first time 😜 mostly because we had a car and someone who knew where to go and what to do, but it was fun to get the whole district together and disfrutar some PDay. :)

That’s all she wrote for this week. Happy August to you all and I hope you all have a great week. :) Oh yeah I forgot to mention this. Last Monday we played tennis with Aaron and oh my gosh people I think I found my future living if the whole playing football in college thing doesn't work out. I had so much fun and I wrecked everyone. I felt like Andre Agasi (no idea how to spell it but he's like a way good tennis player and I think he's my dad’s favorite). Either way it was dope and I'm definitely playing tennis when I get home and when I get old. :) I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Pillow Zingin'
Elder THamNer :)

Our District ;)


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