Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 50: "How to Practice Fasting" from a 12-Year Old

What is up my beloved family and friends? :)

It's been another pretty good week. We've been pretty busy these past couple of weeks and this one that is coming up is going to be filled with activities all over the place! I don't have a whole lotta time today. OKAY HERE IT IS!

So we started the week off with splits from the other elders in our ward. I was with Elder Fumero, from Venezuela. He's been on his mission for technically (as he says) 3 years. He started in Chile or somewhere and then went home after 15 months then waited a year and came back out to Spain and goes home in December. Good guy. We were passing by some old investigators and we met this girl from Romania named Narchisa. (Kinda like SHARKISHA NO!!!!) The Hermana missionaries that used to be here used to teach her. We talked about the Book of Mormon and she's like “Oh yeah, I know! I've read all the way to Alma 40! I haven't read in like almost a year but I'd love to get back into reading it, do you think you guys could come by next week and talk to me about it?" I was like "yes" so that was that! :) Normally people from Romania who come to Spain don’t speak Spanish very well but she's like the opposite and so when she told us she's from there we were like "no way" and that’s what started the whole conversation.

Santi is still progressing towards his baptismal date! We still need to get a couple things sorted out with his parents for the baptism, but we have been praying and fasting for him that they will be able to see how happy their son is! We talked about fasting and tithing this week as well as other commandments. When we were talking about fasting he was telling us how he thought it would be hard so we invited him to fast with us yesterday because it was Fast Sunday. The next day (Wednesday) we saw him and he told us he had been practicing fasting! It was awesome! He said, "I ate breakfast today and didn't eat lunch and I'm gonna have a small dinner tonight so I can get ready for it." Needless to say, the practice paid off during his fasting on Saturday and Sunday. During sacrament he said, “Oh no, I can't take the sacrament. I'm fasting!" So I told him he could take the sacrament and he was like, “Okay then I'm going to enjoy this piece of bread and cup of water a lot." The kid is so amazing and has such a desire to follow the Lord.

As for Hernan, we will be having his baptism this Saturday!! We are so excited for him. We had a couple of lessons with him this week as well. We had a good lesson on forgiveness. We watched a video about the guy who's family got killed in a car crash by a drunk driver and instead of holding a grudge that he could have had for the kid that was driving, the man decided to forgive him right away. He lost his wife who was pregnant and two of his kids in the process. Forgiveness is possible through the Atonement. :) We went to Alicante for a priesthood meeting with our entire stake on Saturday. We talked a lot about the love of God. It was really cool because Hernan was one of the few people that isn't a member there, but he was also one of the only ones to raise his hand and share his thoughts when our Stake President was asking for people's opinions.  :) After he shared, Llavina and I just looked at each other from opposite sides of the bench and gave the grin like, “Heck yeah! That's our investigator!" 😏

I read a talk by Elder Bednar this past week and it really made me realize how God has a plan for each and every one of us. It talks about a guy who married his wife and 3 weeks after their marriage he was diagnosed with bone cancer. The man knew Elder Bednar and asked him to give him a blessing. Before Elder Bednar gave the blessing he asked the man if he had the faith to NOT be healed. When I read that it took me a minute to really understand what it meant. Sometimes we don’t understand why certain things happen in our lives. Sometimes when we need help from God, we don't get the outcome that we wanted and we hope for things that don't happen. But faith in the Savior is submissively accepting His will and timing in our lives even if the outcome is not what we hoped for or wanted. I tried to put myself in his shoes and I can't even imagine how hard it would be to maintain my faith in the Lord through all of the things that happened. But I realized that if we really do trust him, and we believe that he knows what is best for us, everything will turn out for the better and how it is supposed to be. :)

A little different approach on the whole email this week, hopefully you all don't mind. ;) I hope you all have a fantastic week and all know I love the heck out of all of you guys. :) You'll be hearing from me next Monday! 😊

Zone Conference in Alicante

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