Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Week 51: I swallowed my contact and we baptized Hernan :):):)

Hello relatives and loved persons in my life :)

W(hat) A W(eek)!

It's been a long, full, fun, and rewarding week to say the least. A couple funny things happened, not a whole ton of work (thanks to holidays in Elche) had a couple good lessons when we could, balled out in soccer, and then Hernan got dunked and received that Holy Ghost AND the Priesthood to end the week. :) Here's a couple of the HiGhLiGhTs! 💯

I'll start off by telling the story of why my subject line is what it is. Well, we had a way good lesson with our investigator Jonathan on Wednesday. We went in wanting to talk about the Plan of Salvation, and we did just that. :) We started talking about where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going. We brought Prescila with us because she's good friends with Jon's wife, and Prescila brought her daughter Vicky. Vicky looks like the sweetest little angel but (and don't get me wrong she is... Sometimes...) really is a freaking riot hahaha. While we were teaching the lesson she comes up and starts wanting me to play with her. I'm trying to keep her quiet and teach the lesson and she just wants to play. I’m like okay how bout we play later and she starts to throw a fit so I gotta play still and I’m teaching at the same time and then BOOM, contact comes out of my left eye (my worst eye). I'm like well shiz I can't leave the room to go put it back in, so I put it in my mouth to keep it from drying up. We were almost done with the lesson so I figured I could wait it out and we'd be good. We continue with the lesson, Vicky continues to want to play. We got to the celestial kingdom part and right before I start to talk, I feel my contact slide right down my throat. 😩 It like got stuck on it’s way down too. Talked about el reino celestial, we prayed, then we left and I went home and put a new contact in. :)

Soooo, Santi is supposed to have his baptism this Saturday. But, it doesn't look like his parents (just his dad) are going to let him yet. :( They keep telling him he can get baptized once he reads the whole BOM, then it changes to "in October" then it changes to "when you’re 16" so basically we just want to sit down with his dad and be like, yo, dude, your son wants to get baptized. He's 12 years old and not a member and has already done a full 24 hour fast. That's something that some members who were born into the church have never done! (I was one of those until I was 18 😛) His mom said if it was up to her and Santi, he'd already be baptized. Buuuut guess his dad wears the pants. (That’s a first in a marriage ;). So basically all we are waiting for is for him to get permission from his dad. We have prayed and fasted that by some miracle his dad will let him get baptized.

To end off the week, like I said.. Hernan had his baptism!! It was such a freaking cool experience to see everyone there to support him. :) There were so many people there. Oh my gosh haha! I got in the font and looked at everyone there and nearly turned the water yellow 😳. But then Hernan looked at me and said “Come on Jamón Baby" in his very Colombian accent hahaha and all the nerves went away like that. :) After we got out, he goes "Hammond I told you to not get my hair wet we have to do it again” hehe. Ahh good one Hernan. Saturday was also the last day of holidays here in Elche and so that night we went over to the Palominos to celebrate his baptism and also celebrate the holiday. :) There was a freaking ginormous firewoPPrk show that was way cool and at the end, they do this one huge one that turns into a palm tree (cuz Elche is know for those) but yeah it was freakin dope. Also me and my comp made hamburgers and they were scrumdiddlyumcious. 😊

Sunday rolled around and we were able to give Hernan the Holy Ghost and also the Priesthood. His mom came to his baptism and church on Sunday and she said she has never felt so good as she did Saturday and Sunday seeing her hijo as happy as he was. :) Seeing Hernan go through what he has gone through and do what he has had to do just to be baptized, shows how much he loves God and how much he cares about being back with him and also so his whole family can be with their baby boy who died last month. He and Priscila are still working towards a marriage date, but yesterday when he got the priesthood and she realized that he could baptize her when's she's ready made her sooo happy and it was so awesome. :) It's been so cool to know them and to see Hernan go through this whole process.

I also found out that I'm leaving Elche 😩😩😩. The worst part is that I don't know where I'm going or who my comp is yet because all President said is that I'm leaving. So this week I will be finding out where my next area is and who my next comp will be. I’ll letcha guys know. But until then, I hope you guys all know I love you and am grateful for all of you guys. :) Have a great week and you’ll hear from me S O O N L I K E I N A W E E K O K A Y P E A C E O U T B Y E T H I S L O O K S K I N D A C O O L H U H okay I'm done lol bye. :)


Contact Swallowin'
Elder THam 🤓🤐

Hernan ;)

Family ;)

Vicky ;)

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