Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 81: What else ya got, wonderboy?


Freaking hi people of my life. This week could possibly go down in history as the fastest yet. Holy! I feel like PDay was just yesterday and I was writing and now it's another PDay and here I am writing. This upcoming week we will be getting transfer calls...

I have a request for everyone... from the second you read this, until you read my next letter, could you PLEASE PRAY THAT I GET TO AT LEAST BE CLOSE TO ELDER BECKSTROM! We haven't seen each other in about a year and a half, and there is a solid chance we could be close to each other to end my mission, and better yet, companions!  Hahahahaha! Yeah! Right! Thanks! That'd be much appreciated. On to the weeeeek!

Gabriel's baptism is locked, loaded and ready to goooo! We had his baptismal interview on Thursday, the ZLs came and did the interview and said he's more than ready. :) I'm soooo excited! His dad gets home on Wednesday or Thursday, so after church this Sunday (the 19th) we will be having his baptism!! He comes up to me today and goes, "ELDER HAMMOND! MY DAD WILL BE HOME THIS WEEK! MY BAPTISM IS NEXT SUNDAY!!" He just gives me a huge hug! Hahaha! What a stud. I'm so excited for him!

We had intercambios last Tuesday to Wednesday in Malaga. :) I love working in Malaga because I always get to work in the ghettoooo. In my area right now, there isn't too much ghetto so I like working there. The only problem is that in Andalucía, the accent is way mad but in Malaga, it's even worse. Cs, Zs, & Ss are all pronounced like TH and it's so bad. Luckily by now I'm used to it. :) We talked to these two 15 year old kids for a while, and when we first started talking they asked where I was from and I said the states and they're like, "Oh! You've been here for a long time right?" And I'm like "Eh, yeah, a decent amount of time. How long do you think I've been here?" And he guess at least 5 years.. then I told him 20 months and he just freaks out and it's like holy crap dude your Spanish is awesome. 😎 It was funny. But yeah, I worked with Elder Medina from Uruguay and it was way good stuff.

We met with Leonor, Luz Estela & Valentina again on Friday and it was a good lesson. We talked about the Restoration and all that good stuff. :) We got to Joseph Smith and they loved it! They're so open to learn and I love it. I'm convinced that Luz Estela and Valentina will more than likely get baptized before Leonor, which sucks... but maybe if that happens, Leonor will see that it really is important and she'll get baptized shortly after. :) We talked about the priesthood and authority to baptize and stuff and they were really interested. They all said they were going to come to church so we were excited for that. :)

Sunday rolls around and we had SIX investigators in church..
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I laugh because that never happens here in Fuengirola, let alone Spain!!!! 😂 It was good stuff tho. Gabriel, Bridget, Nikol, Leonor, Valentina and Luz Estela all came to church and they all loved it! :) It was good to see the ward so supportive and helpful with them as well! It was a good sabbath all in all. 😊💰

We threw the pigskin around today on a turf field again. 😍💰🙌🏻 I love football. And I love all of you. And I hope you all have a great week! Don't forget to read the scriptures becuase they're good for your soul and don't forget to pray for me and Elder Beckstrom! 😜 Paz afuera negros ❤️

Much love.
Check Please ✅💰
Tan Ham ⚡️

More Spanish Coast 😍😍😍

We helped the RS stuff pillows for ladies with breast cancer and they thought it was funny... #husbandme

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