Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 80: πŸ’― ✌🏻 0️⃣

Herrrrrroo my loved ones,

People, I love you all. I hope you all know that. Our week here in Fuen was fuenomenal! πŸ˜› We had some solid lessons, found some solid new investigators and the weather was either solid or absolutely awful! But I'll hit the highlights. 😊

So the subject... today marks my 100 days left mark. 😱😱😱 Unreal! I don't even know what to think. I have so many mixed emotions. πŸ˜‚ As I was writing in my journal the other day, I realized how little time left I have out here and it just hit me how much I'm going to miss being here in Spain as a missionary. I feel like I just barely started. 😭 Life goes by too fast people.

We met with Gabriel two times this week and he's ready to be dunkedddd. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š We taught/went over the restoration, plan of salvation, all the commandments with him on Thursday night, and then we went over the word of wisdom, tithing, and all baptismal interview questions with him yesterday right after church! He's so awesome. I love how enthusiastic he is about his baptism and just life in general. :) We passed by his house on Tuesday night to set something up with him and his mom and we rang the button below and after like 3 mins he answers but doesn't say anything cuz he was kinda scared I think. I heard him and I said hello? And he's like ... hello? And I'm like hey Gabriel? He's like umm yes..? I'm like hey dude it's the Elders! And he's like OH HEY guys and got so excited and let us come up and we talked to him and his mom. He's so funny, I love it. He's like a little Brazilian version of Reece. I love it. The Zone Leaders have to come here this Thursday to do his baptismal interview, then after that all we have to do is wait for his dad to get home so he can baptize him! We're hoping for this upcoming Sunday, but if not most likely for sure the 18th of March or before that! It's hard to commit to a date because we don't know when his dad is going to be home. But whenever he gets here, it's straight to the water!

We had a FHE with Lorena who is the member who has a million friends and loves to invite them to listen to the good word. We met in David's house. David is a guy from Ecuador who we met with a couple weeks ago with Lorena as well. We went to his house with Ernesto who is a total homie. He struggles with being active because he works all the time but he's a total G I love him. At David's house, there were also two other guys named Paco and Sergio, both of them have a decent amount of potential. We had a good lesson just about our church in general. We talked about our beliefs and talked a lot about the BOM with them. That book is so awesome! Oh man! Then we had some meat and rice and it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. We had a solid discussion about life and it was fun meeting some new people like we do every day. :)

Before the FHE, we met with Leonor. Well, kinda. We went to her house and we were going to meet with her but she was busy so we went in and talked for a little but she was running around everywhere and was kinda stressed. Luckily, her friend Luz Estela and her daughter Valentina, had just arrived from Columbia!! Columbians >>> They came and we just taught them instead of Leonor. It was honestly a very good lesson. South American women are SO HUMBLE. I freakin' love it. They were both so open. They asked how we do our baptismal services. It was very...... odd..? We told them about how we need to be at least eight years old and how we do it in a full tank of water and her daughter who's 15 was like, "Ohhh! I wanna be baptized!" So hopefully we can keep meeting with them. It wouldn't surprise me if they both get baptized before Leonor. πŸ™ƒ

Then yesterday we had another gnarly lesson with Gonzolo & Kelsey, the Americans. :) They're freakin awesome. I'm convinced they won't get baptized here in Spain. They leave in June to live in Texas, so I'm going to go make visits down there and teach them and baptize them there. 😏 They're freakin' smart little buggers, good heck. They look into so many things, sooooo deeply. Every time. Literally. It gives me a headache thinking about the things they ask us. πŸ˜‚ Good thing my companion has great scripture knowledge or else we'd be in trouble! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ But it was really cool because we've been trying to focus a LOT on the Book of Mormon with them and the restoration and everything. Yesterday they were asking about Bible scriptures and how we interpret all them and what not and they had a question about stuff they saw on the internet and what not. Gonzolo asked about it and Kelsey was like, "Honestly, I think the only way we are going to get our answer is if we read the Book of Mormon because if we read it and find out it's true then we will probably find our answer to all the references that it names here." I look at Gonzolo and said, "I think your wife just answered your question" and he was like "she's so smart, that's why I married her!" Hahaha! It was awesome. So hopefully we start seeing some progress with them. They'll be baptized.. I don't know when or where. But I know they will be eventually. :) SEED PLANTING PEOPLE! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE SEEDS!!!

That's about all I got for y'all today.. sorry it was short. 😬 I hope you all have a wonderful week. Remember that God is GREAT. He loves each and every one of you, and he loves to hear from you all thru prayer... just like I love hearing from each one of you through email! 😎

HA! I'm funny. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
peace out Girl Scouts! 😊❤️

Much love.
Tanner FRIKIN Hammond πŸ€‘

I threw a Skittle in the air yesterday... 🌈

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