Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 83: Out here Grindin' 😲


Hello there people, how the heck are we today?? I'm just fantastic. Not a whole lotta time today, so this may or may not be a short little message.. but I guess we'll get it started. 🙂

In all honesty, my new area would be bad if it wasn't for my companion. 😂 I love him. He's up there in the top companions for sure. He went to Payson High School, and graduated a year after me. He played football as well and we have the same interests when it comes to a lot of stuff. He's freaking hilarious so we are constantly making jokes and making each other laugh. It's so fun. I hope and pray that we stay together for the last two months and he kills me, but we don't know how likely that is.. I guess only time will tell!

As for the area there's not a whole lot to report. We have a solid 0 investigators so that's definitely new.. we have a couple flojo (idk how to translate that... maybe lazy/not good¿) investigators but no one will be getting baptized anytime soon unless there's a miracle. Needless to say we will be toking lots of doors and contacting lots in the street! Yippy! 🙃 But we do have lots and lots of members that need help with activation so we're gonna get some reactivations up 
in this beezy. Ahhhh! Yaaa buddy.

I've met a couple of strange people since I've been here and I've met some cool kids as well. I got up to introduce myself in church yesterday and I went with the classic, "I'm Elder Jamón" and the entire congregation died... Good heck, I'm funny. That one will never get old except I just realized that was the last time I'll use it. 😩 Que triste. There's a decent amount of young single adults here so we will be working with them a lot to get 
some friends to church.

I said a few goodbyes in Fuen earlier last week.. I said bye to
Gonzalo and Kelsey, the Michigan wife. They're good people :) They told us (Elder Bettridge and his new comp) that they can't meet anytime soon due to Gonzalo not having too much extra time. He just said now is not the right time for them. They move to Texas this summer, so I'm sure they'll find some missionaries there. Either way, I guarantee they're gonna be baptized eventually because they know it's true they just don't want to commit to the lifestyle. Other than that we ate with our ward mission leader and his family on Tuesday so that was awesome, I love them. Their 2 sons that are 11 and 14 are obsessed with my hair. Hahaha! They always ask to touch it and ask how I get it the the way it is. I told them before I left, it'd tell them my secret and so while we're eating, Dani, the youngest asks and I told them it's cuz I don't wash it and he and Cesar both go "Sweet! I'm never going to wash my hair again!!" Hahaha! Let's just say their mom wasn't too fond of me. 😜 Gotta do whatcha gotta do though! 😬😏

We had Zone Meeting in Sevilla on Friday. It was good because it wasn't too long. 😊😊😊 We talked about the new Easter initiative and it was dooooopeeee. We all got a ton of cards and we got to see the new Easter video that will be released this Friday the 31st. :) It's going to be a good one to end my mish on that's for sure. With Easter & Conference coming up here quick, I really am so grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus made for each and every one of us. Thanks to Him, all of us can become better and become clean again. The Atonement is something that all of us need, and it's something that can help us all be happier. It can change people from terrible to good, and good to better, but only if we let it help us .:)

I love you all, I hope you all have an amazing week, and you'll be hearing from ya boy again in a short 7! :)

Much love.
We Workin',
Tan Bra Ham 💯


What I did to get that pic lol

Becarlo and family ward mission leader 

And a big yellow bear that asked if I'd take a pic with him

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