Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 84: April Fools, doofus.

People People People,

A very good afternoon/morning/night depending on what time it is to all reading this letter. It's me, Tanner again. But of course, you all already knew that cuz if it wasn't me, you probabaly wouldn't be reading this email. ;) I NEED TO GIVE A SHOUTOUT TO BERKS FOR MAKING THE UTAH CHEERLEADING TEAM! YEAAAAAH BUDDY!!! Congrats sister, I love you and won't be able to watch you much but I'll be cheering for ya. :) It's been a wonderful week here in Huelva. We finally had some good luck and had a good time as well, let's get to it. 😊

Well let's see, Tuesday morning we had a senior couple named the Hopkins come down and they made us pancakes and then we had district meeting and then after that the Hopkins came and inspected our house to make sure it's all clean and we have all the stuff we need. I'm proud to say that of all 25 other companionships, our was among the 5 cleanest 😏 We were the last one, so she may or may not have just been sick of inspections so she did it super fast and didn't really care, but in all reality it was easily the cleanest piso I've ever been in in the past 2 years. 

On Wednesday and Friday for morning exercise, me and Van Moos went over to a park and we ran routes. 😍😍😍😍 Van Moos played in high school and so he's got some pretty good hands luckily. It was so funny though because the grass was wet.  One time he ran a 10 yard curl and he slipped so hard on his butt. It was so funny. After when I couldn't stop laughing he made me run routes for him and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a younger Odell Beckham Jr. Gosh my dad gave me hands down some of the best hands. By the end of our session, there was a group of like 15 people who just had stopped and watched us. 😂 It was good fun.

We found our first semi-solid investigator since December last week!!! She's so cool her name is Amalia, she's a foreign exchange student from Norway who's living with some members here in Huelva and she's been here for like 7 months so she speaks decent Spanish but pretty much perfect English so that's way cool. :) She's 17 years old but she turns 18 in like a month, which is good because her parents are pretty atheist and wouldn't let her get baptized but once she's 18 she is able to make her own decisions. Hopefully we can help her find the truth and baptize her before both of us go back home in June! Right now she says that she doesn't really believe in God, but she said she wants to because she feels like it would make her life a little easier. :) We talked about the restoration with her and it went really good. We got talking about the Book of Mormon and she asked where the gold plates were now and we told her that Joseph Smith gave them back to Moroni and that Heavenly Father wanted it to be something of faith. She felt frustrated because she didn't understand why God just appeared to him and why doesn't he just come down and say it to everyone the world would be a better place and everything. I didn't really know what to say. We both bore testimony about having faith and that we can find all these answers through prayer and reading and so she said she would read and that she would pray and so we're going to be meeting with her again this Sunday and she seems really excited about it!! :)

On Saturday night we went to the store to buy some candy because Sunday was gonna be spend all day in the church watching General Conference. We were going in and this lady stops us and asks us to get her some bread. I went in and they kicked me out. I asked her if she had any money and she said she wondered if I could buy some bread for her. I figured if I buy her bread, she can't go use it to buy and drugs or anything so I told her I would.  We went in and there was a group of kids who were holding a donation fund and a girl comes up and asks if I will donate something to the food bank. I was hoping that since I was buying this chick some bread my comp would be like yeah sure ya know I will.. so I look at him and he just gives me this "this is your problem dude" look and in English says, "Remember, I don't speak Spanish!" Hahaha freakin' loser. So anyways I'm said, "Ummmmmmmmm, yeah. I don't know what you want but sure." So I bought the lady some bread and then donated some rice. I'm such a saint. 😇😉  So we leave and I go out expecting to see the lady to give her the bread and she's nowhere to be found. My companion says, "April Fools, Doofus" thinking that maybe she was pranking us. But a
fter like 5 mins the lady finally comes and she was super grateful for the bread I bought her. :) It was a good and funny experience. :)

Conference was doooooope. It had so many good messages. 

I love you all and hope you're all fantastic. 😊 This week we have to go to Sevilla on Tuesday for interviews with President and then on Wednesday again for Zone Conference and I get to see Elder Beckstrom! :):):):):):):):):):):)::):):):) It's been 18 months since we've seen each other. I'm kinda excited. Pics to come foshizzle. Anyways. Once again, os quiero un montón y espero que tengáis una buena semana! Y acordáis que yo soy el chico más guapo 😍😜 lol only some will know what I just said. Doesn't make it any less true though. 😎 BYE HUMANS!

Much love.
Hot sauce in my bag swag,
TaNnEr B 💰:)💰:)💰:)💰:)

This is Juan. And investigator that I found when I was in Cartagena about 6 months ago and my boy Elder Garcia baptized him the other day. I was SO FREAKING HAPPY!! Juan was like my older brother.  I love him so much and I'm so happy to see he made the steps necessary to better his life and follow Jesus :)

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