Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, April 24, 2017

Week 87: Fell off the jetway again... & the best hour of my life 😌


Hellllooooo family friends and everyone else reading this I'm assuming if you're reading it you're either a family member or a friend.. but if you're some random person reading on my blog well, hello to you stranger :) Our week was freakin' doooope. We had some success with our investigators. Yes! Plural! We have another one now. We're the best! I know I know. Well..kinda. It's a kid who has is whole family are members but he's 8 and just doesn't wanna get baptized and now we are talking to him and he wants to so bad but that's later. HERE IS MY WEEK! 😊

Tuesday we had district meeting and it was super short so nobody complained about that haha. I had to give the opening prayer so that of course just set the tone for a bomb meeting duh. Then after we ordered Kebab and while we waited in the church, the Elders had a ping pong tourney. Let's just say I put on for my city 😎 took the crown and it was sad how easy it was. I took on Papito (Elder Salazar) in the championship round and beat him "humbly". (11-5) 'twas good indeed.

Wednesday night we had our lesson with the little kid who didn't wanna be baptized. His name is Gonzalo haha he's so freakin' funny. He's 8 and his sister Marta is 9 and they are  bundles of energy. Holy wowzers people! NON STOP talking and yelling and laughing and running around. It's insane. It's really funny cuz their dad is a.. well, there's no really subtle way to put this but he's is a very large man haha. It's really funny when he tried to catch the kids from running around. He tried while we were there and after about 30 seconds he was outta breath and he sits down & goes "I gotta lose some weight Elders, this isn't good" hahahahahaha it was so funny. We had a really good lesson in the Restoration with Gonzalo and at the end we asked if he had any questions and he goes "Yes... I wanna be baptized" It was funny cuz his dad was saying how he just didn't wanna be baptized and so they were gonna wait and then when he said that his dad looked at him with the look of "what the heck did you just say?" It was funny :) So they're gonna baptize him in August or July sometime when all their family can come. :)

We met with Amalia again and we had a WAY FREAKIN' GOOD LESSON WITH HER!!! It was so awesome. We read in 2 Nephi 31 and we were gonna read it all three of us together but she didn't want to read out loud so Van Moos and I just read and at the end she was like "Wow! That was really good. I feel good right now" and we both kinda just looked at each other like "Dude. Woah. The Spirit is really  working!" But after we read I look at her and I said "Amalia, I don't know if you've been praying to know if God is true, but I can already see a difference between now and when I first met you." She kinda lit up and admitted she was feeling better about everything and then I asked her if she would be baptized when she gets a for sure answer and she said YES!!! But............ since she's a foreign exchange student, she can't be baptized while she's here. 😑 It was kinda a dagger to the heart lol but I know for a fact that she is starting to feel that God really does exist and she's feeling His love more and more every day. :) Hopefully when she goes home in June she can find the missionaries and see what happens up in Norway. 🇳🇴 :)

There was a way funny story this week. It's probably not gonna sound very funny but oh my gosh my companion and I absolutely died. Hahahaha. Okay so we have a tradition where once a week usually on Friday we go to the McDonalds by our house and we get an ice cream cone. So we're chillin there eating our ice cream and I'm on my iPad and this guy walks in and my comp just goes "uh oh.." hahaha so I'm like "What?" and he's like "This guy right here I just made eye contact and he's way homeless and is gonna ask us for food." I look at him and he just didn't look quite right.  He walks up to us and we both just look at him and he just shakes his head at us and wags his finger and keeps walking so we're like oh okay good haha. He moves on to the next table and does the same thing to them. At the next table is a 35-40 year old couple eating alone minding their own business right? This guy goes up to them and reaches into their bag of garbage on the floor and pulls out an empty box of food and opens it up and starts eating the left over lettuce, onions and sauces and then he starts eating the cardboard and he bites it, realizes it's not supposed to be eating and he like makes this face of absolute disgust and opens his mouth like he's gonna throw up into the box. Luckily he didn't but his face was just the funniest thing ever. Then he puts the box in front of the guy sitting at the table and he reaches into his tray, looks the couple in the eyes, takes a fri, and slowly starts backing away and puts it in his mouth and walks out.... the look on the couple's face was absolutely priceless! My comp and I just died laughing and we were there for a solid 5 minutes just in tears because of what we just saw. Oh my goodness! It was so funny guys. Spain is literally the weirdest country and I love all 2 years I've been here. 😊😂

That's pretty much all I got for ya for now... I GET MY LAST TRANSFER CALLS THIS WEEK. HOLY! WOW! THAT IS INSANE. We find out if Van Moos and I are staying or if he's peacing out.. We're hoping he stays but we're all gravy with whatever yo. I love you all, I hope you have a great week, I hope you're all happy. 🙈💰😍

Much love.
Homegrown Honey, You're SO Money 💰,
t b ham ⚡️🏆

Shark Boy & Lava Girl 😎

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