Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 88: Just Rollin' With It... 😏💰

Oh my goodness well I just start off by saying that President threw me THEE BIGGEST curveball I've ever been thrown last week... 😅 We got transfer calls yesterday morning, and both me and Van Moos are leaving! I'm going to the smallest area in my mission. 😂 My new companion's name is Elder Osguthorpe. He's from Heber City area I'm pretty sure. He is my current zone leader right now, but we're both leaving to go and whitewash which is where 2 new missionaries take over an area haha. I started my mission whitewashing and it looks like my last 6 weeks will be spent the same way! So yeah, I guess I gotta pack all my crap up one more time and then once more in another month for the long voyage home.
🙄😭🙃 But it's all good.. now let's get into the week. :)

So every Wednesday and Friday morning, we meet with some recent converts, Maria and her son Leo. I might have mentioned them before, but they're from Romanian and well, to say the least... they're literally nuts hahahaha. But then again every single Romanian is special 😂 Literally every time we go over there, the first 30 mins are spent talking about random stuff and without fail, EVERY TIME
all they do is talk crap on someone or everyone from the ward. 😂😂😂 It's honestly the funniest thing ever because they repeat the same stuff over and over.  For example, every Friday night we have a noche de hogar with the whole ward especially the YSAs of the ward and we always share a message and then later we play a game and eat food of some sort. Leo is 150% against that. He thinks there should be a message and ya esta. Just a message and call it good. He HATES the games. It is just the funniest thing ever listening to them talking crap on whoever it is. I just thought I'd share a little about Leo & Maria lol.

We were walking around in the streets on Thursday night around 8 o'clock and we found this group of chavales playin' a little basketball. We stood on the outside of the court and were watching them and when they noticed us they were like "Holy! Are those Americans??" Haha they got so excited and so they didn't say much they just kept playing and then these 2 older kids came and they were making teams and asked us to join in and play for a little? They're like heck yeah let's ball. So we went in and played and this kid named Hyrum... good heck he's a little 14 year old kid who is so good. It was funny though because when we got done and they're like "So, who are you guys?" and we told them we were missionaries from America and they said the two older kids were Jehova's Witnesses. It was hilarious! They were cool kids. After they left, Hyrum comes up to me and he's like so what's the difference between you and them? We talked to him a little bit about the restoration and it was actually way cool to see how much interest he had and he was like okay well come back and play again because you guys ball out and we're like best friends. And then we were walking away and he's like wait and runs up to us he's like if you ever wanna come to my house I live right there and he just showed us his house. So, we're gonna visit him. It was a good experience.

Amalia is still doing really well. We had a lesson with her on
Saturday about the importance of the Book of Mormon and how if she really wants to know her answer, she has to do her part. We showed her the Mormon message about the bishop from London who was from Jamaica and how he explains it super well and she liked the video a lot! So we just invited her to keep reading and praying and hopefully she will get all the answers she wants. :)

Much love.
Para que te pierdas si no estás conmigo,
Tanner B. Hammond 💰😌

Me and Sergio.. he's a guy who woulda been baptized forever ago, but his wife is "Satan" as he says ;) I'm wearing his his hat he always wears. 

Sayin bye to Trowls

The 6'2 and the 7'1 formed a super human and we didn't get a pic til I was getting off hahahah

Last meal with the Huelva Bros.

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