Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 91: Livin' like I'm dyin' 🙈

Oh my goodness! I hope everyone is just doing so good this fine day. (I would put Monday, but I know for a fact Keri is about 3 weeks behind on sending out my emails hahahaha so to be honest not very many people are gonna be reading this. But I'll cut her some slack cuz she's trunky for her son to get home 😉)  I had a good week so I'll just get right to it!!

We had intercambios with the ZLs in Murcia and I got to do my LAST ONE with ZLs with Elder Garcia. 😊 It was so fun and so awesome to work with him haha. We were friends before the mish and in the same district in the MTC hace casi 2 años así que it was a good time :) we didn't do a whole lot of interesting stuff, just kinda walked and passed by people! We did get some ice cream which is always a good time ya feel? I also got to play the guitar and learn some new songs. 😏💰💰

We found a ton of new people to teach this week! It was so awesome. We met a kid named Michael who is from the Dominican Republic. He's a homie. He's 16 years old.  We taught him lesson 1 and he ate up the restoration and said he would come to church with us. even tho he didn't :/.

Another one is a lady named Isabel! She's from Spain and is probably 55 ish years old. Usually Spaniard ladies that old want nothing to do with us guapo American Elders, but she loves us! She had a friend who was a member here but she passed away a mi use ago. That is what sparked her interest. She is super interested and we went over the restoration with her on Wednesday and then last night we went over again with a member and taught her a really good full lesson in the restoration and she had read a little in the BOM and said it all makes sense! She really has a strong desire to follow Jesus so hopefully we can help her progress.

We also met with a girl named Katarine! She's from Madrid, but her parents are from Columbia :) she's 14 years old and we found her dad toking doors and we passed by. Her mom said she wanted us to teach her daughters and it turns out they were all pretty interested! We taught Katarine the restoration and right at the end, her dad came home from work and he seemed really interested in what we were saying! It was super cool haha. But they said they wanted us to come back so this Wednesday night we're going back and teaching the whole family. 😊

We had a funny experience to end my email. We we walked out to this tiny tiny tiny pueblo that is like a 45 minute walk. It's so small but it's so cute. We get there thinking we're gonna find like this golden family from like Peru or Ecuador or something like that. Well, boy were we wrong 😂 literally nothing but old English people 😂😂 in the middle of NOWHERE! We were so confused! It was so funny and awesome. After the first 2 people said no they didn't wanna hear about us at all we just decided to go with the "hey we're passing by to do service is there anything we can do for you??" Unfortunately that didn't work either but hey we got a couple solid conversations out of it! We met a couple of nice people so that was cool.  :) Anyways, so we're following our map to get back home as fast as possible yeah? And it says to take this random dirt road.. so I'm looking at it and I'm like  this looks like we're going into the middle of nowhere even though we already were in the middle of nowhere. So we're walking and we get kinda lost.. I'm like dude I have no idea where we're going. So we get to the dirt road and we start going into no-man's-land & then BOOM, God said "let there be Pedro!" Hahaha! Pedro, who is a member, passes us and rolls down his window and goes "Elders... what the heck are you doing here?" I go "Pedro.. my man! To be honest we're a little lost.. the map says we are supposed to take this random valley ravine thing to get back to Huercal but the more I look at the path way the more I doubt the maps ability to get me home without dying.." He gave me the look like "Wow! Had I not been coming home from work right this second you'd be absolutely lost my friend" So Pedro basically saved us because if not I think we'd still be walking 😂😂😂 literally God is just so nice sometimes. 😌

Well ladies & señores, I hope all of you are doing excellent. I'm running out of time out here in Spain. I can't believe I have 3 weeks left out here. Life is so weird! 😭 I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!

Much love.
Tanner B. Hammond

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