Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, May 29, 2017

Week 92: Eyes Up 💰

My Youth,

Hello one, hello all. It's ya boy comin' 'atcha live from Spain again after another incredible week as a missionary of the one and only TRUE church on the planet. 😇😎 This week was definitely one of the better ones, and you'll be able to find out why if you seguir leyendo. 😏

Well, we obviously had a bomb district meeting in Lorca  on Tuesday. Our district is honestly the funniest district in the mission, maybe even the world haha. Of course, what isn't fun when me and Beckstrom are together? We ended with some ping pong and I'm proud to say I set T Beck down con cariño y con una muñeca bien caliente si sabéis lo que os digo (@braids). Life was good but I gotta admit, he's one of the better pongers I've faced. That was pretty much all I remember that day. We walked around a lot later that night and I took a solid selfie that I'll attach for you all to see. 😏

Wednesday. Wowzers! Wednesday my comp and I had a brilliant idea to go exploring for another pueblo like the one we went to that one day and found mini England. So this time it was the other direction so we get going and it's like 4:20 so we blazed up, literally. It was so hot! 😂😂 We were sweating and we get going on this trail and every step I take I regret more and more and I'm just like, "Oh my goodness! What are we thinking?". So we walked from about 4:20 til 5:20 on this trail and we come to a fork in the road and so we're like hmm.. so our map says to take the left way, so we do... about 15 mins after walking and there's no sign of literally anything, we turn around and go back to the fork and take the other way. 😂 I kid you not people, we literally were walking in Lake Powell but there wasn't any water. It was a huge empty river and rocks and people had made caves to live in on the rocks. It was super dope to be honest. We get going on this other road right? After maybe 10 mins, we end up at a railroad track that was about 40 feet above the ground on a bridge with holes everywhere. It was the sketchiest thing ever! No lie! It was super cool and a way pretty view though so vale la pena for sure, but we came to the conclusion that the pueblo we were looking for didn't exist so we decided to head on
down the line there. (Go back home) fun experience for sure. :)

Friday I had my last intercambios in the mission. 😪 Luckily God is good & so he let me do it with my best friend. :) Early Friday morning, Beckstrom & Casey come here to Huercal & we worked that morning and that afternoon together! Beck actually served here way back in super early 2016 and so he knows the area a decent amount and we ran into this 90 year old guy he used to teach when he was here. We talked to him for a while. Wow! He's old! 😳 Our plans for the afternoon failed us super hard so we just went with it, and then that night we balled out in some mad soccer together. It was a good time and we were both in the goal basically the whole night, and no I don't mean putting balls in the goal, I mean playing goalie cuz we're a lot more coordinated with the hands than the feet. 😂

Saturday something happened to me that hasn't ever happened to me in the past 2 years. It was way cool. :) We were just passing by people and I got this super random impression to go knock this random street of houses haha. So we went and the first 5 people didn't answer but then finally a girl named Ines answered and we started talking to her and we were like "do you think we could share our message with you?" Now, when you ask this question, you either get 1 of 3 things...
1. They say no and shut the door
2. They say yeah sure come by a different day, or, 
3. They don't answer and as they slowly shut the door while saying something that makes no sense and act like they have no control that the door is closing. 

Well, Ines pulled the wildcard and totally was like "yeah sure come right on in!" My compa and I looked at each other and we were like, "Wait! What the heck? What is going on I don't think you heard us right!" 😂 It was way cool though. Ines is a total homie. ☺️ She's 26 and from Columbia and married an older Spanish dude who doesn't care about anything which is super sad. I mean, they're married so she's gotta live with it. (Word of advice to the singles out there, marriage is a pretty big decision so choose wisely 😉) We taught her the restoration and she LOVED IT! We got talking a little about the Plan of Salvation and she was mind blown! She loved the fact that there is something after this life and that she could see her family again!! It was such an awesome experience and hopefully we can meet once or twice more with her because she's so cool! She's super busy though so we will see!!

Isabel (the 50 ish year old Spanish lady we found a couple weeks ago) came to church yesterday and she loved it. :) During intercambios, Ozzy and Casey went and taught her the Plan de Salvación and she accepted a baptismal date for July 1st!!! She said she's been super happy with the way she's been feeling recently when she's with us or at the
church or whatever and so she wants to keep doing it! We have a noche de hogar with some members in their house tomorrow night with Isabel so we will see how that goes we are really excited. :)

The work here is progressing better than it has in the past year and a half and the members are loving it, as well as us! It's been so cool to see the hand of the Lord every step of the way and I'm so excited to see what happens in these next 2 weeks!!! I love you all so much and hope you're doing phenomenal :) have a GREAT WEEK and you'll be hearing from ME in 7 😊😊😊 BYE 💰💰

Much love.
Doin Work,

Selfie  (look closely)


Me & the Ozman in an elevator 😎

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