Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, May 15, 2017

Week 90: Happy Mother's Day 😍


What a pleasure it is to be here once again writing you all an email. :) It feels like just yesterday that I was back in CΓ³rdoba writing emails with Elder Shields in a tiny bajo church, and now here I am nearly 21 months later writing you all an email from a tiny bajo church in Huercal-Overa 😭 I can't believe that.. I also can't believe I had MY LAST call back home yesterday!! What a sight it was to see my beautiful family and friends. πŸ˜πŸ’° Before I forget, I have to wish all the mamas out there, especially my mama, a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY YESTERDAY! Moms are the best! You're the best mom, and I can't wait to hug the crap out of you in that airport next month. :) Also, HUGE SHOUT OUT to the one and only LHAM cuz his birthday is TODAY! This stud turns 14 and I can't believe that... Happy Birthday home boy! I hope it was a good one. πŸ˜Ž & last but not least, G HAM's birthday is this Friday as well!! I hope it's a good one. I have a siiick present for you but the shipping said it doesn't get to SLC til June 15th. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for being my best friend and teaching me everything I know. :) Now here's my extremely long but fast week. πŸ˜›

SO MUCH TRAVELING!!! On Tuesday, we went to Lorca for District Meeting. It was a solid meeting. Our district is a 4 man district. Me, Beckstrom, Osguthorpe and Casey. Hands down the best district in the mission! Not really anyone talks during our meetings so it all just goes super smooth and it's just a good time. After that, we hit up 50's which is a sick American restaurant that looks like it's from the 50's. So much food and all so so good. Then after that T Beck and I  finally got to go on a mini split for the night cuz we were staying over because I had to catch a bus the next morning from Lorca. Sooo we hung out, talked to some muslims then we got ice cream later.

Wednesday morning, I caught my bus and hit up Fuengirola again because there was a meeting at the mission home for all of the district leaders in the mission 😊 I was a little salty about it at first but it was actually really good. I got to see Elder Erickson, Goates, Bodily, Ngatai, CHADDY wagon was there, and a few others. :) It was all good stuff. Then after we were all going to bed it was a solid pillow talk and we were all just laughing together and it was so much fun :) the meeting was awesome though and it really helped us! I wish I couldh have had a training like that when I got to the mission because I don't have much time to apply what I learned in the mish. 

Thursday was the worst! We got up extra early AGAIN. (3rd day in a row) went upstairs in the mission home and had some breakfast. Then we went down to the office where I was nicely greeted by a package from B Smitty - Gyad I love thyat! He sent me a GIANT MEGA DIAPER. So typical of him. And a very sexy tie, so thanks a lot Braidz and Boo of course too. 😘 Thennn I got on my bus to Granada and I got there at 1:45 and my next bus didn't leave til 6:45! 😭😭😭 So the ZLs there came and I went and hung out with them for a while and yeah it was boring but good times. Then I caught my bus back to Lorca and my boys came and picked me back up. :) We went home, made some cookies that sucked. They were way good thanks to Beckstrom and I and our baking skills #husbandus 😌 and that was that.

Then Friday we got a bus back to Huercal, came home, and then went out and worked. :) We had a lesson with Rocio, a girl from Ecuador. She's very nice, super shy and we don't think she's too interested pero vamos a ver. She's too nice to say no to us is what we're thinking haha. We also contacted this homie from Peru, Salvador. When I contacted him I asked him if he had talked with missionaries before? He said no so I explained that we teach people how to get closer to Jesus and get saved. He then said to come and visit him, I wanna get baptized (didn't really say that but just go with it). He was really great.

Saturday we caught a two hour bus to Murcia because we had another DL meeting. It was good though because I got to see Elder Garcia and Van Moos so I wasn't mad at all. We talked about goals for the zone and things we can do to help us all do better in our contacting.  Then we caught our bus back, got home, and got right to work. We passed by this lady who had actually contacted us early that week, and her name is Nieves, she's a suuuuuper nice Spanish lady who is like 60+ years old legit nicest lady ever haha. We talked to her in her doorway and we invited her to church and she was so excited and she said she would come. :) We also contacted this way cool girl named Cintia, she's from the Dominican Republic, and we're gonna meet with her this week so hopefully she starts to gain more interest. :) We mostly just passed by some people and that was that. We taught a dude naked Ramon as well, he's a good guy. He can't walk because he's got ulcers all over his legs and stuff so he has to wrap up his legs and it was just like aunt Jenny but not as bad and Jenny was better than him πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š but he's a good guy and he promised us he was gonna read the Book of Mormon!!

Sunday rolled around and we were hoping to have a decent turnout of people we had invited. We weren't really expecting one but we just wanted someone to come. Right before the meetings were about to start we went out to see if anyone was out there and Nieves got out of her car!! Oh my! My comp and I were so happy! She loved the meetings, she was singing all the hymns and she said she loved it. She even cried at one point because the spirit was so strong! She's so awesome and I'm so excited to see what happens with her :) I'll for sure keep ya updated. πŸ˜‰ Then of course my  FaceTime home was freakin' the bomb diggidy! 😍 I love you all so much and can't wait to see you all when I'm home 😊😊😊 seriously I was so blessed with all the people I have in my life and I'm so happy and excited to see you all. :)

That was the week! Usually after a call home I just write something short but I decided to mix it up. ;) I hope you all have a great week, I hope you're all doing fantastic and I hope to see you all real soon! πŸ’°πŸ˜‰ I love you guys!

Much love.
Si te vas, yo tambiΓ©n me voy,
E. T. B. Hammond πŸ’ƒπŸ»

🍦+ t beck = πŸ˜‹ 

District leader training. My boys Erickson, Goates and Ngatai and me lookin like Harry Potter πŸ€“

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