Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 76: Llámame Papito 😈💰 😈💰


WAAAZZZZUUPPPP! 😛 Oh my good golly gee! I hope you all understand how much I love & miss you all. I can't tell you all how much I appreciate all of your support that you've all given me. I loved getting birthday wishes from all of you and THANK YOU ALL FOR THE WISHES!! Being 20 feels the exact same as 19 did! The only thing different is that the only FULL YEAR of my life without seeing all you beautiful humans is over. 😊 I sure am looking forward to my 20th year of life. I've got big things in store and I'm looking forward to it. 💰😊 Before I begin my letter, I need to give a  HUGE S|O to my boy Elder B. C. ESMEEEEEF cuz he cumplirs 20 TODAY. I cant wait to see that maricón in less than 6 months. Happy birthday chaval. Make it a good one & I'll be seein you reeeeeeeeeeal soon. :) 


Alrightyyy well luckily this week was a little bit more productive than the last one! I'll hit some of the highlights:

THE BIG LIST - So we started this thing as a mission and it's called The Big List. And basically, it's a big list of names . :) As missionaries we go around to members' houses and we just ask them to tell us people they know and how they know them. We don't want anything but the names. Our goal is to try and get 100 names in 30 minutes. Later, we will create a spreadsheet of the names and ways that the members can introduce the people on this list to the gospel. We did it with our second counselor and his family and we got 50 names with them. It was our first time doing it so I was ok with that. The second time we did it was with our friend Lorena who invited us over a couple weeks ago and brought a new friend every day of the week.  😂 We knew that would be a success.. we got 100 names! It was awesome :) so now this week we are going to create the papers. Next week we will go back and plan with both of them on how we can get these people introduced to the gospel. 😊

We finally met with Leonor again! It had been 3 weeks since we last met because she was sick! She's been taught everything, so we decided it would be best to just go over everything again and clear up any doubts or questions she has. We went over the Restoration with her, and at the end, I asked her if she had prayed to know if this church really was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. She said that she had and she knew that it was. She then told me she knew the Book of Mormon was proof of that and that's how she had received her answer. She said she read a ton during the time we weren't able to meet and that she was so busy but she would wake up at 5 in the morning just to read it!! She still wants to get baptized, BUT LIVES WITH HER FREAKING BOYFRIEND STILL!!! It's so frustrating knowing how many blessing are waiting for her if she would just talk to him about her desire to follow God and Jesus Christ. I know that I shouldn't be frustrated, but it's hard not to be. 🙄 She's an amazing woman and I know she will be baptized some day, but it will be when she's truly ready and when God says so. :) PRAY FOR HER PLEASE PEOPLE. I love you :)

My birthday was great. 😊 We planned that morning, then after I went to Elder Frost's house (senior couple here in the office) for certified for the TRUE ORDER OF THE SHAVE. It was dope. The day was bound to be good cuz I got a call from my boys Elders Beckstrom & Childers wishing me happy bday. As much as I love them, their singing
skills need as much help as possible. 😬 But hey, it's the thought that counts. ❤😂 For medio dia, we went and ate with our ward mission leader and their 3 year old daughter caked me in the face. I let her do it, and she was so happy after! Hahaha!  It was hilarious. The cake was way good too. Then that night, we went to the office and Sister Frost made me a TEXAS SHEET CAKE WITH HOMEMADE FROSTING. Gyyaaaaaaad! I love that. It was so good.

We have transfers this week, but since I'm training I'll be staying with my same comp and same area for at least another 6 weeks! I'm hoping I finish my mission here in Fuen because I don't want to pack up again unless I'm headed back to the 801 hehe. We'll see tho. I'll keep y'all homies up to date. I hope you all have a GRAND WEEK AND THANKS AGAIN FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!! Also, happy anniversary to the greatest parents on earth on the 11th. I love you mom and dad! 😊 #goalsaf

Much Love.
Header Makin',
ELDER T Ham 💰🙌🏻


Elder Gómez 😛

Cool little city we found the other night. 

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