Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 75: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Chaaaanges & I'm 20 💰😱

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages,

Welcome to the week of Elder T Hammy! Another one bites the dust and it's been quite the week. It was full of intercambios, a worldwide mission conference & a whole lotta nothin! I don't have a ton to write, but let's get to itttt. 😊

Sooooo, Tuesday me and hijito (my companion Elder Bettridge) made our way out to Malaga for splits with the ZLs. I was really excited for this one because I was with Elder BERRY!!! He was my companion back in Almería about a year ago. :) It was so awesome to be with him again, we've both changed a lot and when we were together it was so much fun. I wanted to work on teaching in the streets, so we did our best to find some people in the street to teach! We found a couple of people and taught them and it was cool to work with Elder Berry again and see how much we've both grown and how much our Spanish has improved. We used to be some of the youngest but now we are literally the oldest 2 elders in our whole zone. 😂😂😂 That's so weird how fast time goes by. Good Ghandi.

Wednesday was the Missionary Conference! It was so  freaking awesome. We had one last January and I loved it. I was sooo excited for this one. :) This is where the first part of the subject comes into play, because they announced some changes to the life of a missionary! Starting now, we get a longer Pday (holla atcha boi). We will start planning in the morning which means that we will basically just get home at night and be able to just relax and they are letting us go to
bed as early as we want from when we get home haha. Then some other minor changes to the schedule and when things are done during the day! It was funny because as they were announcing the changes, they were doing it for like normal missions in the states. However, because we are in Spain, we knew that our schedule would be totally different so we weren't too interested in like the timing of everything because we knew our mission would be totally different. We were right. :) All in all it was a great conference. 😊

Other than that, not a whole lot. We played basketball on Friday with a recent convert and another member. They are from El Salvador. They were so good! It was fun. Bridget and Leonor were both sick this past week so neither of them could meet with us :( but Leonor's daughter Sara, who is like 9, and a member came to church. It had been a couple weeks since I had seen her and she sees me and just yells my name and gave me a huge smile! 😍😍😍 Awe man it was adorable! She's so cute!  I love her so much! :) We're planning on meeting with both of them this week so we can get back into the groove of things meeting regularly and what not.

I wish I had more to write to you guys, but I don't! I'm
sorry, but I promise next week will be better! Happy Super Bowl Sunday this week, Go Cardinals! (Name who said it and you win a prize from me) AND I'LL TALK TO YOU GUYS WHEN IM TWENTY YEARS OLD WUT. I love you all :)

Much love.
One year older and wiser too,
Elder Tanner Brady Hammond 💰😏😍💰

Splitz in a SKETCHY elevator

Mission Conference

Dope skies of Spain

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