Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week 71: Deja Vu 🏦

What's uppppp erry11111 :) 

Well wowzers! Time is going by so fast. MY week was a good one. Some ups, some downs, some grapes, some food, some talkin' in church, some training and some New Year. :) 

I'll start off with the ups. :) Monday night after we ended PDay, Elder Pearce and I taught our last lesson together to a new investigator named Bridget!! Ahh! She's awesome for sure. She's a referral from a less active in the ward. She came to the Christmas dinner a couple of weeks ago. She's from Columbia and lives in Spain with her sister but only has been here for about 2 months. She has 2 kids and has a desire to follow Christ. :) We talked about the Book of Mormon and we wanted to give her a copy but she says, "Oh! I already have one!" I asked he if she would read it and pray to know if it's true because that would be a good idea for sure. So she is going to read it. She wanted to come to church with us too so we went by her house yesterday buuuuut she was caught up with all the stuff for New Years (that was kinda the down of the week as well) but hopefully she comes this week! We are meeting with her again tonight so I'll letcha know how it goes! :) 

Training - Well, my new companions name is Elder Bettridge. He is from Hurricane, Utah! He's a good kid for sure! He's quiet, but you all know me and know I will break him out of his shell! 😏 I picked him up in Malaga on Wednesday, then we came and we were in meetings/devotionals/firesides with all the other brand new missionaries all night. The next morning they had an appointment for their residency so they did that while all of us trainers hung out in the office. I met a couple of new elders. One is named Elder Krummenacker or something like that. He is straight up one of the funniest people I've ever met. Also his trainee is from Draper, Elder Rembacz. He is a total homie!  They both slept over in our piso on Wednesday night it was a good time!

Food - We ate on Saturday night for New Year's Eve with our first counselor in the bishopric and his family. It was really fun and pretty good. We were with them from 8 until 10:45 ish and then we went back to the office and waited for the New Year to come. :) 

Grapes - Spanish tradition is the last 12 seconds of the year you get to eat a grape for every second. So the members we were with gave each of us 12 grapes and we spent the end of 2016 eating grapes! Me, Elder Bettridge, Elder Gomez and Elder Pesce were in the office and celebrated there. Elder Garrard and Elder Ohlund ditched us and went to their piso. But it was fun. I'm extremely excited for 2017! 😛😛😛

Talks in church - yesterday I started off the year with a killer talk in sacrament meeting :) I talked about the Light of Christ and how all of us can find it we just have to look for it. Everyone told me they loved my talk so I mean I guess it was the bomb.com right?

I watched a video that came out a couple of years ago talking about Abraham's wife. it was about how she dwelt on her past too much and when she looked back she turned into salt. Anyways, there was a scripture in the video and it was in Genesis 19 verse 17 and it's short, sweet, and simple: "Look not behind thee." Don't look back on the past. Remember the good times, yeah.. but don't worry about mistakes that were made or anything like that. Look forward to new things. 

A new year gives us the opportunity to start fresh and make the most of it. So don't look back, just look forward to bigger and better things and learn from the past. I look forward to seeing you guys in 2017! 😍

Have a great week and thank you all so much and I love you all :) 

Much love.
T Ham 🐲
Selfie cuz new year and only pic I got 😊

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